Hail example sentences

Related (9): storm, precipitation, ice, downpour, thunderstorm, hailstone, weather, hailstorm, pelting

"Hail" Example Sentences

1. The hail battered the windows and rooftops.
2. The hailstorm damaged many of the cars parked outside.
3. The car roof was covered in dents from the hailing.
4. The passengers hail down cabs waiting outside the airport.
5. He hailed her across the street.
6. The crowd hailed the victorious athletes as they marched in the parade.
7. They hailed him as a hero after his brave rescue efforts.
8. Hail fell the size of golf balls.
9. Hail the size of walnuts pummeled roofs and windows.
10. The soldiers hail their commanding officer as he passed.
11. She hailed from a small farming community in rural Texas.
12. The crops were decimated by the hail and freezing temperatures.
13. He hailed a taxi to take him to the airport.
14. The parade participants waved and hail the crowd lining the streets.
15. Hailstones dented the cars parked outside.
16. The dog hails his owner whenever he sees him.
17. Hail damaged the siding on many of the houses.
18. Standing up in the bus, he hailed his friend through the window.
19. They hailed him as their champion after he won the big game.
20. The children hail the ice cream truck as it drives down the street.
21. Hail the size of oranges fell from the sky.
22. The knight was hailed as a hero for rescuing the princess.
23. She hailed a ride from a passing motorist after her car broke down.
24. They hailed him the king of rock and roll.
25. The storm lasted only 20 minutes but left 10s of 1000s in damage from hail and high winds.
26. My neighbors spent much of the afternoon sweeping up hail from their driveway and yard.
27. The soldiers hailed their general as he drove past in his jeep.
28. The golfers hail a ride in a golf cart after finishing their round.
29. Hailing a cab in the city after the rain was nearly impossible.
30. Her performance was hailed as one of the best of the season.
31. The hailed snack vendors rushed to sell treats to the fans pouring into the stadium.
32. Tourists hailed horse-drawn carriages for sightseeing tours of the city.
33. The author was hailed as an important new voice in literature.
34. Hail the size of golf balls pummeled local farms, destroying crops.
35. The hailhailed his voice as he spoke, echoing through the valley.
36. Ice chunks the size of tennis balls hailed down around us.
37. Fans hailed their favorite baseball player as he went into the dugout.
38. The celebration was hailed as one of the biggest in the city's history.
39. He hailed from a family of farmers in rural Iowa.
40. The softball coach hailed her star player for hitting the game-winning home run.
41. Hail the conquering hero comes! shouted the crowd.
42. The supportive family hailed their daughter as she graduated from medical school.
43. Hailhailed down on the parade, forcing people to seek shelter.
44. His family hailed his return from the war a miracle.
45. Hail bounced off the tin roof creating an intense racket.
46. Tourists hailed the camel drivers at the pyramid's base.
47. The play was hailed as Shakespeare at his very best.
48. The comedians hailed each other as they finished their successful tour.
49. The crowd hailed the soldiers as they marched past in formation.
50. A taxi hailed to a stop in front of them.
51. Hail seemed to herald the coming of spring.
52. The sculpture was hailed as an instant classic.
53. The movie was hailed as an instant Oscar contender.
54. Hail came slanted down like bullets from a machine gun.
55. Supporters hailed the new progressive policies.
56. They hailed their new leader with great fanfare.
57. I hailed the dog down the street, but he ignored me.
58. The author's new book was hailed as a instant bestseller.
59. The scientists were hailed as heroes for their discovery.
60. Fans hailed their victory as one for the ages.

Common Phases

Hail and farewell
Hail fellow well met
Hail Mary pass
Hail of bullets/gunfire/etc.
A hailstorm of complaints/criticism/etc.
Hailstorm of (something bad)
Hail the conquering hero
Hail to the chief
Size of hailstones
Hail, Caesar!
All hail (something)
Hail from (somewhere)
Green fields of - hail the conquering hero comes
Hail Mary
Hail and hearty
Hailstorm of abuse
Hailstorm of criticism
Hail from (place)
Hailstorm of bullets
Hail and farewell
Hail Caesar!
Hail fellow well met
Hail Mary pass
Hail to the chief

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