Advised example sentences

Related (10): counseled, recommended, suggested, proposed, urged, cautioned, apprised, notified, forewarned, instructed



advised (adjective)

  - behaving as someone, especially the speaker, would recommend; sensible; wise:



advised (past tense) · advised (past participle)

  - offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone:

  - recommend (something):

  - inform (someone) about a fact or situation in a formal or official way:


wise, prudent, sensible, unwise, counsel, guide, direct, instruct, illuminate, educate, advocate, suggest, recommend, commend, urge, admonish, bid, encourage, enjoin, endorse, champion, back, support, promote, prompt, inform, notify, apprise, brief, warn, forewarn

"Advised" Example Sentences

1. My doctor advised me to eat a healthier diet and exercise more regularly.
2. The lawyer advised his client not to speak to the police without legal representation.
3. I advised her to be patient and give the situation some more time before making any rash decisions.
4. The mechanic advised that I needed to replace several worn parts on my car.
5. My financial adviser recommended holding onto my shares for now and advised against selling.
6. The doctor advised avoiding strenuous exercise for at least a week to allow my injury to fully heal.
7. The tutor advised the student to practice writing example essays to improve her writing skills.
8. The teacher advised the students to study and prepare thoroughly for the upcoming exam.
9. The coach advised the players to stay hydrated and rest on the day before the big game.
10. My parents advised me to start saving money early for my retirement.
11. My supervisor advised me to work on improving my communication and listening skills.
12. The camping guide advised carrying extra water and matches in case of emergency.
13. The expert travel adviser recommended which tourist attractions were a must see.
14. The counselor advised sitting down and talking through my issues with my spouse.
15. My boss advised focusing my energy on the most important projects first.
16. The professor advised the struggling student to form a study group to go over the material.
17. We advised booking accommodation well in advance to avoid disappointment.
18. The newspaper article advised readers to take precautions against identity theft.
19. I advised calling pest control to deal with the rodent infestation.
20. The manual advised checking all connections before switching the machine on.
21. The career counselor advised finding an internship to gain experience in my chosen field.
22. My spiritual adviser recommended spending more time in prayer and meditation.
23. My parents have always advised me to follow my dreams and passions.
24. The headhunter advised updating my resumé and online profiles to attract more prospective employers.
25. The nutritionist advised cutting out refined sugar and eating more whole foods.
26. We advised him to try speaking to his girlfriend calmly about his concerns.
27. The consultant advised streamlining inefficient business processes to save costs.
28. The elders advised the young warrior to be patient and choose his battles wisely.
29. The veterinarian advised giving the dog a special diet to manage his allergies.
30. The accountant advised filing my taxes as soon as possible to get the largest refund.
31. My mentor advised focusing on self-improvement instead of competing with others.
32. The realtor advised getting an independent home inspection before making an offer.
33. I advised calling the insurance company right away to report the damage from the storm.
34. The health and safety adviser recommended wearing protective equipment at all times.
35. The experienced chef advised tasting the sauce regularly while cooking to adjust the seasonings.
36. The leadership coach advised trying to understand others' perspectives before responding.
37. The wilderness guide advised carrying a compass, flashlight and survival knife at all times.
38. The teacher's aide advised students to ask questions if they did not understand a concept.
39. The church deacon advised showing more love, kindness and patience with others.
40. My horoscope advised keeping an open mind and listening to new ideas.
41. The career coach advised gaining as much experience as possible early in my career.
42. The life coach advised keeping a gratitude journal to maintain a positive outlook.
43. Thehr adviser recommended several ways to negotiate for a higher starting salary.
44. Our travel agent advised booking excursions in advance to avoid long waits.
45. The engineer advised conducting structural tests on the old building before renovations.
46. My dermatologist advised applying sunscreen every day, even during winter months.
47. The investment adviser warned against putting all of my savings into one company's stock.
48. The doctor advised taking pain medication before the procedure to manage any discomfort.
49. The elders advised practicing meditation to gain inner peace and wisdom.
50. My aunt advised saving money for a "rainy day" fund in case of emergencies.
51. He advised avoiding confrontational language to deescalate the argument.
52. The pilot advised making an emergency landing due to mechanical issues with the plane.
53. The foreman advised using protective eyewear when operating power tools.
54. I advised calling the police to report the suspicious activity.
55. The professor advised doing further research to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.
56. The wise woman advised following my instincts and listening to my heart above all else.
57. The therapist advised keeping a record of my feelings and thoughts to gain insights.
58. The woman's family advised her against moving in with her boyfriend so quickly.
59. The sailing instructor advised checking the weather report before setting out to sea.
60. My attorney advised taking notes during all meetings and conversations with the defendant.

Common Phases

1. I was advised not to go near the lake after dark.
2. My doctor advised me to exercise more and eat a healthier diet.
3. The instructor advised us to review our notes from the previous class.
4. My lawyer advised me not to speak to the police without her present.
5. The store owner advised us that the product was no longer in stock.
6. The airline advised passengers to arrive at least two hours before their flight.
7. My parents advised me against quitting my job without another one lined up.
8. The weather service advised drivers to use caution due to icy road conditions.
9. The website advised against sharing personal information with strangers.
10. OSHA advised all employees to wear protective equipment while on the job site.
11. The financial advisor advised putting more money into safer, lower-yield investments.
12. My mentor advised patience and persistence in pursuing my goals.
13. The tour guide advised booking tickets for shows well in advance.
14. The nutritionist advised eating more fruits and vegetables and less fatty foods.
15. The doctor advised waiting a few days to see if the symptoms improved on their own.
16. The camp counselor advised keeping an eye on our valuables to avoid theft.
17. The park ranger advised staying on marked hiking trails for our own safety.
18. The homeowners association advised cutting down dead trees on our property promptly.
19. My parents strongly advised against quitting college to pursue my music career.
20. The journalist advised contacting a lawyer before speaking to government investigators.
21. My boss advised me to improve my time management and organization skills.
22. Our handyman advised calling a professional plumber for the leaky pipe issue.
23. The mechanic advised replacing the tires sooner rather than later due to their wear.
24. My accountant advised filing an extension to have time to gather all necessary documents.
25. OSHA advised minimizing regular exposure to loud noise to avoid hearing loss.
26. The electrical engineer advised upgrading the wiring to meet current safety codes.
27. The customer service representative advised checking if our credit card was stolen or lost.
28. Human resources advised all staff members to retake the sexual harassment training course.
29. Customs advised checking local laws regarding importing restricted items.
30. Friends advised seeking counseling after the traumatic event.
31. Experts advised regular exercise and a healthy diet for lowering blood pressure.
32. Neighbors advised removing debris and overgrown plants from our yard for fire safety.
33. Car insurance companies advise keeping an emergency kit in your vehicle.
34. WebMD advised seeking immediate medical attention for severe symptoms.
35. Parents strongly advised against underage drinking and using illegal drugs.
36. My attorney advised pleading the Fifth Amendment in my deposition.
37. The foreman advised wearing steel-toed boots on the construction site.
38. The librarian advised consulting multiple sources for research credibility.
39. The senator advised voting according to my conscience and principled values.
40. Elders advised practicing patience, kindness and generosity towards others.
41. The bodyguard advised against making sudden movements around the VIP.
42. The commanding officer advised developing a survival plan for emergencies.
43. Evacuation notices advised taking only essential items and cash with you.
44. Firefighters advised maintaining defensible space around homes in high fire risk areas.
45. Parents advised keeping matches and lighters out of reach of small children.
46. The coach advised working on our weaknesses during training sessions.
47. Psychologists advised listening attentively and validating others' feelings.
48. Foreign travel advisories advised avoiding any political demonstrations.
49. Consumer alerts advised checking product labels for allergy warnings.
50. AAA roadside assistance advised keeping jumper cables, flares and water in our vehicles.
51. The veterinarian advised a wait-and-see approach for mild symptoms in pets.
52. The hotel staff advised securing valuables in our room safes.
53. Yelp reviewers advised calling ahead for reservations at popular restaurants.
54. Teachers advised checking assignments carefully before submission.
55. News reports advised avoiding certain neighborhoods after dark.
56. Pollen forecasts advised limiting outdoor activity for allergy sufferers.
57. Building inspectors advised repairing structural issues promptly.
58. Sales associates advised purchasing warranties and extended service plans.
59. Elderly relatives advised setting up automatic bill payments and legal documents.
60. Tour operators advised hiring only licensed, insured tour guides.

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