Unwise example sentences

Related (5): Risky, imprudent, ill-advised, thoughtless, careless.

"Unwise" Example Sentences

1. It would be unwise to invest all your money in one stock.
2. The chief advised him against it, saying that it would be an unwise decision.
3. His refusal to wear a seatbelt was unwise and dangerous.
4. The drunk driver made the unwise decision to get behind the wheel.
5. It was unwise of him to provoke the angry crowd.
6. The police warned him that antagonizing his neighbor would be unwise.
7. Running through a field of poison ivy was an unwise idea.
8. Picking that fight would be ill-advised and very unwise.
9. It is unwise to go hiking during a lightning storm.
10. Dancing on the edge of the roof was an extremely unwise thing to do.
11. Going out alone at night in this neighborhood would be incredibly unwise.
12. Staying up all night partying before an important exam was a very unwise move.
13. Publishing that private information would be an extremely unwise and unethical decision.
14. Drinking excessively on an empty stomach was an unwise choice.
15. Swimming across that river would be a foolish and unwise endeavor.
16. The doctor advised against such strenuous exercise, saying it would be unwise.
17. Making threatening phone calls to strangers would be an unwise and illegal activity.
18. Failing to evacuate during a hurricane warning would be an unwise decision.
19. Challenging that angry bull was an extremely unwise thing to do.
20. Not checking references before hiring that employee turned out to be an unwise decision.
21. Telling lie after lie only dug him into a deeper hole; it was definitely an unwise strategy.
22. Skipping class would be an unwise choice that could affect your academic performance.
23. Practicing a dangerous hobby without proper safety precautions would be exceedingly unwise.
24. Arguing with the referee would be both futile and unwise.
25. Insulting one's boss at the office Christmas party would likely be both ill-advised and unwise.
26. Mocking an armed robber during a holdup would obviously be a very unwise thing to do.
27. Making large purchases on a whim without research would generally be considered an unwise decision.
28. Offering unsolicited criticism and advice to sensitive people is often considered unwise.
29. Relying solely on luck for success would be an unwise strategy.
30. Not wearing protective gear while engaging in extreme sports would be an unwise decision.
31. Acting without thinking through the possible consequences of one's actions is often considered unwise.
32. Venturing deep into the forest alone at night would be an unwise and dangerous thing to do.
33. Consuming unknown substances found on the ground would obviously be an unwise decision.
34. Starting a fist fight would likely be both unwise and illegal.
35. Making public comments that could embarrass one's employer would generally be considered unwise.
36. Not saving for retirement would be an unwise financial decision.
37. Quitting one's job without another offer in hand would likely be considered an unwise choice.
38. Posting sensitive personal information on social media would be an unwise choice.
39. Giving unsolicited advice to strangers is often considered rude and unwise.
40. Refusing helpful medical advice would be considered an unwise decision.
41. Sleeping with the enemy would certainly be an unwise military strategy.
42. Taunting a dangerous animal would obviously be considered unwise.
43. Gambling one's life savings would likely be considered an unwise financial decision.
44. Reminding one's spouse of past mistakes is generally considered unwise and impolite.
45. Not studying for an important test would likely be considered an unwise decision.
46. Discussing politics and religion at a dinner party is generally considered unwise.
47. Taking shortcuts in an important project would likely be considered an unwise and sloppy practice.
48. Withholding crucial information from authorities would likely be considered both unwise and unethical.
49. Spreading unsubstantiated rumors would generally be considered an unwise activity.
50. Neglecting to read the terms and conditions of a contract would likely be considered an unwise oversight.
51. Spilling secrets entrusted in confidence would generally be considered both unwise and disloyal.
52. Sleeping through an important meeting would likely be considered an unwise and unprofessional move.
53. Making impulse purchases without considering the long-term consequences would generally be considered an unwise practice.
54. Breaking traffic laws would likely be considered an unwise and illegal activity.
55. Skipping important safety precautions would generally be considered an unwise and dangerous practice.
56. Needlessly upsetting sensitive people would typically be considered both unwise and impolite.
57. Withholding crucial information from authorities would likely be considered both unwise and unethical.
58. Developing unhealthy habits would likely be considered an unwise life choice.
59. Refusing a flu shot would generally be considered an unwise health decision.
60. Intentionally harming others would obviously be considered both unwise and unethical.

Common Phases

1. It would be unwise to venture into the forest at night.
2. My friends urged me not to quit my job, but I thought I knew better - it was an unwise decision.
3. The doctor warned me that eating greasy food everyday would be unhealthy and unwise.
4. Going outside without a coat in this cold weather would be unwise.
5. The consultant advised against taking such a risky investment, calling it financially unwise.
6. The soldier knew it would be unwise to charge into battle without backup.
7. Making too many financial commitments before securing a stable job would be unwise.
8. Moving to a foreign country without knowing the language would be an unwise choice.
9. Driving too fast on icy roads would be an unwise and dangerous decision.
10. They considered selling the family heirlooms but decided it would be financially unwise.
11. It would be unwise to loan money to that friend - they have a history of not repaying debts.
12. Not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle would be an unwise and risky decision.
13. The teacher called on her student to answer the question, but he remained silent - an unwise move.
14. Entering a political debate on social media would be an unwise use of my time, I thought to myself.
15. Ignoring the warning signs would be an unwise course of action, the detective told his partner.
16. The politician's unwise remarks about his opponent cost him dearly in the next election.
17. Going online and complaining about your boss would be an unwise career move, my friend cautioned.
18. Traveling to that dangerous region without proper insurance would be unwise, the travel agent said.
19. Rushing into an important decision without thoroughly researching your options would be unwise.
20. Neglecting regular oil changes and tune-ups proved to be an unwise way to save money on my car.
21. Her unwise financial decisions left her deeply in debt and struggling to make ends meet.
22. The old proverb warns that pride comes before a fall, so remain humble - it is the wisest course.
23. Criticizing your supervisor publicly on social media would be an ill-considered and unwise move.
24. Making major life changes on impulse tends to lead to regret; take time to reflect before acting.
25. I should have listened to my friends and family who warned me not to quit my stable job - it was an unwise move.
26. Most experts agree that attempting to time the stock market is a futile and unwise strategy for individual investors.
27. His unwise comments about a sensitive political issue created a public relations nightmare for the company.
28. The doctor cautioned her patient against continuing such an unhealthy lifestyle, calling it medically unwise.
29. Making sudden changes to an investment portfolio based on market panic tends to be financially unwise.
30. The monk advised that ceasing sensory desires and carnal longings is the wisest path, while indulging them is unwise.
31. The coach warned his hotheaded player against retaliating against the referee - it would be an unwise and costly move.
32. Not preparing properly for the interview would be an unwise and ill-advised decision, he thought to himself.
33. Authorities warned residents not to return to their flood-damaged homes, calling it extremely unwise and dangerous.
34. Speaking hastily and without thinking tends to lead to regret; it is often wiser to pause and reflect before speaking.
35. Entering a war of words with a stranger on the internet would be an unwise and unproductive use of my time.
36. Confronting the angry customer without management present would be an ill-advised and unwise career move.
37. Going on that backpacking trip during hurricane season would be an unwise decision, her parents cautioned.
38. Failing to properly research and understand the terms of a complex contract proved to be an unwise and costly mistake.
39. Not preparing adequate reserves for unforeseen expenses proved to be an unwise and financially risky strategy.
40.Investing one's life savings in a get-rich-quick scheme almost always ends in disappointment and proves unwise.
41. Her unwise comments about a sensitive political issue quickly went viral and made headlines around the world.
42. The old sage wisely cautioned the prince against acting out of anger and haste, calling such actions unwise and ill-considered.
43. The doctor warned his impatient client against discontinuing antibiotic treatment early, calling it medically unwise and potentially dangerous.
44. Traveling to dangerous places alone and without proper insurance tends to be unwise and potentially life-threatening.
45. Going on an expensive vacation during an economic downturn would be an unwise and ill-timed decision, the financial adviser warned.
46. Making major financial decisions based on emotion rather than logic tends to lead to regret and proves unwise in the long run.
47. Entering into a legal contract without thoroughly reading and understanding the fine print is almost always unwise and potentially costly.
48. Engaging in heated political debates online almost never changes anyone's mind and tends to be an unwise use of one's time.
49. The experienced climber cautioned his inexperienced partner against attempting that dangerous route, calling it unwise and extremely risky.
50. Not thoroughly researching all one's options before making an important decision tends to lead to regret and proves unwise.
51. His unwise and hurtful remarks about a sensitive social issue swiftly cost him his job and reputation.
52. The wise old sage warned his young acolyte against rash behavior and unwise decisions, counseling patience and prudence instead.
53. Following the crowd and joining unwise group behavior often leads to regret; it is often wiser to think and act independently.
54. Signing a legal contract without thoroughly reading and understanding the terms almost always proves unwise and potentially costly.
55. The experienced investor cautioned the novice against trying to time the volatile stock market, calling it a futile and unwise strategy.
56. Neglecting to properly maintain one's health often leads to more serious health problems down the line; it is an unwise course of action.
57. The mentor gently but firmly criticized his mentee's unwise career choices, counseling a more cautious and considered approach going forward.
58. Venturing forth into danger without proper preparation and backup would be foolhardy and unwise, the wise old knight warned.
59. Taking on too much work without being able to properly complete current tasks tends to create problems and proves to be an unwise strategy.
60. His unwise financial decisions left him deeply in debt and struggling to make ends meet.

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