African example sentences

Related (10): continent, culture, wildlife, safari, cuisine, tribal, music, literature, art, history

"African" Example Sentences

1. I really want to travel to an African country someday.
2. African elephants are the largest land animals in the world.
3. I love listening to African music, especially the traditional drumming.
4. The African continent is home to a wide variety of wildlife.
5. My friend adopted an African grey parrot as a pet.
6. The Maasai people are an African ethnic group known for their distinctive clothing and jewelry.
7. I recently read a novel about an African American family living in the 1950s.
8. I tried African cuisine for the first time last week and it was delicious.
9. African masks are often used in traditional ceremonies and rituals.
10. The African savannah is a vast grassland ecosystem that is home to many different species of animals.
11. I'm always amazed by the intricate patterns and colors in African textiles.
12. The Nile River is the longest river in Africa, and one of the longest in the world.
13. Many African countries struggle with poverty and lack of access to basic resources.
14. The African wild dog, also known as the painted dog, is a critically endangered species.
15. The African baobab tree can live for thousands of years and is often called the "tree of life".
16. Several African countries have made significant progress in reducing HIV/AIDS rates.
17. I admire the resilience and strength of many African women who face significant obstacles in their lives.
18. The African violet is a popular houseplant known for its vibrant flowers.
19. The Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is a popular destination for tourists seeking an African safari experience.
20. The African penguin, also known as the jackass penguin, is native to the coast of South Africa.
21. Many prominent Black leaders, like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr., were of African descent.
22. African bees, also known as killer bees, are known for their aggressive behavior.
23. Some African cultures believe in the power of the ancestor spirits and use them in their religious practices.
24. South Africa is known for its many wineries that produce world-renowned African wines.
25. The African leopard is a skilled hunter and can climb trees to escape danger.
26. The Afromontane forests of Africa are home to many unique and endangered plant species.
27. The African Union is a continental organization made up of 55 member states across the African continent.
28. African tribal art is often characterized by its complex designs and use of natural materials.
29. Many African American musicians have made significant contributions to the music industry, including jazz and hip hop.
30. The African golden cat is a rarely seen wild cat that is native to the forests of West and Central Africa.

Common Phases

1. African cuisine is so tasty; it's known for its bold and spicy flavors.
2. African art is truly unique; it often incorporates bright colors and intricate patterns.
3. African music is diverse and rich; each region has its own distinct style and instruments.
4. African wildlife is breathtaking; you can see everything from lions and elephants to giraffes and zebras.
5. African folklore is fascinating; it often includes stories of animals and nature spirits.
6. African history is complex and varied; it includes powerful empires like Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.
7. African fashion is colorful and vibrant; it's often inspired by traditional textile techniques.
8. African languages are diverse and beautiful; there are over 2,000 different languages spoken across the continent.

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