Agilest example sentences

Related (6): agile, agility, agileness, agilize, agilizing, agilest

"Agilest" Example Sentences

1. He was the agilest of the runners in the race.
2. Her agilest moves on the dance floor stunned the crowd.
3. His agilest reflexes saved him from serious injury.
4. The agilest of the cats easily jumped onto the highest shelf.
5. She demonstrated her agilest skills in the martial arts tournament.
6. His agilest punches were too much for his opponent to handle.
7. The agilest of the climbers reached the summit in record time.
8. His agilest maneuvers on the skateboard made him a favorite with the crowd.
9. Agilest of all the gymnasts, she won the gold medal.
10. His agilest reflexes made him an excellent goalie.
11. She was the agilest of all the competitors in the race.
12. The agilest of the squirrels was able to climb the tree with ease.
13. Her agilest moves in the hockey game earned her the MVP award.
14. His agilest footwork was the envy of his soccer teammates.
15. Agilest of all the dancers, she won the competition.
16. The agilest of the competitors finished the course in record time.
17. His agilest moves on the basketball court earned him a scholarship.
18. She was the agilest of the skiers on the mountain.
19. Agilest of all the competitors, he won the championship.
20. The agilest of the athletes completed the course in the fastest time.
21. His agilest moves on the ice made him the most popular figure skater.
22. Agilest of all the runners, she crossed the finish line first.
23. The agilest of the climbers made it to the top of the mountain in no time.
24. His agilest reflexes allowed him to dodge the enemy's attacks.
25. Agilest of all the athletes, she won the most medals.
26. The agilest of the horses easily won the race.
27. His agilest moves on the court made him a star player.
28. She was the agilest of the dancers in the recital.
29. Agilest of all the competitors, he was the one to beat.
30. The agilest of the cyclists easily won the race.
31. His agilest reflexes allowed him to catch the ball before it hit the ground.
32. Agilest of all the swimmers, she broke the world record.
33. The agilest of the runners finished the marathon in record time.
34. His agilest moves in the martial arts tournament earned him the championship.
35. Agilest of all the athletes, she was the one to watch.
36. The agilest of the climbers scaled the wall without any equipment.
37. His agilest reflexes made him a great goalie.
38. She was the agilest of the competitors in the ski race.
39. Agilest of all the gymnasts, she won the gold medal.
40. The agilest of the dancers wowed the crowd with her performance.

Common Phases

Iterative Development; Continuous Integration; Test-Driven Development; Refactoring; Automated Testing; User Stories; Pair Programming; Incremental Delivery; Collaborative Environment;

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