Agony example sentences

Related (9): pain, suffering, torment, anguish, misery, affliction, throe, distress, excruciation.

"Agony" Example Sentences

1. She writhed in agony.
2. The agony of the injury was unbearable.
3. His face twisted in agony.
4. I watched her suffer in agony.
5. The lingering agony of the disease eventually took his life.
6. The agony aunt gave helpful advice to the problem letters.
7. The agony of waiting for news felt like an eternity.
8. I tossed and turned in agony all night.
9. The agony of loss leaves an empty hole in your heart.
10. The wounded soldier lay in agony on the battlefield.
11. Her hands clenched in agony.
12. He suffered the agony of defeat.
13. The patient's agony was clearly visible on her face.
14. The sheer agony of defeat drove him to train even harder.
15. She lived in the agony of uncertainty.
16. The drawn-out agony of the illness was unbearable.
17. The long labor ended in the sweet agony of childbirth.
18. The decision caused me great mental agony.
19. His cries of agony pierced the night.
20. The agony of war knows no bounds.
21. She suffered in silent agony.
22. The surgery would cause her great agony.
23. The greatest agony is to love someone you cannot have.
24. The slow recovery was filled with agony.
25. They lived in constant agony fearing attack.
26. To see another suffer is its own agony.
27. The painful decision caused her much agony.
28. He silently endured years of agony.
29. We watched helplessly in agony.
30. Her face showed the agony of betrayal.
31. He recounted the agony of the torture.
32. I tossed in agony unable to sleep.
33. It was agony waiting for the results.
34. The loss brought unceasing agony.
35. The slow agony of starvation took them one by one.
36. The agony of loss shaped her for years to come.
37. The guilt and agony nearly destroyed him.
38. She threw back her head in agony.
39. His body convulsed with agony.
40. The agony aunt's advice calmed her anxious mind.
41. She wept in agony at his betrayal.
42. Stand firm in the agony of uncertainty.
43. Her whole being seemed consumed by agony.
44. The sight of his agony brought me to tears.
45. The cat yowled in agony.
46. The mind can become an instrument of agony.
47. The long wait caused her extreme mental agony.
48. The war raged on bringing agony to many families.
49. They faced the agony of loss together.
50. The wound drained and festered causing him great agony.
51. His hands clutched his head in agony.
52. The surgery would cause her months of agony.
53. The condemned man faced his agony with courage.
54. The drawn-out diagnosis was an agony in itself.
55. He thrashed about in agony.
56. The long illness took its slow agony on their finances as well.
57. The rejected lover lived in agony.
58. The stock market crash caused much agony and loss.
59. She endured the agony in stoic silence.
60. Her anguished cries conveyed the depth of her agony.

Common Phases

1. agony of defeat
2. agony of loss
3. agony aunt
4. writhe in agony
5. endure agony
6. live in agony
7. suffer agony
8. silent agony
9. mental agony
10. be in agony
11. face agony
12. cause agony
13. prolong agony
14. throes of agony
15. world of agony
16. pangs of agony
17. spend years in agony
18. agony of uncertainty
19. agony of waiting
20. torments of agony

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