Alienate example sentences

Related (7): isolate, distance, estrange, detach, disenchant, disaffect, disengage

"Alienate" Example Sentences

1. His rude behavior tends to alienate others.
2. Her unpopular views alienated many of her former friends.
3. The new policies have served to further alienate the minority community.
4. The CEO's arrogant manner alienated potential investors.
5. His eccentricities gradually alienated him from his peers.
6. Her condescending tone alienated the audience.
7. The reforms alienated large segments of the population.
8. His snobbish attitude alienated potential allies.
9. The government's controversial actions have alienated many of its supporters.
10. The rule changes alienated some of the team's longest-serving players.
11. His high-handed behavior alienated his subordinates.
12. The company's aggressive cost-cutting measures alienated employees.
13. His harsh language tended to alienate rather than persuade others.
14. The author's cynical tone served to alienate readers.
15. The policies have done little but alienate the working class.
16. His rudeness quickly alienated the party guests.
17. The layoffs have alienated many loyal employees.
18. Her indifference alienated those seeking support.
19. The company's unethical practices have steadily alienated customers.
20. Her secrecy and aloofness alienated members of her family.
21. Their partisan attacks have alienated moderate voters.
22. The distant parenting style tended to alienate the children.
23. His self-centeredness alienated potential friends.
24. The legislator's unusual views alienated many of his traditional supporters.
25. The law changes alienated a sizable minority.
26. Her nonconformist views increasingly alienated her neighbors.
27. The tax increase proposals alienated most voters.
28. His combative manner tended to alienate potential allies.
29. The new religion doctrine served to further alienate dissenters.
30. His criticisms mostly served to alienate those he was trying to convince.
31. The remarks alienated many of his most loyal followers.
32. The policy changes alienated both students and faculty.
33. His controversial public statements have increasingly alienated his supporters.
34. The unethical business practices alienated long-term customers and investors.
35. Her controversial political views have increasingly alienated her from family and friends.
36. The company's heartless downsizing measures served only to further alienate workers.
37. The disparaging remarks served only to alienate the very people he was trying to persuade.
38. The oppressive government policies have served only to further alienate the people.
39. His abrasive personality tended to alienate potential allies.
40. Her accusatory tone only served to further alienate those she blamed.
41. The author's cynical views served to alienate readers.
42. The newly-imposed taxes quickly alienated voters.
43. His secrecy and reluctance to communicate have served to further alienate his family.
44. The policy changes alienated workers and management alike.
45. His arrogant grandstanding only served to further alienate the audience.
46. The changes to industry regulations further alienated small businesses.
47. The unreasonable demands quickly alienated potential partners.
48. His unlikeable personality has served only to further alienate potential friends.
49. The reforms have done little more than alienate the people they were intended to help.
50. Her distant parenting style has served only to further alienate her children.
60. The controversial policies have alienated citizens around the world.

Common Phases

1. His negative attitude alienated his coworkers.
2. The company's decision to lay off half its workforce alienated loyal customers.
3. His harsh words served only to further alienate his son.
4. The fringe beliefs on his blog quickly began to alienate his readership.
5. She had tried so hard not to alienate her parents but they no longer understood her.
6. Her blunt honesty often alienated potential friends.
7. The closed-minded views expressed in the newsletter quickly began to alienate subscribers.
8. The new policies have served to alienate many of the organization's longtime supporters.
9. The constantly critical tone of the blog posts has started to alienate readers.
10. His anger seems to only alienate the very people he is trying to help.
11. The changes to the program risk alienating long-time donors.
12. Their differing values threatened to alienate the young couple.
13. His condescending attitude alienated potential customers.
14. Her disregard for others quickly began to alienate her coworkers.
15. The reforms risk alienating workers who feel left behind.
16. The more he told her what to do, the more he alienated her.
17. I worry that my political views will alienate my friends and family.
18. His cold and clinical manner served only to alienate his patients.
19. The satire in her column alienated potential supporters.
20. His closed-minded views serve only to alienate those he is trying to convert.
21. Their relationship became increasingly strained as they began to alienate one another.
22. His smug, self-satisfied attitude quickly began to alienate his colleagues.
23. The harsh new policies threaten to alienate many long-term customers.
24. The comments on social media served only to further alienate her.
25. The new procedures risk alienating valued employees.
26. Their differing backgrounds and values threatened to alienate the young couple.
27. His lack of empathy served to alienate potential supporters.
28. The authoritarian management style quickly began to alienate employees.
29. The political party's increasingly radical platform served only to further alienate voters.
30. Her rigid, inflexible attitude alienated potential allies.
31. The writer's offbeat sense of humor alienated most readers.
32. His strict rules threatened to alienate his teenage son.
33. His brusque, rude manner quickly alienated potential clients.
34. The controversial policies risk alienating long-time donors and supporters.
35. Her disregard for others' feelings quickly began to alienate coworkers.
36. His snarky comments on social media served only to further alienate readers.
37. Stricter immigration policies threaten to alienate the Hispanic community.
38. Her arrogant attitude quickly began to alienate colleagues.
39. The new laws risk alienating citizens who feel left behind.
40. His dismissive attitude quickly began to alienate coworkers.
41. The harsh criticisms served only to further alienate the child.
42. Their differing backgrounds and goals threatened to alienate the young couple.
43. His extreme political views began to alienate family and friends.
44. The unconventional humor alienated much of the audience.
45. The insensitive remarks served only to further alienate his daughter.
46. The organisation's harsh policies threaten to alienate valued staff members.
47. His narrow perspective alienated would-be allies.
48. The cold, impersonal manner quickly began to alienate customers.
49. The provocative comics quickly began to alienate readers.
50. The snobbish attitudes quickly alienated potential new members.
51. His confrontational manner alienated potential supporters.
52. Her biting sarcasm quickly began to alienate coworkers.
53. The group's extreme positions often served to alienate potential members.
54. The strict rules threaten to alienate her teenage daughter.
55. His prejudice quickly began to alienate coworkers.
56. The company's disregard for the environment threatens to alienate customers.
57. The author's lack of empathy served to alienate readers.
58. His arrogant attitude quickly began to alienate potential clients.
59. The company's disregard for workers threatens to alienate loyal customers.
60. The unsympathetic interview style quickly began to alienate potential sources.

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