Allegorical example sentences

Related (8): Symbolic, metaphorical, figurative, representative, emblematic, evocative, suggestive, allusive.

"Allegorical" Example Sentences

1. The book, "Animal Farm," is an allegorical tale about the Russian Revolution.
2. The artist created an allegorical painting to represent the cycle of life.
3. The movie "The Matrix" can be interpreted as an allegorical representation of humanity's struggle against technology.
4. The literary device of allegory allows for a deeper exploration of themes.
5. The allegorical meaning of the fairy tale "Cinderella" can be interpreted as a commentary on social mobility and class divisions.
6. The allegorical figure of the grim reaper is often depicted wielding a scythe to represent the inevitability of death.
7. The allegorical novel "The Pilgrim's Progress" explores the Christian journey towards salvation.
8. The statue of Lady Justice is often depicted wearing a blindfold as an allegorical representation of impartiality.
9. The painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch is an allegorical depiction of sin and its consequences.
10. The allegorical character of Faust is often used to represent the dangers of making a deal with the devil in literature.
11. The allegorical character of Mephistopheles is often depicted as a tempter who lures individuals towards sin and evil.
12. The fable of "The Tortoise and the Hare" uses allegory to communicate the importance of perseverance.
13. The allegorical poem "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri explores the journey of the soul through the afterlife.
14. The allegorical character of Satan in "Paradise Lost" is used to represent the dangers of pride and rebellion against God.
15. The allegorical story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" teaches the consequences of lying and the importance of honesty.
16. The allegorical character of Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" represents the dangers of greed and selfishness.
17. The allegorical play "The Importance of Being Earnest" critiques Victorian society's obsession with surface-level appearances and class divisions.
18. The allegorical tale of "The Emperor's New Clothes" satirizes the human tendency to value appearances over substance.
19. The allegorical character of Robinson Crusoe is often interpreted as a representation of the colonizer's relationship with the colonized.
20. The allegorical play "Waiting for Godot" explores the existential theme of the futility of human existence.
21. The allegorical figure of the phoenix, which rises from its own ashes, represents rebirth and renewal in mythology.
22. The allegorical character of Icarus represents the dangers of hubris and recklessness in Greek mythology.
23. The allegorical symbol of the lotus flower represents purity and enlightenment in Buddhism.
24. The allegorical story of "Pinocchio" teaches the importance of honest communication and the dangers of lying.
25. The allegorical play "The Glass Menagerie" explores themes of illusion and the human need for escape.
26. The allegorical character of the White Rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland" represents the feeling of being constantly rushed and hurried in life.
27. The allegorical story of "The Three Little Pigs" teaches the importance of planning ahead and not taking shortcuts in life.
28. The allegorical character of Holden Caulfield in "The Catcher in the Rye" represents the struggles of adolescence and the search for identity.
29. The allegorical figure of the sphinx in Greek mythology represents mystery and riddles.
30. The allegorical painting "The Hay Wagon" by William Holman Hunt represents the divine cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Common Phases

1. The story is allegorical; it represents deeper truths through symbols and metaphors.
2. The author's use of allegorical imagery transformed the novel from a simple romance to a profound reflection on humanity.
3. The painting is an allegory; every element in it has a symbolic meaning.
4. The fable is an allegorical tale about the dangers of greed and selfishness.
5. The movie's themes are allegorical; it comments on contemporary politics through a fantastical plot.
6. The poem's allegorical language invites readers to ponder the mysteries of life.
7. The play's allegorical characters each represent different aspects of the human psyche.
8. The novel's allegorical themes allow readers to interpret the story in multiple ways.
9. The artist's use of allegorical motifs imbues the artwork with an otherworldly quality.
10. The allegorical significance of the story became more apparent upon closer reading.

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