"Ambiente" Example Sentences
1. The ambiente in this room is very cozy.
2. He loves to live in an ambiente filled with music.
3. The restaurant has a great ambiente for a romantic date.
4. The party lacked ambiente and was quite dull.
5. The hotel has a beautiful ambiente with a stunning view.
6. The classroom has a great ambiente for learning.
7. The spa has a relaxing ambiente with soothing music.
8. The beach has a lively and energetic ambiente.
9. The park has a peaceful ambiente with a serene atmosphere.
10. The café has a lively and welcoming ambiente.
11. The nightclub has a vibrant and electrifying ambiente.
12. The library has a calm and studious ambiente.
13. The office has a professional and efficient ambiente.
14. The church has a sacred and reverent ambiente.
15. The street has a lively and bustling ambiente.
16. The museum has a quiet and reflective ambiente.
17. The gym has a dynamic and energetic ambiente.
18. The bar has a jovial and convivial ambiente.
19. The street fair has a festive and celebratory ambiente.
20. The theater has a dramatic and immersive ambiente.
21. The spa has an invigorating and rejuvenating ambiente.
22. The exotic restaurant has an adventurous and exotic ambiente.
23. The boutique has a chic and trendy ambiente.
24. The picnic has a casual and relaxed ambiente.
25. The hotel lobby has a grand and luxurious ambiente.
26. The conference room has a formal and professional ambiente.
27. The art gallery has a creative and imaginative ambiente.
28. The cruise ship has a luxurious and indulgent ambiente.
29. The outdoor concert has a lively and entertaining ambiente.
30. The book club has an intellectual and stimulating ambiente.
Common Phases
1. El
ambiente está muy tranquilo hoy;
2. El
ambiente en la playa es muy relajante;
3. El
ambiente en la fiesta era muy animado;
4. El
ambiente en la oficina está muy tenso hoy;
5. El
ambiente en el bosque es muy fresco y limpio;
6. El
ambiente en el restaurante es muy elegante y sofisticado;
7. El
ambiente en la ciudad es muy ruidoso y lleno de gente;
8. El
ambiente en la biblioteca es muy tranquilo y silencioso;
9. El
ambiente en la casa es muy acogedor y familiar;
10. El
ambiente en la discoteca es muy festivo y lleno de energía;