Blindsided example sentences

Related (1): 1. Surprised

"Blindsided" Example Sentences

1. I was blindsided by the news of my grandmother's sudden death.
2. The company's announcement to lay off half its staff blindsided employees.
3. The relentless attack blindsided the unprepared defenders.
4. I was completely blindsided by her unexpected request for a divorce.
5. The accusations blindsided him as he had no idea they were coming.
6. My brother's admission that he was struggling with substance abuse blindsided our entire family.
7. I completely blindsided him with the truth about his so-called friends.
8. The rude customer's verbal attack blindsided the unprepared cashier.
9. The stock market crash blindsided many investors who had not seen it coming.
10. She blindsided me with the revelation that she was pregnant.
11. They were blindsided by the severe winter storm that hit without warning.
12. The injury blindsided his promising athletic career.
13. The damning evidence blindsided the defendant and his lawyer, who were expecting an acquittal.
14. The resurgent pandemic blindsided officials who thought they had it under control.
15. The revelation blindsided me; I had no idea my partner had been keeping such a big secret.
16. I was blindsided by the blistering review of my work, which I thought was well received.
17. The tragedy blindsided the young couple who were looking forward to starting a family.
18. My breakdown blindsided my partner who had no idea how much I was struggling internally.
19. The economic upheaval blindsided much of the population who had felt secure in their jobs.
20. It completely blindsided me when she confessed her romantic feelings.
21. The military ambush blindsided the complacent troops who were unprepared to defend themselves.
22. The medical diagnosis completely blindsided me; I had shown no symptoms of the disease.
23. The referee's controversial call blindsided the players who protested vehemently.
24. His sudden temper tantrum blindsided me; I didn't know what triggered it.
25. The blunt criticism blindsided the inexperienced speaker who was unprepared for such feedback.
26. The armed robbery blindsided the convenience store clerk who was caught off guard.
27. The severe hurricane blindsided coastal residents who were unprepared for the devastation it caused.
28. The bad performance review blindsided the employee who had been doing his job to the best of his ability.
29. The identity theft completely blindsided me; I had no idea my information had been compromised.
30. I was blindsided by how negatively my ex reacted to the breakup.
31. The hostile takeover blindsided the company's management and board of directors.
32. The cheating scandal blindsided the football team's players, coaches and fans.
33. The project manager's sudden resignation blindsided the team who was counting on her leadership.
34. My bout of depression completely blindsided my partner who had no clue what was happening internally.
35. The political upheaval blindsided many citizens who weren't expecting such instability.
36. The lawsuit completely blindsided us; we had no idea we were being accused of any wrongdoing.
37. The cyber attack blindsided the company that had invested heavily in security systems.
38. The decision to cancel the TV show blindsided the cast and crew who were in the middle of shooting a new season.
39. The illness blindsided her at the peak of her athletic career.
40. The allegations completely blindsided me; I had no idea someone felt that way.
41. The tsunami blindsided coastal communities that had no tsunami warning system in place.
42. The penalty call blindsided the team who felt they hadn't committed a foul.
43. The medical diagnosis completely blindsided me; I had shown no symptoms of the disease.
44. The crime wave blindsided city officials who were unprepared for the violence.
45. The scandal blindsided the president who expressed complete shock at the news.
46. The insurance company's refusal to pay our claim completely blindsided us.
47. The criticism completely blindsided him; he wasn't expecting any backlash.
48. The negative performance review blindsided the employee who had been doing his job well.
49. The revelation that she had a secret child blindsided him completely.
50. I was completely blindsided by how angry he became during our argument.
51. Social media's prolonged outage blindsided businesses that depend on their platforms.
52. Financial troubles blindsided the struggling young family who were already living paycheck to paycheck.
53. The takeover attempt completely blindsided the board of directors who were unprepared.
54. The firing blindsided the loyal employee who had given the company many years of service.
55. The betrayal completely blindsided me; I never saw it coming.
56. The sudden collapse blindsided investors who had deemed the company safe and stable.
57. The horrific car crash completely blindsided me; I was an attentive driver with no distractions.
58. The shocking scandal blindsided the politician and his supporters who were taken completely off guard.
59. His emotional outburst completely blindsided me; I had no idea he was still upset about that.
60. His controversial views blindsided his fans who idolized him for very different reasons.

Common Phases

1. Blindsided by the news
2. Blindsided by the announcement
3. Blindsided by the accusation
4. Completely blindsided
5. Blindsided by the revelation
6. Blindsided by the diagnosis
7. Blindsided by the attack
8. Blindsided by the allegation
9. Blindsided by the criticism
10. Blindsided by the scandal

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