Aneurysmorigin example sentences

Related (9): aneurysm, vascular, dilation, weakening, brain, artery, bulge, rupture, aneurysmogenesis

"Aneurysmorigin" Example Sentences

1. The aneurysmorigin was a result of high blood pressure.
2. Doctors performed surgery to repair the aneurysmorigin in his brain.
3. Her aneurysmorigin caused a sudden and severe headache.
4. Researchers are studying the genetic factors that contribute to aneurysmorigins.
5. The patient was at risk of stroke due to the location of the aneurysmorigin.
6. An angiogram helped doctors visualize the aneurysmorigin in his heart.
7. The aneurysmorigin was detected during a routine medical screening.
8. The 61-year-old man was rushed to the hospital with a ruptured aneurysmorigin.
9. The patient's family history suggested a higher likelihood of aneurysmorigins.
10. During surgery, the aneurysmorigin was successfully clipped to prevent rupture.
11. She experienced numbness in her limbs due to the aneurysmorigin in her spine.
12. After the aneurysmorigin was discovered, the patient was advised to avoid strenuous activities.
13. The patient's smoking habit may have contributed to the development of the aneurysmorigin.
14. Patients with a history of aneurysmorigins should be carefully monitored for future occurrences.
15. Due to the location of the aneurysmorigin, the patient required a more complex surgery.
16. A CT scan helped identify the aneurysmorigin in the patient's brain.
17. Hereditary factors can increase the risk of aneurysmorigins in some people.
18. The patient's aneurysmorigin was estimated to be about 3 centimeters in size.
19. Identifying and treating aneurysmorigins early can prevent serious complications.
20. The risk of aneurysmorigins increases with age, especially after the age of 50.
21. The aneurysmorigin was filling up with blood and needed emergency surgery.
22. Smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are all risk factors for aneurysmorigins.
23. The patient's aneurysmorigin was located near a major artery, making it more dangerous.
24. Aneurysmorigins can occur in various parts of the body, including the brain, abdomen, and heart.
25. The patient's aneurysmorigin was not immediately life-threatening, but still required monitoring.
26. Familial testing can help identify genetic predispositions to aneurysmorigins.
27. The patient's aneurysmorigin was unlikely to cause symptoms unless it ruptured.
28. An MRI scan helped reveal the aneurysmorigin in the patient's aorta.
29. Aneurysmorigins are more common in men than women.
30. The patient was fortunate to have caught the aneurysmorigin early, before it caused serious complications.

Common Phases

1. Aneurysmorigin is a genetic condition that can be passed down in families;
2. Living with an aneurysm can be stressful and potentially life-threatening;
3. Treatment for aneurysms is typically surgical or minimally invasive;
4. Aneurysm rupture can result in a stroke or other serious complications;
5. Lifestyle changes such as exercise and a healthy diet may help prevent aneurysm formation;
6. Regular monitoring and imaging can help detect and treat aneurysms before they rupture;
7. Aneurysm clipping and coiling are two common surgical procedures used to treat aneurysms;
8. The recovery process after an aneurysm procedure can be lengthy but ultimately rewarding;
9. Early detection and treatment are key to increasing the chances of a successful outcome for patients with aneurysms;
10. Support from family and healthcare providers can make a significant difference for patients dealing with aneurysms.

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