Anger example sentences

Related (10): rage, fury, resentment, irritation, annoyance, exasperation, indignation, wrath, vexation, temper

"Anger" Example Sentences

1. His anger flared up quickly.
2. The unjust accusations made her blood boil with anger.
3. Her fury turned to rage and she hurled the vase against the wall in anger.
4. Anger can poison your soul if you let it fester.
5. They tried to resolve their conflict before anger and resentment took root.
6. His anger was a burning fire that threatened to consume everything in its path.
7. She channeled her anger into productive action instead of lashing out.
8. The injustice of it all filled him with impotent anger.
9. The driver's road rage boiled over into violent anger.
10. Anger and resentment will only hurt you, not those who wronged you.
11. She fought to control her anger so she could speak calmly.
12. He lashed out in anger but later regretted his harsh words.
13. His anger led only to self-destruction and misery.
14. The betrayal sparked a rage within her that she struggled to contain.
15. Anger is a normal emotion, but how you express it matters.
16. His calm demeanor masked the seething anger within.
17. She stoked the fires of his anger by fueling his resentment.
18. Despite his anger, he listened to understand rather than retaliate.
19. The injustice fanned the flames of her righteous anger.
20. Anger can destroy your calm and peace of mind.
21. Her parents' fighting fueled her quiet anger toward them.
22. Seething with anger, he slammed the door on his way out.
23. Expressing anger in a measured, thoughtful way can be constructive.
24. Reason temporarily escaped him in a blinding haze of anger.
25. She aimed her anger like a missile, hitting her enemies where it hurt most.
26. The frustration built until it exploded into anger.
27. His quiet fury was far more terrifying than outright anger.
28. Yelling never resolved anything; it just increased anger on both sides.
29. The blow brought back memories that fueled a still-simmering anger within him.
30. Great anger often leads to terrible hatred.
31. My anger threatened to consume me unless I learned to let it go.
32.The unfairness filled him with a sullen, impotent anger.
33. Never act out of anger, only out of understanding.
34. He channeled his anger into something constructive instead of destructive.
35. Her calm demeanor belied a fierce anger simmering just below the surface.
36. The fight left him feeling drained and empty, the anger burned out of him.
37. The sight of them together rekindled her lingering anger.
38. Swallowing his anger, he tried to speak to her calmly and rationally.
39. The unfair ruling stoked the flames of her simmering anger.
40. Do not let anger cloud your reason and judgment.
41. His face turned red with barely suppressed anger.
42. She walked away before her anger turned to violence.
43. Anger can poison the soul; forgiveness cleanses and heals.
44. The unfair treatment fed his well of simmering anger.
45. Learning to control anger is an important life skill.
46. Do not act out of anger; act out of wisdom and understanding instead.
47. She always regretted the things she said out of anger.
48. He swallowed his anger and spoke to her in a measured tone.
49. The unfair laws incited righteous anger within him.
50. Anger clouds the mind; calmness brings clarity.
51. Do not let your anger fester; deal with it directly and honestly.
52. Her hands shook with barely suppressed anger.
53. His anger only made her retreat further into herself.
54. She let out a cry of frustration and anger.
55. Anger can turn good people into monsters.
56. The perceived injustice fueled his misdirected anger.
57. The unjust system incited simmering anger within her.
58. They argued bitterly, their anger turning to hatred.
59. Express your anger in a way that is constructive, not destructive.
60. He tried to diffuse the situation before anger and resentment took root.

Common Phases

blinding anger
boiling with anger
burning with anger
consuming anger
ethnic/racial anger
fanned the flames of anger
festering anger
flare up in anger
furious with anger
impotent anger
justified anger
righteous anger
simmering anger
stoked the fires of anger
uncontrollable anger
well of anger
white-hot anger
channel anger constructively
control your anger
deal with anger in a healthy way
diffuse anger
express anger appropriately
let go of anger
manage anger effectively
resolve conflict without anger
work through anger in a productive way

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