Angsty example sentences

Related (10): anxious, moody, irritable, melodramatic, troubled, brooding, melancholic, discontent, tormented, disaffected

"Angsty" Example Sentences

1. She had been feeling angsty all day, unable to shake off the feeling of restlessness.
2. The movie was filled with angsty teenagers and their melodramatic problems.
3. His angsty poetry was admired by some, but others found it too self-indulgent.
4. The music had a definite angsty vibe, perfect for the moody teenager in all of us.
5. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the angsty post her friend had made on social media.
6. The art exhibit featured angsty portraits of troubled youth, each one more haunting than the last.
7. His angsty attitude was becoming exhausting, a never-ending cycle of complaints and self-pity.
8. She listened to the angsty lyrics of the song, feeling like it spoke directly to her own teenage angst.
9. The novel was full of angsty characters, each one struggling to find their place in the world.
10. He had always been an angsty teen, but as he grew older, he learned to channel his emotions in a healthier way.
11. The angsty energy in the room was palpable, everyone on edge and waiting for something to happen.
12. The fashion show featured angsty looks that seemed torn straight from the pages of a grunge magazine.
13. He tried to ignore the angsty voice in the back of his head, telling him to give up before he even tried.
14. The band's latest album was a departure from their usual upbeat sound, opting instead for a more angsty feel.
15. She knew it was ridiculous to feel so angsty about something so small, but she couldn't help it.
16. The characters in the TV show were all angsty teenagers, each trying to navigate the ups and downs of adolescence.
17. The poetry slam was full of angsty poets, each one pouring their heart out on stage.
18. Her angsty phase had lasted longer than she'd like to admit, but she eventually grew out of it.
19. The angsty protagonist of the movie was a brooding loner, struggling to find his place in society.
20. He felt angsty and irritable all day, unable to shake off the feeling of being stuck in a rut.
21. The singer belted out the angsty lyrics like they were the only things that mattered in the world.
22. The book was a collection of angsty journal entries, each one capturing the tumultuous emotions of the writer.
23. They could sense the angsty energy in the room, a tension that had been building for hours.
24. She tried to write an angsty blog post about her breakup, but it came out sounding cliched and unoriginal.
25. The movie was packed with angsty teenage drama, each character more dramatic than the last.
26. He had always been reluctant to share his angsty feelings with others, afraid of being judged or misunderstood.
27. The band's song lyrics were full of angsty themes, exploring topics like alienation and loneliness.
28. She was tired of feeling so angsty all the time, like she was constantly on edge.
29. The play was a somber reflection on angsty youth, each scene full of teenage torments and heartache.
30. He could tell from the angsty lyrics that his friend was going through a tough time, and he reached out to offer support.

Common Phases

1. I'm so angsty today; everything is getting on my nerves.
2. Sometimes I just feel so angsty and don't know how to cope.
3. Being around certain people makes me really angsty; I can't relax.
4. I can never seem to shake off this angsty feeling; it's always there.
5. When I'm in an angsty mood, I tend to be really quiet and withdrawn.
6. I hate feeling so angsty all the time; it's exhausting.
7. It's hard to explain the angsty emotions I experience; they're just overwhelming.
8. Whenever I'm feeling angsty, I try to take a break and focus on self-care.
9. Being a teenager can be so angsty; everything feels like a big deal.
10. I wish I could control my angsty thoughts more effectively; they can be so destructive.

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