Animalism example sentences

Related (13): instinct, beastliness, savagery, ferocity, bestiality, brutality, primitiveness, wildness, animality, barbarism, carnality, nature, zoology

"Animalism" Example Sentences

1. The ancient philosophy of animalism posits that all living beings share an innate life force.
2. Animalism was a common concept in indigenous cultures, who often worshipped animals as sacred beings.
3. The artist's unique style of animalism captures the essence of the natural world in a mesmerizing way.
4. The author's novel explores the theme of animalism and how it affects human behavior and society.
5. The extreme animalism of the group disturbed the more moderate members, leading to a split in the organization.
6. The famous psychologist studied animalism in primates, observing that they shared many similarities with humans.
7. The hunter's deep-seated animalism made him a formidable adversary in the wild.
8. The indigenous tribe practiced a form of animalism where they believed that animals possessed unique spiritual characteristics.
9. The leader's animalism inspired his followers to fight relentlessly for their cause.
10. The painter's animalism technique involved using bold colors and abstract shapes to create vivid depictions of wildlife.
11. The philosopher's animalism theory suggests that human consciousness is rooted in biological instincts.
12. The politician's remarks about immigration were criticized for their animalism and lack of empathy.
13. The sculptor's animalism artwork was praised for its intricate detail and lifelike quality.
14. The singer's animalism onstage persona was a hit with audiences, who loved her wild energy and raw talent.
15. The survivalist's animalism skills enabled her to thrive in the wilderness, due to her deep understanding of nature.
16. The teacher's lesson on animalism sparked a lively debate among the students, who had different opinions on the topic.
17. The veterinarian's expertise in animalism was crucial in diagnosing and treating the sick or injured animals in her care.
18. The writer's novel dealt with the theme of animalism as a metaphor for the primal nature of humans in times of crisis.
19. The zookeeper's job required him to have a deep understanding of animalism, in order to care for the diverse species under his care.
20. Animalism played a significant role in the cultural beliefs of many indigenous groups across the world.
21. The artist's use of animalism in her work reflected her deep connection to the natural world.
22. The biologist's research on animalism uncovered new insights into the behavior and communication patterns of various species.
23. The coach's emphasis on animalism in training helped his team to develop a competitive edge and a strong work ethic.
24. The dancer's animalism movements were a key factor in her success as a contemporary performer.
25. The ecologist's work focused on the vital role of animalism in maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem.
26. The film's depiction of animalism and the struggle for survival in a post-apocalyptic world resonated with audiences.
27. The hunter-gatherers' culture was deeply rooted in animalism, as they relied on hunting and fishing for their survival.
28. The musician's lyrics often explored themes of animalism, human nature, and social justice.
29. The poet's animalism metaphors were both creative and insightful, offering a unique perspective on the world.
30. The sculptor's animalism-inspired creations were a testament to the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Common Phases

1. "The animalism in his behavior was alarming; he growled and snarled like a wild animal."
2. "She was overcome by a feeling of animalism; she wanted to run wild and be free."
3. "Their animalism was on full display; they were clawing and biting like feral beasts."
4. "He was driven by a primal sense of animalism; his actions were instinctual rather than rational."
5. "The group exhibited a collective animalism; they were all howling and barking like a pack of wolves."

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