Annalist example sentences

Related (5): chronicler, historian, recorder, diarist, storyteller

"Annalist" Example Sentences

1. The annalist recorded the major events of each year in chronological order.
2. Tacitus, the famous Roman historian, began his career as an annalist recording the history of the Roman Empire year by year.
3. The hieroglyph-covered obelisks served as a treasure trove for Egyptian annalists recording the reigns of pharaohs for centuries.
4. Ancient Chinese annalists meticulously documented events like solar eclipses, comets, and economic data.
5. As an annalist, I recorded the births, deaths, and major local events in the parish each year.
6. The monastic annalists transcribed the weather conditions, crop yields, and miraculous occurrences in their chronicles.
7. The Babylonian annalists made observations of astronomical phenomena that helped later scientists reconstruct ancient calendars.
8. During the Middle Ages, monastic annalists compiled records that provided valuable historical information after the fall of the Roman Empire.
9. The manuscript contains the meticulous annals written by a local annalist through fifty years of war, famine, and political turmoil.
10. The dry, factual accounts in the chronicles compiled by the annalist hint at larger historical themes and trends.
11. The annalist documented such seemingly mundane events as sheep giving birth to two-headed lambs and cows producing blood-colored milk.
12. The accuracy of an annalist's accounts often depended on his physical proximity to the events being chronicled.
13. The annalist's chronicle provides insight into the medical knowledge, superstitions, and religious beliefs of the era.
14. As an objective observer, the annalist strove to document events without inserting editorializing commentary.
15. The annalist viewed political coups, military defeats, and economic recessions as inevitable parts of the human timeline.
16. Though usually considered boring, the annals compiled by medieval annalists form an invaluable historical record.
17. The annals composed by the priestly annalist follow an established pattern of recording religious holidays, weather conditions, and harvest yields for each year.
18. The annalist diligently recorded births, deaths, marriages, and major social events in his chapter's jurisdiction.
19. Priests often served as annalists in ancient cultures, compiling records of astronomical phenomena, prophesies, and divine occurrences.
20. The annalist presented secular and spiritual events with equal gravity, striving for balance and objectivity in his chronicles.
21. The empire's annalists recorded events according to the chronology of kings' reigns for easy reference by officials and scholars.
22. The tedious job of compiling annual records fell to minor officials and clerks who served as the empire's annalists.
23. The annalist viewed himself as preserving an accurate account of temporal events for posterity and future generations.
24. The military achievements and territorial conquests recorded by imperial annalists often overshadowed events of social and cultural significance.
25. The annals written by the Chinese annalist followed a prescribed bureaucratic format that was strictly adhered to for centuries.
26. As an annalist, I strive for impartiality and accuracy in recording the major events within my purview, without embellishment or exaggeration.
27. The meticulous accounts of the annalist documented the chaotic aftermath of the war, with rising prices, food shortages, and civil unrest.
28. The annalist's chronicle provides a window into the cultural values and preoccupations of the age through what events were deemed noteworthy enough to record.
29. Despite its dry tone, the annalist's chronicle reveals something of his personality and worldview through the selections and framing of the events documented.
30. The annalist objectively recorded natural disasters, plagues, and calamities alongside royal decrees, military victories, and moments of cultural flourishing.
31. Scholars prize the annals compiled by ancient annalists for the wealth of details about daily life, religion, and culture that official histories often omit.
32. The annalist's accounts provide valuable information about harvest yields, weather patterns, and economic conditions that historical records seldom mention.
33. The annalist assumed the role of the impartial chronicler, recording facts and leaving interpretation of their significance to historians.
34. Though unintentionally, the biases and judgments of an annalist inevitably shaped which events were included in the chronicle and how they were portrayed.
35. Some annalists sought to use their chronicles to promote political or religious agendas, slanting their accounts to support a particular viewpoint.
36. The annalists' factual accounts of comets, eclipses, and other celestial events helped later astronomers reconstruct ancient calendars and timelines.
37. Ancient cultures valued their annalists as guardians of institutional memory, preserving an account of the social order for future generations.
38. While serving an important function, the job of an annalist was usually considered routine and unimportant within the larger administrative apparatus.
39. The annalist recorded celestial and astronomical phenomena alongside data about harvests, famines, and plagues to present a comprehensive view of the year's events.
40. Historians have debated whether any annalist could achieve the ideal of truly impartial, objective chronicling of events from their particular vantage point.
41. While unifying different branches of knowledge, the annalist's chronicle sometimes reflected the superstitious worldview of the time in attributing strange occurrences to supernatural causes.
42. The annalist dutifully recorded births, deaths, and marriages in the provincial capital as part of his official administrative duties.
43. Political leaders relied on the annalist's meticulous records in formulating policies to address problems like crop failures, outbreaks of disease, and economic crises.
44. The annalist's chronicle offers historians valuable clues about the rhythms and preoccupations of daily life, providing a complement to official histories focused on political events.
45. Some noteworthy annalists rose above the routine nature of their work through the richness of details they observed and recorded about the society around them.
46. The career of an annalist required discipline, objectivity, and meticulousness in compiling factual accounts year after year.
47. An annalist's record of celestial events helped later astronomers reconstruct timelines and revise calendars through backward calculation.
48. The annalist sought to leave an accurate record of the year's events for posterity, fulfilling an instinct to make sense of human experience through chronicling it.
49. The annalist categorized celestial and terrestrial events alike according to the prescribed system, giving equal weight to astronomical phenomena and occurrences on the human plane.
50. The annalist objectively documented events within his purview without embellishment, leaving the task of interpretation and judgment to historians writing about the larger themes and trends shaping the human story.

Common Phases

1. The ancient Greek historian Thucydides is considered the first professional annalist.
2. The Chinese annalists meticulously recorded history by Imperial decree.
3. The medieval annalist monks wrote chronicles of events year by year.
4. The annalist approach to history records events in strict chronological order.
5. The astute annalist noted the poor harvests and turbulent political climate of that year.
6. Tacitus was renowned as a diligent annalist of Roman history during the early Roman Empire.
7. The history of the kingdom was recorded by court annalists for future generations.
8. Many early histories were written by annalists seeking to edify and instruct readers.
9. Edward Gibbon, author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was a skilled annalist.
10. The anonymous annalist recorded royal decrees, foreign relations, and weather phenomena.
11. An annalist's job is to chronicle major events without inserting commentary or interpretation.
12. The annalist summarized the year's notable events in just a few concise paragraphs.
13. Traditional annalists focused primarily on political and military history.
14. Most historical research today goes beyond the strict annalistic approach.
15. The ancient annalists dutifully noted earthquakes, plagues, and other natural phenomena.
16. The Scottish annalist chronicled the clan skirmishes and border raids of the period.
17. Modern historians critique the limitations of the annalist's fact-based, chronological method.
18. The accurate yet uninspired writings of the annalist frequently make for dry reading.
19. Social history has expanded the scope of annalistic history beyond political events.
20. The growth of access to printing in early modern Europe saw a boom in annalistic chronicles.
21. Some critics find annalistic history overly descriptive with little interpretive analysis.
22. The annalist's records provide historians with invaluable raw sources for further research.
23. The theory-driven historian finds little value in the annalist's strictly chronological approach.
24. The annalist praised the ruler's wise decisions and often neglected to record failures.
25. Modern historians criticize annalistic history for lacking thorough contextualization.
26. The old annalist strictly adhered to his principle of recording only known facts.
27. The serious flaws of annalistic history point to the value of interpretation and context.
28. The annalist followed medieval tradition in focusing narrowly on the affairs of nobility.
29. The annalist of the southern kingdom compiled a careful list of rulers from antiquity.
30. Historians today aim for more than a mere chronicle of events like the annalists of old.
31. Michel de Montaigne criticized annalistic history as nothing more than "a chronicle of times."
32. Isaac Asimov, who wrote hundreds of books, described himself as a "literary annalist."
33. Early chronicles written by annalists often contain errors that were copied by later historians.
34. The dictionary definition of annalist is "one who writes chronicles or annual records."
35. While annalists may lack analysis, their detailed records are often indispensible resources.
36. Archaeology has highlighted some inaccuracies in the chronicles of ancient annalists.
37. Women annalists were rare in the predominantly male profession before recent times.
38. Modern historians value annalistic records as a starting point but also seek interpretation.
39. Annalistic history is helpful for creating timelines and grasping the flow of major events.
40. The skillful annalist selection of certain details reveals biases even without overt commentary.
41. Annalists argue that interpretation risks subjective distortion and that bare facts are most reliable.
42. Later historians bemoaned the paucity of detail in the sparse chronicles of early annalists.
43. An annalist's chronological narrative structure can aid reader comprehension of the passage of time.
44. Textual analysis suggests inconsistencies within some of the oldest records of Chinese annalists.
45. Historians argue that annalists' memoirs would benefit from more situating of events in broader context.
46. The meticulous annalist recorded the daily expenses of the royal household for posterity.
47. Annalists devote years compiling exhaustive records but receive little recognition for dry factualism.
48. Historians sometimes cite the records of annalists but also qualify their reliability and limitations.
49. Modern readers may find annalists' love of detail and endless lists of names and figures rather dull.
50. Annalists aim for objectivity and impartiality, but critics argue no narrative can be truly value-neutral.
51. Despite its limitations, annalistic history preserves unique information lost in later interpretive accounts.
52. Feminist historians are rediscovering valuable insights in the neglected chronicles of women annalists.
53. The faithful annalist recorded minor events alongside major ones in simple chronological order.
54. Annalistic history can produce a static sense of the past as a series of isolated events out of context.
55. The amateur annalist's unpublished chronicles were discovered after decades in an attic trunk.
56. Social history has broadened the very definition of what counts as 'history' beyond political annalism.
57. Some scholars argue that even detached annalists reveal biases through their selection of which facts to record.
58. Annalistic records are like raw data for historians who value contextual analysis and interpretive synthesis.
59. While annalists aspire to objectivity, historians argue all histories necessarily reflect authorial perspective.
60. Modern historians seek to move beyond annalism toward contextualized, interpretive narrative history.

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