Annul example sentences

Related (18): cancel, invalidate, nullify, revoke, void, overturn, voidify, abolish, rescind, negate, abrogate, quash, disannul, dissolve, eradicate, obviate, undo, retract.

"Annul" Example Sentences

1. The court annulled the contract on the grounds of fraud.
2. The board voted to annul last week's decision.
3. The marriage was annulled after it was discovered the groom lied on the application.
4. The election results were annulled due to voting irregularities.
5. The city council annulled the unpopular zoning ordinance.
6. They annulled the partnership agreement due to financial discrepancies.
7. The government annulled the citizenship of suspected terrorists.
8. Their request to annul the will was denied.
9. The judge annulled the guilty verdict citing improper procedure.
10. The courts annulled the legislation for being unconstitutional.
11. The deal was annulled at the last minute.
12. The treaty was annulled following the failure of both sides to honor its terms.
13. The Supreme Court annulled the previous ruling.
14. The organization voted to annul his membership.
15. The license was annulled for numerous violations.
16. The score was annulled after it was discovered one of the players was ineligible.
17. The vows were annulled after it was revealed the bride had lied about her past.
18. Congress annulled the President's veto.
19. His candidacy was annulled due to new information about his past.
20. The appointments were annulled by the new administration.
21. The policy was annulled following public outcry.
22. The loan was annulled when the company defaulted on payments.
23. The changes were quickly annulled by the board.
24. Protestors demanded the election results be annulled.
25. The patents were annulled for failure to comply with regulations.
26. The duels laws were annulled in the 19th century.
27. His title was annulled when he was convicted of treason.
28. The contract was annulled on the grounds of improper procedure.
29. The prosecutions were annulled for lack of evidence.
30. The partnership was annulled due to incompatibility.
31. The settlement was annulled when the plaintiff violated its terms.
32. The law was annulled following a Supreme Court ruling.
33. The judgement was annulled upon discovery of new evidence.
34. The court annulled the will due to undue influence.
35. The government annulled all foreign debt.
36. The treaty was annulled by mutual agreement of both sides.
37. Their passports were annulled for committing immigration fraud.
38. The tax increase was quickly annulled after public outcry.
39. The lease was annulled when the tenant failed to pay rent.
40. His power of attorney was quickly annulled.
41. The accusations were quickly annulled for lack of evidence.
42. The trade agreement was annulled after one side violated its terms.
43. Their fishing licenses were annulled for violating catch limits.
44. The appointments were quickly annulled by the incoming administration.
45. The deed was annulled after it was discovered to have forged signatures.
46. The records were annulled after it was discovered the player was using performance enhancing drugs.
47. The plans were annulled at the last minute due to lack of funding.
48. The royal commission quickly annulled its previous recommendations.
49. The sale was annulled after it was discovered the goods were faulty.
50. The laws were quickly annulled following the revolution.
51. The government annulled all contracts with the corrupt firm.
52. The budget was quickly annulled due to lack of support.
53. The provision was annulled due to disagreement over its meaning.
54. The board annulled last month's decision regarding executive compensation.
55. The registration was annulled when it was discovered the candidate lied on the application.
56. Their visas were annulled for overstaying the allowed period of time.
57. The exams were annulled after it was revealed some students had access to the questions beforehand.
58. The legislation was annulled due to constitutional concerns.
59. The debt was annulled as part of the bankruptcy proceedings.
60. The report was annulled after it was determined to contain significant errors.

Common Phases

1. The divorce decree annulled their marriage of 15 years.
2. The court annulled the results of the election due to widespread voter fraud.
3. The contract was annulled because one party did not fulfill their obligations.
4. The marriage was annulled on the grounds of fraud.
5. The bill that just passed annuls all previous legislation on the matter.
6. The legislature annulled the ordinance passed by the city council.
7. Their marriage was annulled due to inability to consummate the union.
8. The treaty was annulled after the two countries went to war.
9. Their engagement was annulled when he discovered she had been unfaithful.
10. The verdict annulled her academic record at the university.
11. The bureaucratic error annulled his passport and he was unable to travel.
12. The court ruled to annul the death penalty sentence.
13. The organization voted to annul its prior decision to close the local chapter.
14. Her parents annulled the mortgage they had taken out to pay for her education.
15. The company annulled his contract following the scandal.
16. The tenants claimed the lease should be annulled due to unhealthy living conditions.
17. They annulled their previous decision after hearing new information.
18. The government decided to annul the visas of the suspected terrorists.
19. The jury's decision annulled years of progress for the civil rights movement.
20. The priest annulled their wedding vows so they could remarry.
21. The new policy seeks to annul years of discriminatory hiring practices.
22. The lawyer argued that the guilty verdict should be annulled due to insufficient evidence.
23. The plaintiff is seeking to annul the patent due to prior art.
24. The judge annulled the custody agreement and granted full custody to the mother.
25. Their adoption was annulled when the child's biological parents came forward.
26. The Supreme Court annulled the law for being unconstitutional.
27. The annulment proceedings dissolved her first marriage.
28. The sale was annulled when the buyer reneged on the payment.
29. Insurance companies often seek to annul policies due to withheld information.
30. The judicial decree annulled all property settlements from the divorce.
31. She wanted to annul her engagement after learning of his infidelity.
32. The lapse in insurance coverage annulled their claim.
33. The treaty was annulled by both sides and negotiations began again from scratch.
34. Their business partnership was annulled due to irreconcilable differences.
35. The award was annulled for fraudulent behavior during the competition.
36. The research grant was annulled after allegations of data fabrication.
37. Her student visa was annulled when she dropped out of school.
38. Parliament voted to annul the monarchy and establish a republic.
39. The annulment of their marriage granted her full freedom.
40. The court case seeks to annul previous ownership of the land.
41. Her parents insisted on annulling her marriage when they learned of the abuse.
42. The stock market crash annulled many investors' gains.
43. The coup leaders sought to annul the previous constitution.
44. The organization voted to temporarily annul their previous policy of non-violence.
45. The bishop annulled their marriage on grounds of heresy.
46. The treaty would annul all future tariffs between the two countries.
47. The mistake in calculations annulled the entire experiment.
48. The scandal threatened to annul her reputation and career.
49. The nullification annulled all subsequent verdicts passed under that law.
50. The annulment petition claimed the marriage was never valid due to fraud.
51. The insurance company sought to annul the policy due to non-disclosure of a preexisting condition.
52. The guilty verdict was annulled on appeal due to jury misconduct.
53. The judicial decree annulled their inheritance rights.
54. The new software completely annulled the need for human labor in that role.
55. The board voted to temporarily annul term limits for the president.
56. The constitutional court annulled the controversial new law.
57. They annulled their previous engagement out of mutual agreement.
58. Her annulment petition claimed coercion and duress at the time of marriage.
59. The committee voted to annul their previous decision after considering new data.
60. The treaty would annul all previous commitments made by both sides.

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