Ant example sentences

Related (10): insect, colony, antennae, worker, queen, sting, pheromone, mandibles, exoskeleton, arthropod

"Ant" Example Sentences

1. The ant scurried across the kitchen floor.
2. The anthill was teeming with tiny ants.
3. The picnic was invaded by black ants.
4. The ants were carrying pieces of food much larger than themselves.
5. The line of ants marched across the sidewalk.
6. Army ants can swarm and devour large prey.
7. Some ants communicate by using chemical signals called pheromones.
8. The ants were busy gathering food to store for the winter.
9. The fire ant stings are extremely painful.
10. The kid poured water onto the ant hill.
11. Some ants are scavengers while others are predators.
12. The scientists were studying the behavior of the leaf cutter ants.
13. The ants had built intricate underground tunnels and chambers.
14. The red harvester ants were gathering seeds.
15. The ant population exploded after the rains.
16. The ants built a floating bridge across the moat.
17. The ant colony was divided into special groups to perform different tasks.
18. We had to cover the picnic basket to keep the ants away.
19. The queen ant laid thousands of eggs each day.
20. The ants worked continuously without rest.
21. The carpenter ants were damaging the wooden floorboards.
22. The bullet ants have one of the most painful stings of any insect.
23. We spotted many different types of ants on our hike.
24. The pest control man sprayed bug killer to eliminate the ant problem.
25. The worker ants had tiny jaws perfect for carrying food.
26. The sugar ants were attracted to the soda we left outside.
27. The leaf cutter ants use leaves as food for a fungus they cultivate.
28. The kids found an anthill and spent hours watching the ants.
29. The researcher collected samples of different ant species for study.
30. We had to be very careful not to step on any of the little ants.
31. The foraging ants were bringing seeds back to the nest.
32. The ants communicated danger by laying down pheromone trails.
33. The colony of ants worked as a single organism.
34. The ants marched in orderly lines carrying food.
35. The trap jaws of the ant snapped shut on the insect prey.
36. Ants do not have ears but can sense vibrations through their feet.
37. The swarming army ants overwhelmed and killed their prey.
38. A drop of honey attracted countless ants in seconds.
39. The queen ant ruled her colony with an iron grip.
40. The ants built makeshift bridges over gaps in the ground.
41. We tried to scoop up the ants with a shovel and put them outside.
42. The ants all moved in the same direction as if following invisible paths.
43. The mound of the ant hill grew larger every year.
44. The swarm of army ants swept through the jungle floor.
45. The major and minor worker ants had different shapes and sizes.
46. The researcher documented the complex social behaviors of ants.
47. The raiding ants swarmed over any sign of food.
48. The fire ant sting left a painful itchy welt.
49. Pharaoh ants are among the most successful invasive pest ants.
50. We attempted to seal up every entry point to keep the ants out.
51. The acrobatic ants scaled the sides of the jar with ease.
52. Leaf cutter ants rear fungi as their primary food source.
53. The queen ant laid an egg every few seconds.
54. The ants foraged continuously day and night without rest.
55. The honeypot ants stored nectar to serve as a living food source.
56. The safari participants watched the industry of ants in the jungle.
57. Foraging ants left wiggling trails of antennae to communicate the presence of food.
58. The ant colony began building a nest under the deck.
59. The carpenter ants ate through the wood behind the kitchen cabinets.
60. The colony of ants would stay busy all year long.

Common Phases

1. The ant slowly made its way across the kitchen floor.
2. The army of ants marched in a seemingly endless line through the grass.
3. The picnic was soon swarmed by ants that were attracted to the food.
4. The anthill stood tall and busy with ants of all sizes running in and out.
5. The wooden ant farm gave an up-close view of the ant colony at work.
6. We spread ant repellent powder around the perimeter of the house.
7. The scientists studied the behavior and movement patterns of the ants.
8. Ants communicate with each other using pheromones.
9. The kids spent hours watching the ants under the magnifying glass.
10. I accidentally crushed a few ants when I walked through the grass.
11. The anthill was torn apart during construction of the new sidewalk.
12. Fire ants are known for their painful, stinging bites.
13. The ant larvae feeds on food brought by the worker ants.
14. The queen ant lays thousands of eggs to grow the colony.
15. We found over a dozen different types of ants living in the garden.
16. The leafcutter ants use leaves as food for their fungus garden.
17. The worker ants can live for up to three years.
18. Even the smallest ant can carry up to fifty times its own weight.
19. Newly hatched ants have to find the scent trail to return to the colony.
20. Worker ants coordinate tasks to efficiently run the colony.
21. The jumping ants swarmed the sidewalk hundreds at a time.
22. Ants fought over the crumb I dropped on the kitchen floor.
23. An anteater is a natural predator of ants.
24. Odorous house ants emit a distinct smell when threatened.
25. The children learned about the life cycle of ants in school.
26. The column of army ants stretched across the jungle floor.
27. Some ants have been known to keep herds of aphids for their honeydew.
28. The little ant struggled across the wooden floor.
29. They discovered an entire ecosystem under the small anthill.
30. The aggressive ants put a halt to any outdoor activities that day.
31. The carpenter ants damaged the woodwork in the house.
32. The spicy chili sauce deterred the ants from the picnic table.
33. Some ants can lift objects over 100 times their own weight.
34. The crawling ant tickled my foot as it marched along.
35. The little red ants took over half of the sugar cubes.
36. The black ant trailed across the white kitchen counter.
37. A line of ants marched into a tiny hole in the wall.
38. We found the ants had infiltrated through a crack in the foundation.
39. The tropical ants were brightly colored and very large.
40. The safari guide pointed out an ant nest with trap jaws.
41. Spider ants patrol the areas surrounding their nests.
42. The explorers mapped the route traveled by the column of ants.
43. The boys trapped ants under glass jars to observe them.
44. Bullet ants have the most painful sting of any insect.
45. Ants can lift objects many times heavier than themselves.
46. Some ants use leaves to cultivate fungi for food.
47. An ant's sense of smell is thousands of times better than a dog's.
48. The tiny ants marched in a never ending line across the countertop.
49. The petri dish housed a growing community of ants.
50. We carefully swept the picnic table clean of ants.
51. It only takes one ant to poll the colony with its pheromones.
52. The bullet ant sting leaves victims incapacitated for hours.
53. The procession of ants carried large crumbs of bread back to their colony.
54. Please clean up any crumbs that might attract ants.
55. Some ant colonies contain millions of individual ants.
56. The red ants bit the children as they played in the grass.
57. The army of ants marched out in search of food.
58. The toddler curiously watched the line of ants on the sidewalk.
59. The ants stood no chance against the army of attacking termites.
60. The tiny black ant carried its load diligently back to the colony.

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