Anxiety example sentences

Related (10): Worry, fear, stress, unease, nervousness, apprehension, agitation, restlessness, panic, tension.

"Anxiety" Example Sentences

1. The anxiety kept me awake at night.
2. I felt a sense of unease and anxiety over the impending test.
3. The constant state of anxiety was mentally and physically draining.
4. My anxiety over the situation made it difficult to function normally.
5. The waiting caused her anxiety to grow.
6. Taking a walk helped ease my anxiety.
7. His anxiety manifested as a physical pain in his chest.
8. Public speaking triggered her anxiety.
9. The uncertainty caused me great anxiety.
10. She tried deep breathing to calm her anxiety.
11. He felt anxiety over the possibility of failure.
12. The buildup of anxiety led to a panic attack.
13. Signs of anxiety included nervous ticks and fidgeting.
14. His anxiety worsened as the deadline approached.
15. The anxious expressions on their faces revealed their anxiety.
16. The anxiety medication helped take the edge off.
17. Feeling anxious and on edge were signs of my anxiety.
18.The doctor prescribed medication to help manage her anxiety.
19. Practicing mindfulness helped relieve some of her anxiety.
20. The anxiety threatened to overwhelm her.
21. Avoidance behaviors were an attempt to alleviate anxiety.
22. Stress and anxiety often go hand in hand.
23. Anxious thoughts fueled her anxiety.
24. Expressing my feelings helped alleviate some of my anxiety.
25. Simple pleasures brought temporary relief from anxiety.
26. Cognitive behavioral therapy helped her manage her anxiety.
27. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive anxiety.
28. Therapy can help people learn coping skills to manage anxiety.
29. The constant state of anxiety made it hard for her to relax.
30. Her anxiety disorder caused significant impairment in her life.
31. The anxiety response is an evolutionary adaptation.
32. Exposure therapy can help desensitize people to their anxieties.
33. Anxiety can be an appropriate and useful emotion in moderation.
34. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses.
35. Anxiety can be debilitating if left untreated.
36.There are many lifestyle changes that can help manage anxiety.
37. Anxiety disorders often co-occur with other mental illnesses.
38.Some anxiety is normal, but excessive anxiety is a disorder.
39. The anxious student paced around with nervous energy.
40. He worried that his anxiety would show during his interview.
I hope these sentences give you some good examples and ideas for using the word 'anxiety'! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Common Phases

1. The impending test caused her a lot of anxiety.
2. The relentless anxiety kept her up at night.
3. Anxiety disorders can negatively impact people's lives.
4. She takes medications to help manage her anxiety.
5. She saw a therapist to help cope with her social anxiety.
6. Performing in front of an audience triggered his stage anxiety.
7. Panic attacks are a symptom of severe anxiety.
8. Generalized anxiety disorder causes people to feel chronically worried and tense.
9. The anxiety of failing exams gripped him strongly.
10. Public speaking was a source of debilitating anxiety for her.
11. The unknown caused him a lot of anxiety.
12. The holidays were always a time of stress and anxiety for her.
13. Post-traumatic stress disorder involves chronic anxiety after a trauma.
14. Deep breathing exercises can help decrease anxiety levels.
15. The anxiety spilled out as she nervously paced the room.
16. He felt a surge of anxiety as he thought about the upcoming presentation.
17. The constant feelings of apprehension and unease indicate high anxiety.
18. Meditation can be an effective tool to help reduce anxiety.
19. She tossed and turned at night due to her anxiety.
20. Panicking will only make your anxiety worse. Try to remain calm.
21. The economic uncertainties caused heightened anxiety among the citizens.
22. Avoiding caffeine can help lower your anxiety.
23. Her anxiety mounted as the deadline approached.
24. Journalling your thoughts can aid in decreasing anxiety.
25. Regular exercise is known to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
26. Separation anxiety is common for young children when apart from their parents.
27. Simply acknowledging your anxiety can be the first step towards easing it.
28. Her anxiety was so intense that she broke down into tears.
29. The impending storms triggered feelings of intense anxiety.
30. Test anxiety affected his performance on the exam.
31. The relentless anxiety threatened to overwhelm her.
32. After the incident, he suffered from severe anxiety for weeks.
33. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues.
34. Yoga and tai chi can be helpful tools for managing anxiety.
35. She worried excessively, triggering uncomfortable levels of anxiety.
36. Exposure therapy can help people with anxiety overcome their fears.
37. The buildup of anxiety caused him to eventually explode in anger.
38. Preparation techniques can help reduce test-taking anxiety.
39. Mindfulness meditation can effectively manage symptoms of anxiety.
40. Letting go of things outside of your control can decrease unnecessary anxiety.
41. The anxiety of waiting for the diagnosis was unbearable.
42. Talking through your anxiety with a friend or family member can ease the distress.
43. Accepting anxious thoughts without judgment helps reduce their power over you.
44. Cognitive behavioral therapy targets unhelpful thoughts that trigger anxiety.
45. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize a calming place to ease anxiety.
46. Social anxiety can be debilitating for some people.
47. The unexplained nausea and irritability were symptoms of heightened anxiety.
48. Learning coping skills is essential to successfully managing long-term anxiety.
49. Simple changes in diet and lifestyle can decrease mild to moderate anxiety.
50. Anxiety disorders cause persistent worry, nervousness and tension.
51. The suspenseful buildup created palpable anxiety among the crowd.
52. Anxiety can manifest itself in both psychological and physical symptoms.
53. The anxious feeling overwhelmed her senses.
54. Many people experience life-long battles against chronic anxiety.
55. The pressures of work caused her constant stress and anxiety.
56. Anxiety disorders affect around 40 million adults in the United States.
57. She could barely contain her anxious excitement as she opened the envelope.
58. His persistent worrying and anxious tendencies eventually caught up with him.
59. Anxiety is a normal emotion, but it becomes a disorder when excessive or persistent.
60. Support from loved ones can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety.

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