Aortography example sentences

"Aortography" Example Sentences

1. Aortography is a medical imaging procedure that involves injecting contrast material into the aorta.
2. After my aortography, the radiologist told me that my aorta is in great shape.
3. She will undergo aortography to determine if there are any blockages in her aorta.
4. The doctor recommended aortography to identify any issues with blood flow in my aorta.
5. I was nervous about my aortography, but the technician was very skilled and made the process smooth.
6. Aortography is a commonly used procedure to diagnose conditions like aortic aneurysm.
7. The aortography revealed that there was a significant blockage in his aorta that required surgery.
8. Aortography can be an invasive procedure, but it's often the best way to diagnose certain conditions.
9. My cardiologist recommended that I undergo an aortography to assess my risk for cardiovascular disease.
10. The aortography results showed that there was no significant narrowing of my aorta.
11. The aortography revealed that her aorta was severely damaged, requiring immediate surgery.
12. After undergoing aortography, the patient was told to rest for a few days and avoid any strenuous activity.
13. The technician infused the contrast material slowly during the aortography to prevent any adverse reactions.
14. The patient was given pain medication before the aortography to reduce discomfort.
15. The patient felt discomfort during the aortography but was relieved when it was over.
16. Aortography is a diagnostic tool that allows doctors to see the aorta and surrounding structures in detail.
17. The radiologist was impressed with the clarity of the images produced during the aortography.
18. Aortography is an effective way to visualize blood flow and detect any obstructions or aneurysms.
19. The patient was advised to drink plenty of fluids after the aortography to flush the contrast material from their system.
20. Aortography can help identify the location and severity of arterial blockages, which can inform treatment decisions.
21. The aortography showed that there were no aneurysms or blockages in the patient's aorta.
22. After my aortography, I was able to leave the hospital the same day.
23. The procedure for aortography involves inserting a catheter into the femoral artery in the groin and threading it up to the aorta.
24. The patient received detailed instructions prior to undergoing aortography to ensure they were prepared for the procedure.
25. Aortography is a type of angiogram that allows doctors to examine the aorta in detail.
26. The radiologist explained the results of the aortography to the patient and answered their questions.
27. Aortography is a minimally invasive procedure that usually only requires local anesthesia.
28. The patient was relieved when the aortography showed that there were no signs of aortic dissection.
29. The aortography allowed the doctor to diagnose the patient's arterial occlusion and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
30. Aortography is a valuable diagnostic tool in determining the presence and severity of diseases affecting the aorta.

Common Phases

1. Aortography is a diagnostic medical imaging procedure;
2. The procedure involves imaging the aorta;
3. Aortography is performed using a contrast dye;
4. The dye is injected into the patient's bloodstream;
5. X-rays are then taken to visualize the dye in the aorta;
6. Aortography is often used to diagnose or monitor conditions affecting the aorta;
7. These conditions may include aneurysms, blockages, or defects in the aorta;
8. Aortography may also be used to guide medical interventions, such as catheter-based treatments;
9. Although aortography is generally considered safe, it carries some risks;
10. These risks may include allergic reactions to the contrast dye, bleeding, or damage to the blood vessels.

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