Apprehenden example sentences

Related (6): arresting, capturing, seizing, catching, detaining, apprehending

"Apprehenden" Example Sentences

1. The police apprehended the suspect in a high-speed chase.
2. Having learned to apprehend her daughter's unusual behaviors, the mother knew when to seek professional help.
3. The new technology allowed the soldiers to better apprehend enemy movements on the battlefield.
4. The intuitive app made it easy for users to apprehend complex data.
5. The young boy struggled to apprehend the concept of long division.
6. The detective knew he had to apprehend the killer before they could strike again.
7. The teacher used various methods to help her students apprehend the meaning of unfamiliar words.
8. The team of scientists worked diligently to apprehend the elusive virus.
9. The officer was able to apprehend the burglar with the help of his K9 partner.
10. The therapist's goal was to help her patient apprehend and overcome their deep-seated fears.
11. The programmer's extensive knowledge helped him apprehend the complex software architecture.
12. Police apprehended the driver who caused the multi-car accident.
13. The scholar was able to apprehend the complex philosophical theories presented in the text.
14. The hiker had difficulty apprehending the challenging trail ahead of her.
15. The musician's innate talent helped him apprehend the intricacies of playing the saxophone.
16. The security guard apprehended the shoplifter before she could leave the store.
17. The student gradually apprehended the material with the help of his tutor.
18. The astrophysicist was able to apprehend the complexities of black holes.
19. The law enforcement agency worked together to apprehend the dangerous gang of criminals.
20. The doctor's expertise allowed her to apprehend the nuances of her patient's symptoms.
21. The reporter apprehended the magnitude of the breaking news story.
22. The conservationist's passion for wildlife helped her apprehend the importance of preserving natural habitats.
23. The athlete's exceptional skill helped him apprehend the intricacies of the game.
24. The investigator was determined to apprehend the culprit and bring them to justice.
25. The linguist was able to apprehend the nuances of the foreign language quickly.
26. The IT technician's experience helped him apprehend the source of the computer virus.
27. The teacher employed various approaches to help her students apprehend the subject matter.
28. The architect's eye for detail allowed him to apprehend the intricacies of the building plan.
29. The analyst's keen intuition helped her apprehend the market trends before they emerged.
30. The designer's creativity allowed her to apprehend the potential of the blank canvas before her.

Common Phases

1. Los oficiales de policía lograron apprehender al sospechoso; lo llevaremos a juicio.
2. La seguridad del aeropuerto intenta apprehender a aquellos que intentan pasar sin permiso; debes tener tu boleto a mano.
3. Los cazadores temen ser apprehendidos por la policía forestal; están atentos a cualquier señal de peligro.
4. La instructora de yoga ayudó a sus alumnos a apprehender la postura correcta; todos se sintieron más relajados.
5. Algunos estudiantes pueden tener dificultades para apprehender conceptos matemáticos complejos; es importante ser paciente y persistente.

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