Archaismmodern example sentences

Related (2): archaic, contemporary

"Archaismmodern" Example Sentences

1. The use of the rotary phone is an archaism in modern times.
2. The typewriter is another example of an archaism in the modern era.
3. The language of Shakespeare is considered an archaism in modern English.
4. Some people believe that wearing a top hat is an archaism in modern fashion.
5. The act of sending letters through postal mail is becoming an archaism in modern communication.
6. The practice of handwriting letters is considered an archaism in modern times.
7. The use of a pager is another example of an archaism in modern technology.
8. The notion of arranged marriages is an archaism in modern western culture.
9. The concept of divine right monarchy is an archaism in modern political philosophy.
10. The idea of indentured servitude is an archaism in modern labor practices.
11. The use of hieroglyphics is an archaism in modern writing systems.
12. The practice of bloodletting is considered an archaism in modern medicine.
13. The use of the abacus is an archaism in modern math education.
14. The idea of alchemy is an archaism in modern chemistry.
15. The belief in the four humors is an archaism in modern medicine.
16. The use of horse-drawn carriages is an archaism in modern transportation.
17. The notion of a flat earth is considered an archaism in modern science.
18. The idea of phrenology is an archaism in modern psychology.
19. The use of a quill pen is an archaism in modern writing tools.
20. The practice of dueling is an archaism in modern conflict resolution.
21. The act of public shaming is an archaism in modern justice systems.
22. The belief in spontaneous generation is an archaism in modern biology.
23. The use of leeches is an archaism in modern medical practice.
24. The concept of divine intervention is an archaism in modern religious beliefs.
25. The idea of a geocentric universe is an archaism in modern astronomy.
26. The use of an astrolabe is an archaism in modern navigation.
27. The practice of beheading is an archaism in modern capital punishment.
28. The belief in the four elements is an archaism in modern physics.
29. The use of parchment paper is an archaism in modern printing.
30. The notion of witches and witchcraft is considered an archaism in modern beliefs about magic.

Common Phases

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1. She loved to read the classics; it was her way of indulging in archaismmodern literature.
2. The professor often used archaic words in his lectures; he believed that it helped students better understand literature from different time periods.
3. The movie had a modern twist to it; the director combined archaic elements to make it more interesting.
4. Some people find it difficult to understand texts written in an archaic language; but for others, it adds to the charm of the literature.
5. The poet used archaic words in his work; he wanted to evoke a sense of nostalgia and timeless beauty.
6. Many historical documents are written with archaic language; it is important for scholars to be able to decipher them.
7. The writer used modern technology to research ancient texts; it allowed him to bridge the gap between archaism and modernity.
8. The play was a blend of old and new; the director incorporated archaic language to honor the original text, but updated the setting to modern times.
9. The linguist became fascinated with archaic language; she spent years studying it and uncovering its mysteries.
10. The artist created a painting that combined old world charm with modern aesthetics; it was a perfect example of archaismmodern art.

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