Arid example sentences

Related (10): barren, parched, dry, desolate, infertile, dusty, lifeless, drought-stricken, unproductive, baked

"Arid" Example Sentences

1. The arid desert stretched as far as the eye could see.
2. Cacti and dried grasses dotted the arid landscape.
3. Only hardy plants could survive in the arid soil.
4. The arid climate meant little precipitation throughout the year.
5. Animals had to adapt to the harsh conditions of the arid region.
6. Lizards basked in the sun on the warm, arid rocks.
7. The arid heat sucked all moisture from the air.
8. Dust storms were common in the arid region.
9. The traveler struggled to find water in the arid wilderness.
10. Agriculture was difficult due to the arid weather.
11. The nomads roamed the arid plains in search of water and food.
12. The arid valley floor offered little shade from the scorching sun.
13. Plants that bloomed quickly adapted to the arid conditions.
14. Populations were sparse in the arid and inhospitable terrain.
15. The arid landscape required irrigation in order to grow crops.
16. Heat waves plagued the arid climate.
17. Rainfall was scarce in the arid lowlands.
18. Life was tough for those who lived in the arid highlands.
19. Perennial plants dominated the arid ecosystem.
20. Water conservation was crucial for survival in the arid environment.
21. Even the animals seemed weary in the arid landscape.
22. The region was known for its arid dry seasons.
23. Few people voluntarily settled in the arid wasteland.
24. The timber industry struggled in the arid grasslands.
25. The arid climate led to many wildfires.
26. Droughts were frequent occurrences in the arid expanse.

27. They struggled to find sustenance in the arid badlands.
28. Rain rarely fell on the arid mountain range.
29. Irrigation ditches crisscrossed the arid plains.
30. Relief came with the rains that ended the arid season.
31. The sheep grazed on the sparse grasses of the arid canyon.
32. The arid weather made growing fruit difficult.
33. People frequently suffered from dehydration in the arid region.
34. The arid climate tested their survival skills.
35. Even hardy trees struggled to survive in the arid flatlands.
36. Windstorms howled through the arid lowlands.
37. They searched in vain for watering holes in the arid foothills.
38. The arid desert brought precious little relief from the heat.
39. The soil was powdery dry in the arid valley.
40. The climate was oppressively arid along the coast.
41. The arid steppe could barely sustain life.
42. Plants grew sparsely in the arid sand dunes.
43. Relief came at last to those suffering in the arid wilderness.
44. Precipitation was scarce in the arid high desert.
45. The arid conditions lasted far into the season.
46. The arid savanna offered little vegetation for the animals.
47. The heat rose in waves from the arid mesa.
48. They struggled to survive the season of arid drought.
49. Even reptiles found the arid hills inhospitable.
50. The cold of winter brought relief from the arid summer.
51. Construction projects were challenging to complete in the arid brushland.
52. Water had to be conserved carefully in the arid chaparral.
53. The tough, thorny plants thrived in the arid scrub.
54. The arid year produced very little harvest.
55. Very little grows in the arid clay.
56. The landscape was bleak and barren in the arid badlands.
57. The reservoir helped sustain life in the otherwise arid hills.
58. Weather patterns were unpredictable in the arid tundra.
59. Agriculture was poor in the arid soil.
60. The arid climate demanded ingenuity and perseverance.

Common Phases

1. The arid desert stretched as far as the eye could see.
2. The acacia tree struggled to survive in the arid soil.
3. The region had suffered through years of arid drought.
4. Only cacti and sagebrush could tolerate the arid clime.
5. Animals were scarce in the arid landscape devoid of water.
6. Camels were well suited to crossing the arid desert.
7. The landscape was barren and arid, with hardly any vegetation.
8. The arid air was filled with dust blowing through the hills.
9. The climate was hot and arid with very little rainfall.
10. They trekked across the vast arid plain under a burning sun.
11. The arid heat was unrelenting and oppressive.
12. The cattle ranch struggled in the arid climate.
13. They drove through miles of arid and dusty scrubland.
14. The arid climate left the soil nutrient poor and vegetation sparse.
15. The arid conditions dried up all the water holes.
16. An arid cold swept over the landscape in winter.
17. Plants withered and died in the arid conditions.
18. Farming was difficult due to the arid climate.
19. The arid wind stung their faces as they ventured into the desert.
20. The landscape was harsh and arid, devoid of life and color.
21. The albatross spread its wings in the arid air.
22. The small oasis was a welcome relief in the otherwise arid basin.
23. Years of arid drought had depleted the water table.
24. Workers toiled in the arid heat of the fields.
25. The arid climate called for drought-resistant plants and grasses.
26. They needed plenty of water to survive the arid conditions.
27. The arid climate meant strict water conservation measures.
28. The empty riverbeds reinforced the notion of an arid landscape.
29. The arid canyon walls rose up on either side of them.
30. Their crops wilted under the arid sun.
31. The arid land seemed to stretch on forever.
32. The arid atmosphere left their mouths and throats parched.
33. The desert was vast and arid, a seemingly endless expanse of sand.
34. Cacti and sagebrush thrived in the arid soil.
35. The wildlife had to adapt to the arid environment.
36. The arid conditions left little opportunity for agriculture.
37. The arid canyon offered shelter from the blazing sun.
38. Water was scarce in the arid climate.
39. The arid basin was hot during the day and frigid at night.
40. The land quickly returned to its arid state after sparse rains.
41. The arid wadis harbored little wildlife.
42. Plants withered in the arid soil lacking in moisture.
43. The terrain was hostile and arid, offering no respite from the heat.
44. The arid winds howled across the dusty plains.
45. The arid air sucked the moisture from their bodies.
46. Rainfall was unpredictable in the arid environment.
47. They needed to pack extra water for the trek into the arid interior.
48. The arid landscape made it challenging to find sources of food.
49. The arid hills looked dead and devoid of life.
50. The arid landscape seemed utterly unchanged over time.
51. Even lizards struggled to find food in the arid environment.
52. The landscape was dry and arid with no greenery in sight.
53. Cacti thrived where other plants could not survive the arid climate.
54. Animals seemed scarce in the vast arid wilderness.
55. An arid cold descended on the dusty plains at night.
56. The arid desert was home only to creatures adapted for its harsh conditions.
57. Life was sparse and arid in the barren landscape.
58. The arid plateau sheltered little plant or animal life.
59. Agriculture required irrigation to overcome the arid climate.
60. The arid weather made it a challenge to maintain any crops.

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