Asceticism example sentences

Related (10): renunciation, self-denial, austerity, abstinence, discipline, monkishness, self-discipline, celibacy, frugality, simplicity.

"Asceticism" Example Sentences

1. She adopted a life of asceticism, living frugally and focusing her devotion solely on God.
2. The monk's asceticism included fasting, sleep deprivation, self-flagellation, and extreme poverty.
3. Many of the early Christian saints lived lives of rigorous asceticism in the deserts of the Middle East.
4. For the ascetic, asceticism itself becomes the ultimate goal, the meaning and purpose behind all other actions.
5. His ascetic lifestyle allowed him to focus his mind purely on spiritual matters.
6. Asceticism can be understood as the practice of self-discipline and self-denial as a means of controlling emotional desires and spiritual liberation.
7. Buddhist asceticism often involves renunciation of material comforts and physical pleasures.
8. The fakir practiced extreme forms of asceticism in order to achieve higher spiritual awareness.
9. Asceticism can take physical forms like fasting, sleep deprivation, self-mortification, and wearing uncomfortable clothing.
10. For the ascetic, abstaining from material desires helps develop willpower, discipline and focus.
11. Ascetic ideals place value on self-control, chastity, poverty and renunciation.
12. Some criticize asceticism as an unhealthy rejection of the physical world.
13. Advocates of asceticism argue that moderation of desires leads to inner peace and spiritual freedom.
14. Asceticism has roots in many major world religions including Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
15. Many spiritual seekers follow a path of moderate asceticism by giving up certain comforts to develop mental discipline.
16. Some argue that asceticism reflects an unhealthy denial of humanity's natural physical, emotional and sensual needs.
17. Asceticism requires renouncing pleasures of the senses and material desires in order to focus one's spiritual nature.
18. The ascetic living a secluded life in a cave practiced complete asceticism, renouncing all worldly pleasures.
19. The practice of asceticism inevitably raises questions about the relationship between the body and the soul.
20. Ascetic discipline aims not just to deny desires, but to fully uproot emotional attachments that cause suffering.
21. Certain branches of Hinduism and Buddhism advocate for complete asceticism as the swiftest path to spiritual liberation.
22. Asceticism as an extreme form of self-discipline can become its own compulsion, negating the spiritual goals it aims for.
23. Ascetic practices must be undertaken wisely and with proper spiritual guidance to avoid falling into harmful extremes.
24. Most spiritual teachings value moderation over complete asceticism, arguing for a "middle way" between sensual desire and denial.
25. Asceticism, if practiced skillfully, can help develop mindfulness, concentration and wisdom.
26. The true purpose of ascetic discipline is not mere self-denial but cultivating virtues like patience, generosity and compassion.
27. Asceticism is not an end in itself but an aid to spiritual development when used wisely and in moderation.
28. Complete renunciation of the material world through asceticism remains impossible, for we are physical beings.
29. Focus not just on ascetic practices but more importantly on fostering lovingkindness, joy and equanimity within yourself.
30. Instead of rejecting the physical world through unrealistic asceticism, meet life's challenges with wisdom, patience and compassion.
31. Achieve true spiritual freedom not through extreme asceticism but by opening your heart to all beings with understanding and love.
32. Develop spiritual discipline through moderate ascetic practices that nourish rather than neglect your physical and mental health.

33. Asceticism practiced without compassion only increases alienation from ourselves, others and the world around us.
34. Cultivate inner freedom not by rejecting desires through extreme asceticism but by understanding and releasing attachments at the root.
35. Focus not on external practices of asceticism but on cultivating spiritual virtues like mindfulness, wisdom and loving kindness.
36. True spiritual progress comes from opening our hearts, not closing them through unhealthy asceticism.
37. Follow a "middle way" that balances reasonable ascetic practices with cultivating the virtues of love, compassion and wisdom.
38. Instead of rejecting life through asceticism, meet each moment with presence, patience and loving awareness.
39. Train the mind through reasonable ascetic discipline but understand that true spiritual freedom lies in love and wisdom, not self-denial.
40. Rise above extremes through a balanced spiritual practice that nourishes both body and soul, avoiding harmful asceticism.
41. Instead of trying to attain spiritual purity through unrealistic asceticism, awaken your innate wisdom and compassion for all beings.
42. Practice asceticism wisely as an aid to cultivating virtues of the heart rather than as an end in itself.
43. Understand your spiritual need for asceticism but avoid pushing yourself into harmful extremes of denial or self-punishment.
44. Balance ascetic discipline with practices that nourish your humanity, kindness and joyful spirit.
45. Use whatever asceticism that feels helpful but let go of practices that increase alienation from yourself and others.
46. Focus more on opening your heart through love and wisdom rather than closing it through excessive asceticism.
47. Walk the "middle way" — practice self-discipline but avoid unhealthy asceticism that neglects your basic human needs.
48. Focus not just on denying desires through asceticism but on freeing the heart through wisdom, love and compassion.
49. True spiritual freedom comes not from extremes of asceticism but from the awakened heart filled with love for all beings.
50. Live simply but joyfully, practicing wise asceticism that nurtures balance, peace and loving kindness within.

Common Phases

1. He practiced extreme asceticism and self-denial throughout his life.
2. Asceticism forms an important part of many religious traditions.
3. Early Christian asceticism involved abstaining from pleasures of the flesh and material possessions.
4. The Buddhist concept of right effort is closely related to asceticism.
5. Ascetic practices are meant to gain spiritual purity and higher states of consciousness.
6. Monks live a life of asceticism, poverty, and simplicity.
7. The hermit led an ascetic life in the desert for decades.
8. Some saw his asceticism and self-denial as a path to holiness, others thought it extreme.
9. The yogis pursued asceticism and meditation to reach enlightenment.
10. His ascetic lifestyle shocked his wealthy family and friends.
11. Asceticism has traditionally played an important role in spiritual development.
12. Extreme asceticism was seen as a virtue in some religions.
13. The guru advocated a balanced life, not extreme asceticism.
14. Ascetic practices included fasting, sleep deprivation, and self-flagellation.
15. The medieval saint embraced a life of harsh asceticism and devoted prayer.
16. The priest lived in near poverty, in keeping with his principles of asceticism.
17. Asceticism rejects material comforts in pursuit of spiritual goals.
18. The candidate embraced political views that called for voluntary simplicity and asceticism.
19. Asceticism involves renouncing worldly desires and pleasures.
20. Her severe ascetic practices drew the admiration of her fellow monks.
21. The holy man's ascetic lifestyle inspired many followers.
22. He chose a path of monastic asceticism over a life of worldly pleasures.
23. Ascetic practices focus the mind on spiritual realities.
24. Vows of poverty and chastity are examples of religious asceticism.
25. The yogi practiced austerities and other forms of asceticism in his quest for enlightenment.
26. Ascetic lifestyles aim at freeing the soul from material entanglements.
27. The company promoted a philosophy of voluntary simplicity over extreme asceticism.
28. Asceticism aims to purify bodily desires and restrain passions.
29. Many ascetics live in caves, forests, or remote locations free from distractions.
30. Ascetic practices test and strengthen one's spiritual discipline.
31. The foundation promotes spiritual development through ascetic practices.
32. Asceticism requires detachment from worldly pleasures and goals.
33. Ascetic traditions vary in the degree of austerity and self-denial they require.
34. He embraced asceticism in moderation, not going to extremes.
35. Asceticism focuses the mind inward through rigorous discipline.
36. Monastic asceticism requires renouncing all material possessions.
37. Some see asceticism as an important path to spiritual enlightenment.
38. Ascetic practices require overcoming bodily appetites and desires.
39. His ascetic lifestyle was meant as an example for others to follow.
40. Ascetic discipline requires resisting bodily comforts and temptations.
41. The monk's life of penance and austerity epitomized religious asceticism.
42. Asceticism involves voluntary renunciation as a means of self-discipline.
43. The spiritual leader advocated an ascetic lifestyle in accordance with scripture.
44. Her devout asceticism garnered her a following of devoted disciples.
45. Asceticism implies rejection of worldly pleasures and material comforts.
46. Some critics saw the advocate's ascetic lifestyle as extreme and misguided.
47. Advocates of austerity and frugality promote a form of economic asceticism.
48. Ascetic practices train the practitioner to resist desire and temptation.
49. His ascetic lifestyle and disciplined meditation led to spiritual awakening.
50. Ascetic practices include fasting, meditation, and vigils.
51. The monk led a life of religious asceticism devoted to prayer and service.
52. Voluntary poverty can be seen as an ascetic practice.
53. Hermits often embrace an ascetic lifestyle of solitude and prayer.
54. Ascetics place little value on material comforts and worldly pleasures.
55. The monk took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience as part of his ascetic calling.
56. Ascetic practices aim at liberation from bodily desires and pleasures.
57. His ascetic lifestyle was seen as a rebuke to materialism and excess.
58. Her severe ascetic practices raised doubts about their spiritual benefits.
59. Asceticism involves rigorous self-discipline and restraint of bodily desires.
60. Ascetic practices reflect a distrust of bodily appetites and pleasures.

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