Assimilationist example sentences

Related (2): 1. Integrationist, assimilationist

"Assimilationist" Example Sentences

1. The assimilationist ideology has been criticized for erasing cultural differences.
2. An assimilationist approach to immigration has been implemented in some countries.
3. He was accused of being an assimilationist, as he believed that immigrants should conform to the dominant culture.
4. The assimilationist policies of the colonizers led to the loss of indigenous languages and traditions.
5. The assimilationist rhetoric of the political leader was met with backlash from minority groups.
6. Assimilationist attitudes are often fueled by the fear of cultural conflict or change.
7. Her assimilationist views were challenged by the diverse student body at the university.
8. The assimilationist philosophy devalues the richness of cultural diversity.
9. The assimilationist strategy used by the government failed to integrate immigrants into the society.
10. Many immigrants face discrimination due to assimilationist policies in their receiving countries.
11. An assimilationist mindset can be harmful to the mental health of individuals from marginalized communities.
12. The assimilationist discourse perpetuates the idea of cultural superiority and supremacy.
13. The assimilationist model ignores the historical context and systemic oppression faced by minority groups.
14. The assimilationist narrative in mainstream media often reinforces stereotypes and biases.
15. Assimilationist practices reflect the power dynamics and unequal distribution of resources.
16. The assimilationist stance of the company was criticized for its lack of inclusivity.
17. Assimilationist policies have been used as a tool for colonization and imperialism.
18. The assimilationist approach to education ignores the cultural and linguistic diversity of students.
19. The assimilationist agenda of the ruling party was opposed by human rights activists.
20. The assimilationist ideology undermines the principles of multiculturalism and respect for differences.
21. The assimilationist perspective denies the existence of multiple identities and intersectionality.
22. The assimilationist discourse reinforces the idea of a homogeneous nation and culture.
23. Assimilationist attitudes are often rooted in ethnocentrism and prejudice.
24. The assimilationist rhetoric of the nationalist leaders was met with resistance from minority groups.
25. The assimilationist strategy adopted by the institution failed to address the systemic barriers faced by marginalized students.
26. Many scholars argue that the assimilationist model is outdated and ineffective in promoting social cohesion.
27. The assimilationist policies of the government have led to the marginalization of minority communities.
28. Assimilationist discourse often involves the erasure of histories and struggles of oppressed groups.
29. The assimilationist perspective ignores the contributions of immigrants and minority groups to the society.
30. The assimilationist approach to diversity management has been criticized for its focus on assimilation rather than inclusion.
31. The assimilationist stance of some organizations perpetuates the idea of cultural hierarchy and superiority.
32. The assimilationist rhetoric of some politicians is seen as a threat to democracy and diversity.
33. The assimilationist agenda of some religious groups has led to the suppression of alternative beliefs and practices.
34. Assimilationist practices in the workplace often lead to discrimination and exclusion of diverse employees.
35. The assimilationist ideology assumes that there is a fixed and dominant culture that others must assimilate to.
36. The assimilationist narrative in history books often distorts the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities.
37. The assimilationist discourse undermines the importance of cultural heritage and identity.
38. Assimilationist policies are often used as a tool for social control and oppression.
39. The assimilationist perspective ignores the multiple realities and lived experiences of individuals and communities.
40. The assimilationist philosophy fails to recognize the interconnectedness and interdependence of diverse cultures and societies.

Common Phases

1) The assimilationist policies of the government sparked criticism from minority groups;
2) Many immigrants felt pressured to adopt an assimilationist mindset in order to fit in;
3) The assimilationist approach to education prioritizes homogeneity over diversity;
4) Assimilationist attitudes can often lead to the erasure of unique cultural traditions;
5) The assimilationist mindset assumes that the dominant culture is superior to all others.

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