Audile example sentences

Related (16): hearing, auditory, sonic, acoustic, sound, listened, heard, eavesdropped, overhear, listen, phonemic, phonetics, phonology, phonics, sonorous, resonant.

"Audile" Example Sentences

1. The audile experience of a symphony concert cannot be replicated through a recording.
2. Some people are more visually oriented while others are more audile in their learning style.
3. The audile component of the movie soundtrack added to the emotional impact of the scene.
4. The audile cues in the play helped the visually impaired audience members follow along.
5. For some musicians, audile memory is more important than visual memory when learning new pieces.
6. The audile element of the spoken word poetry made it more impactful than simply reading it.
7. The audile hallucinations experienced by some people can be distressing and disruptive.
8. The audile feedback from the computer program helped the user know when they had completed each task.
9. The audile presence of the ocean waves was soothing and calming to the mind.
10. The audile experience of a live theater performance is vastly different from watching it on TV.
11. Some people have a better audile memory than visual memory when it comes to memorization.
12. The audile aspect of the presentation relied heavily on the speaker's tone and inflection.
13. The audile stimulation provided by listening to music can help improve concentration.
14. The audile cues given by the GPS navigation system helped the driver find their way easily.
15. The audile nature of language helps us communicate not just with words, but with tone and emphasis.
16. The audile memories of childhood songs can evoke strong emotions and nostalgia.
17. The audile quality of the rain hitting the roof lulls us to sleep on a stormy night.
18. The audile feedback from the piano allowed the student to adjust their playing technique.
19. The audile experience of a thunderstorm can be both exhilarating and frightening.
20. The audile components of a video game can help players immerse themselves in the game world.
21. The audile aspect of storytelling is just as important as the visual aspect in capturing an audience's attention.
22. The audile sense is often overlooked in traditional education, but it plays a crucial role in learning.
23. The audile texture of a piece of music can affect the listener's emotions in different ways.
24. The audile richness of the English language makes it a popular choice for creative writing.
25. The audile feedback from the orchestra conductor helped the musicians play in sync.
26. The audile cues in a movie can sometimes be more important than the dialogue in setting the mood.
27. The audile modality of communication allows us to connect with people regardless of language barriers.
28. The audile component of cooking is often underrated, but the sounds of sizzling and bubbling can indicate when a dish is done.
29. The audile component of meditation can help people achieve a deeper level of relaxation and focus.
30. The audile quality of a live sports game adds to the excitement and energy of the crowd.

Common Phases

1. "The audile experience of a live performance is unmatched;"
2. "I can still recall the audile memory of my grandmother's voice;"
3. "The audile cues in the movie helped me to understand the plot better;"
4. "The audile clues of a bird's chirping indicate that spring has arrived;"
5. "The audile ambiance of the coffee shop was peaceful and calming;"
6. "The audile feedback from the microphone was too loud and distorted;"
7. "The audile characteristics of the instrument drew me towards learning to play it;"
8. "I rely heavily on audile learning to retain information more effectively."
9. "The audile aspect of a thunderstorm can be both frightening and awe-inspiring;"
10. "The audile harmonies of the choir gave me goosebumps."

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