Auditings example sentences

"Auditings" Example Sentences

1. The auditors are conducting the auditings of the company's financial records.
2. She specializes in conducting external auditings for large corporations.
3. The accuracy of the financial auditings was called into question by the board of directors.
4. The auditings revealed that there were several discrepancies in the financial statements.
5. The auditors are required to perform thorough and detailed auditings of the company.
6. The management team was pleased with the findings of the recent auditings.
7. The auditors discovered multiple errors during their auditings of the company's books.
8. The auditings were conducted by an independent third-party to ensure impartiality.
9. The company's investors demanded more frequent auditings of financial records.
10. The auditors' report highlighted the need for significant changes to the company's accounting practices based on their auditings.
11. The auditings showed that the company had failed to accurately report its revenue for three consecutive years.
12. The auditors were commended for their level of attention to detail during the auditings.
13. The auditings will be used to identify issues and improve the company's control framework.
14. The auditings confirmed that the company was in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
15. The auditors were able to identify potential areas of fraud during their auditings of the company.
16. The auditings were completed within the agreed-upon timeframe and budget.
17. The auditors' findings during the auditings led to the resignation of the company's CEO.
18. The auditings proved to be a valuable tool in identifying areas where cost savings could be made.
19. The auditors recommended additional auditings to ensure that the company's financial records were accurate.
20. The auditings uncovered evidence of embezzlement by a senior executive.
21. The auditors were able to provide valuable insights during the auditings that helped the company improve its overall financial position.
22. The auditings were conducted using the latest auditing techniques and software.
23. The auditors were given unrestricted access to all relevant financial and operational data during their auditings.
24. The auditings revealed that the company had been deliberately understating its expenses to increase profits.
25. The auditors were able to provide detailed analysis of the financial data as part of their auditings.
26. The auditings were carried out by a reputable and experienced auditing firm.
27. The auditings demonstrated that the company's financial reporting systems were outdated and in need of modernization.
28. The auditors recommended a series of corrective action items based on their auditings.
29. The auditings provided management with a comprehensive overview of the company's financial health.
30. The auditors were praised for their professionalism and attention to detail during the auditings.

Common Phases

1. Conducting auditings is a necessary part of maintaining financial integrity;
2. Regular auditings help ensure compliance with regulations and legal requirements;
3. Effective auditings can identify areas of inefficiency or fraud within an organization;
4. Auditings may be conducted by internal teams or external parties, depending on the situation;
5. Evaluating the results of auditings can provide valuable insights for improving business operations;
6. Auditings should be planned carefully in order to minimize disruption to normal business activities;
7. Thorough auditings can instill confidence among stakeholders and investors.

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