Migrants example sentences

Related (17): immigrants, refugees, expatriates, nomads, itinerants, settlers, pilgrims, transients, wanderers, exiles, emigrants, sojourners, drifters, newcomers, aliens, outsiders, newcomers.

"Migrants" Example Sentences

1. The migrants traveled for months to reach the border.
2. The government has stepped up efforts to curb illegal migrants.
3. Many migrants risk their lives crossing dangerous rivers and deserts.
4. The new policies aim to make it harder for undocumented migrants to get work visas.
5. Migrants face difficult conditions in the overcrowded refugee camps.
6. Human traffickers prey on migrants looking for a better life.
7. Migrants flee their countries due to violence, poverty, and lack of economic opportunity.
8. The new laws are meant to discourage migrants from entering the country illegally.
9. Volunteers provided food, water and medical care for the exhausted migrants.
10.The government plans to increase patrols to stop unauthorized migrants from crossing the border.
11. Seasonal migrants travel to find temporary work in harvesting crops.
12. Increasing numbers of migrants are putting a strain on social services.
13. Migrants often rely on smugglers to help them cross international borders.
14. Construction companies rely on seasonal migrant workers during busy periods.
15. More needs to be done to assist vulnerable migrants and protect their human rights.
16. The migrants boarded rickety boats to cross the dangerous waters.
17. Some see migrants as enriching their new communities through cultural diversity.
18. Controversy surrounds how governments should handle the influx of migrants.
19. The migrants faced extreme conditions on the months-long journey.
20. Some citizens oppose providing government services and assistance to migrants.
21. There are ongoing debates over how to create a path to citizenship for long-term migrants.
22. Migrant workers often suffer exploitation due to their illegal or temporary status.
23. Farmers struggle to find enough local workers and depend on migrant laborers during harvest season.
24. Governments are working to find solutions to the issue of illegal migrants.
25. Migrants risk being trafficked, abused, or killed on their journey.
26. Some migrants found good-paying jobs and a better life in their new country.
27. Many citizens argue that undocumented migrants drain resources and commit crimes.
28. Migrant rights groups work to address the needs of vulnerable migrant populations.
29. The economic benefits of migrant labor are weighed against risks to social cohesion.
30. An increasing number of families are arriving among the migrants seeking asylum.
31. European countries struggle with migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea by boat.
32. Some argue that migrants fill jobs that citizens do not want.
33. Migrants face discrimination, prejudice, and injustice in their new country.
34. Many migrants left behind families and communities in order to provide for their children.
35. The country has a long history of welcoming migrants and refugees.
36. Newcomers often face a difficult transition as migrants in a foreign country.
37. Conditions in the migrant camp were appalling and unsanitary.
38. The organization works to improve employment conditions for migrant farmworkers.
39. Migrants bring economic, cultural and social benefits to their new communities.
40. Humanitarian aid workers are assisting the wave of migrants at the border.
41. Governments are struggling to manage the surge of migrants at their borders.
42. Migrant workers make significant contributions to the economies of many countries.
43. Some migrants risked paying smugglers exorbitant fees for the dangerous journey.
44. Seasonal migrant workers in agriculture live in temporary camps.
45. The rights of migrants are often not adequately protected under the law.
46. Migrants face numerous challenges in adjusting to a new culture and society.
47. Many migrants undertake physically demanding and low-paying jobs.
48. Civil society groups advocate for more humane treatment of migrants.
49. Migrants have always been an integral part of the country's history and development.
50. The migrants hoped for a better life in the prosperous country.
51. Undocumented migrants live in the shadows, facing constant threats of deportation.
52. Refugees and migrants face hostility and suspicion from some locals.
53. Groups marched in support of fair and humane policies for migrants.
54. Strict policies aim to prevent irregular migrants from entering or staying in the country.
55. Migrants are often separated from their families who remain in their home countries.
56. There is debate over how to balance security and humanity in responding to migrants.
57. Advocates argue for expanding legal paths for migrants to enter countries safely.
58. Some feel that migrants threaten national identity and social cohesion.
59. The new arrivals struggled to integrate as migrants in their unfamiliar new surroundings.
60. Governments face pressure to find solutions to security issues posed by irregular migrants.

Common Phases

1. Many migrants come to the country for better job opportunities.
2. The government is working to help recently arrived migrants adjust to their new lives.
3. The charity provides food, clothing and medical aid to migrants in need.
4. Internal migration within the country has been increasing over the past decade.
5. The country receives thousands of economic migrants every year.
6. Refugees and migrants fleeing conflict face difficult and dangerous journeys.
7. Some migrants work illegally without proper paperwork or visas.
8. The agricultural industry relies heavily on seasonal migrant workers.
9. The influx of migrants has put pressure on social services and public infrastructure.
10. Migrants often face prejudice, discrimination and xenophobia in their new communities.
11. Most migrants just want to work hard and provide for their families.
12. Migrant workers often accept low-paying jobs that citizens refuse.
13. The integration of migrants into society remains a major challenge.
14. The huge influx of migrants has changed the demographic makeup of the country.
15. The new laws aim to make the migration process smoother and more efficient.
16. Children of migrants often struggle to fully integrate into their new culture.
17. Migrants often send remittances home to support family members back in their country of origin.
18. Many migrants arrived without proper identification or travel documents.
19. Some politicians use fear of migrants for political gains.
20. Increased security measures are being used to control the flow of migrants.
21. Migrants frequently face language barriers and difficulties navigating bureaucracy.
22. Asylum seekers and economic migrants access social services differently.
23. Human traffickers profit from smuggling vulnerable migrants across borders.
24. Many European countries are facing rising xenophobic sentiments towards migrants.
25. Experts debate the overall economic impact of migration on receiving countries.
26. Conditions in migrant detention centers have been criticized by human rights groups.
27. Migrants hold a range of jobs across many different sectors of the economy.
28. Migrant communities often face discrimination in housing, employment and education.
29. Border controls are being strengthened to curb the rising influx of undocumented migrants.
30. Some migrants move temporarily and later return home with the money they earned.
31. Living conditions are frequently poor for seasonal migrant farm workers.
32. Businesses rely on the steady flow of migrant workers to fill jobs citizens refuse.
33. The government introduced policies to better integrate newly arrived migrants.
34. Campaigners call for more compassionate and humane policies towards migrants.
35. Hardline politicians condemn the waves of migrants entering the country illegally.
36. Central Americans migrants flee poverty and violence to seek asylum in the U.S.
37. Local towns struggled to cope with the rapid influx of migrants.
38. Rescuers save migrants from overcrowded dinghies attempting the dangerous sea crossing.
39. Migrants who overstay their visas become undocumented migrants.
40. Charities provide support for migrants suffering loneliness, isolation and discrimination.
41. Migrants and citizens sometimes compete for the same jobs and resources.
42. Stricter border controls make it harder for migrants to enter the country legally.
43. Asylum seekers face uncertainty as their applications are processed.
44. Migrants enrich societies through their cultural diversity and skills.
45. Seasonal migrant workers typically return home during the winter months.
46. There are ongoing debates about immigration levels and the rights of migrants.
47. Some migrants are forced to live in hiding due to their illegal status.
48. Every migrant dreams of a better future for their children.
49. Local opposition groups protest against new housing for migrants.
50. Migrants make up a large percentage of the population in many major cities.
51. The new laws aim to crack down on illegal migrants in the country.
52. Employers rely heavily on cheap labor provided by migrant workers.
53. Assimilation is difficult for new generations of migrants.
54. Many migrants come to the country through legal and illegal means.
55. Migrants face racism, exclusion and exploitation in varying degrees.
56. Restrictive migration policies drive more migrants into illegality.
57. Migrants have helped build and strengthen many economies.
58. Some migrants become entrepreneurs, creating jobs for citizens.
59. Not all migrants are poor - some are highly skilled professionals.
60. Migrant children often struggle to learn the local language.

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