Augurships example sentences

Related (4): fortune-telling, divination, prophecy, prognostication

"Augurships" Example Sentences

1. The augurships of ancient Rome were held in high regard.
2. In the early days of the republic, augurships were assigned by lot.
3. The augurships were responsible for interpreting signs and omens from the gods.
4. The process of gaining an augurship was highly competitive.
5. Many aspiring politicians sought out augurships as a way to gain prestige and influence.
6. The importance of the augurships waned over time, as Christianity supplanted paganism in Rome.
7. The most prestigious augurship was that of the Pontifex Maximus.
8. The augurship was one of the highest offices in the Roman priesthood.
9. The holder of an augurship had the authority to approve or veto public actions and decisions.
10. The augurships were closely tied to the rituals and ceremonies of the state religion.
11. Only men of a certain age and social status could hold an augurship.
12. The duties of an augurship included the interpretation of bird flight patterns and other natural phenomena.
13. The augurships were also responsible for determining the boundaries of sacred spaces.
14. The augurship was often seen as a stepping-stone to higher political office.
15. The augur's staff was a symbol of the augurships' divine authority.
16. The augurship was viewed as a way to gain intimate knowledge of the will of the gods.
17. The augurship was one of the most important state offices in ancient Rome.
18. The augurships played a key role in the maintenance of social order and stability.
19. The augurship was coveted by those who sought to wield political power.
20. The augurships were often held by members of the wealthy aristocracy.
21. The augurship was a source of great prestige and influence in ancient Roman society.
22. The augurships were one of the few paths to political power for commoners.
23. The augurship allowed for the manipulation of public opinion through the interpretation of signs and omens.
24. The legitimacy of an augur's interpretation was central to the functioning of the augurship.
25. The augurship was a highly ritualized and formalized institution.
26. The augurships were often referenced in ancient literature and poetry.
27. The augurship was based on the belief that the gods communicated through natural phenomena.
28. The augurships provided a means for the elite to maintain authority over the populace.
29. The augurship was subject to criticism and skepticism from certain segments of Roman society.
30. The augurships were abolished with the rise of Christianity in Rome.

Common Phases

1. The augurships were awarded to the most skilled seers; their predictions had a high success rate.
2. The emperor trusted the augurships implicitly; he would make no major decision without consulting them.
3. The augurships were highly coveted positions; those who held them enjoyed prestige and influence.
4. The augurships required years of rigorous training; aspiring seers had to master various divination techniques.
5. The augurships played a crucial role in shaping the empire's destiny; their pronouncements could sway public opinion and inspire armies.
6. The augurships were not immune to corruption; some seers abused their powers for personal gain.
7. The augurships were a key element of the imperial cult; they helped legitimize the emperor's rule and connect it to divine will.
8. The augurships had strict protocols and rituals; seers had to follow them precisely to ensure accurate readings.
9. The augurships were often consulted during times of crisis; their insights could offer hope and guidance to a troubled populace.
10. The augurships had a rich history and tradition; their practices dated back to the earliest days of the empire.

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