Augury example sentences

Related (10): prophecy, divination, omen, forecast, prediction, foresight, precognition, prognostication, clairvoyance, foreboding.

"Augury" Example Sentences

1. The birds flying in odd formations indicated an ill augury.
2. The priest saw only omens of good augury in the entrails of the sacrificial animal.
3. The ominous clouds on the horizon were not of good augury.
4. An ill-omened crow croaking near the entrance did not bode good augury.
5. The crone read the auguries in the patterns of tea leaves at the bottom of the cup.
6. The soothsayer based her predictions on the auguries she read in animal entrails.
7. The alignment of the planets was said to be of good augury for the new king.
8. The fortune teller claimed she could read the auguries in the palm of your hand.
9. The stars seem to augur well for your voyage.
10. The villagers saw the arrival of the emissary as an augury of good will from the king.
11. My father said the dream was an ill augury and warned me not to go on that journey.
12. The placement of the tombstone seemed an ill augury to the superstitious villagers.
13. Their plans did not bode well as an augury of things to come.
14. The sighting of the owl outside her window did not bring good augury.
15. The wise men studied the auguries in the heavens for signs of divine will.
16. The sudden thunderstorm was seen as an augury of strife and conflict.
17. The shepherd saw only good augury in the frolicking of the lambs.
18. The creaking of the old sign out front was an ill augury for the business.
19. The general claimed the omens were of good augury for victory in battle.
20. Let us study the auguries further before we embark on this quest.
21. The peasants saw bad augury in the cattle getting sick right before harvest.
22. The crack in the Liberty Bell was seen as an augury of the Civil War.
23. The local soothsayer read the auguries in animal entrails and tea leaves.
24. The princess saw an ill augury in the death of her favorite songbird.
25. The fortune teller claimed to read the auguries in tea leaves and tarot cards.
26. The bumper crop was seen as an augury of prosperity in the coming year.
27. The astrologer told him the alignment of the stars augured well for his business plans.
28. The cracked mirror was seen as an ill augury by the superstitious maid.
29. Her dreams seemed to augur a long and joyous life ahead.
30. The Raven's croaking near twilight was seen as ill augury by the frightened villagers.
31. The eruption of the volcano was seen as an ill augury by the people living below.
32. The appearance of the comet was viewed by many as an ill augury of doom and destruction.
33. The auspices were favorable - the auguries predicted joy and success.
34. The pattern of cracks in the dried mud revealed ill auguries to the fortune teller.
35. The priest studied the entrails of the sacrificial beast for the auguries they revealed.
36. The fortune teller claimed she could read good augury in the palm of my hand.
37. The creaking doors and flickering candles did not bode good augury.
38. The princess saw an ill augury in the abrupt death of her favorite bird.
39. The alchemist searched for auguries in the patterns made by molten metal.
40. The doctor saw only good augury in the young child's rapid recovery.
41. The appearance of a double rainbow augured good fortune and blessings ahead.
42. The wise old woman said the shape of the smoke revealed an ill augury.
43. The fortune teller saw only ill augury in the chaotic jumble of tea leaves.
44. The villagers saw good augury in the multiple births among the livestock that spring.
45. The old priest saw only good augury in the patterns made by spilled wine on the altar.
46. The bumper crop augured times of prosperity and abundance for the farming community.
47. The astrologer claimed the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn augured a period of great change.
48. The old woman saw ill augury in the ominous crow that landed on her fencepost.
49. They searched the heavens for the auguries that would reveal the will of the gods.
50. The spring arrived later than usual, which was seen as an ill augury by the farmers.
51. The crabby old cat's howling in the night did not bode good augury.
52. Their dreams seemed to augur a long journey filled with hardship and danger.
53. The freak storm seemed an ill augury to those superstitious villagers.
54. The flock of crows that gathered near the graveyard brought ill augury to the townspeople.
55. He only saw ill augury in the pattern made by spilled wine on the altar cloth.
56. The peasants saw only good augury in the generous harvest and bountiful crops that year.
57. Her dreams seemed to augur great happiness and success in her future.
58. The fortune teller claimed he could read the auguries in the lines on your face.
59. The tilt of the tea cup did not bode good augury for their plans.
60. The clairvoyant claimed she could discern the auguries hidden in the Tarot cards.

Common Phases

1. The bird flying in circles above the house was seen as an augury of good fortune.
2. The appearance of a double rainbow was taken by the village as an augury of plentiful harvest that year.
3. The fortune teller claimed that the strange pattern in her tea leaves was an augury of success in her son's future career.
4. Seeing a black cat cross one's path was taken as an augury of bad luck in some ancient cultures.
5. The omens were taken as auguries of things to come by the superstitious villagers.
6. They saw the darkening of the sky as an augury of an impending storm.
7. The blood moon rising was seen as an augury of war and destruction.
8. The unexpected meeting with an old friend was taken as an auspicious augury for the big project ahead.
9. His lackluster performance in the tryouts was not seen as an augury of future success on the team.
10. The unexpected promotion came as an augury of better things to come in the new year.
11. The stock market crash in October was taken as an augury of a recession.
12. The flurry of job offers after a long dry spell seemed like a positive augury.
13. The appearance of strange and unearthly sounds at midnight was seen as an augury of disturbance in the spiritual realm.
14. According to ancient belief, the conjunction of certain planets was an augury of peace and prosperity for the kingdom.
15. Ancient soothsayers and fortune tellers relied on auguries and omens to predict the future.
16. The strange dream she had the night before seemed an ominous augury foretelling hard times ahead.
17. Based on the augury of the magician's oneiromantic dream interpretation, he cautioned the king against waging war.
18. Her unprecedented first place win in the preliminary round was seen by her coach as an augury of future triumphs to come.
19. The ominous auguries portended only doom and gloom if the king persisted in his plan of invasion.
20. The appearance of three suns rising in the east was taken as an augury of divine wrath.
21. The horoscope predicted great heights in her career but the auguries seemed mixed at best.
22. The king disregarded the priest's auguries of demise and carried out the raid as planned.
23. The cauldron's strange glow that evening was taken by the druids as a sure augury that misfortune awaited travelers that night.
24. The augury was not a promising sign for the newly engaged couple.
25. The lightning that struck the tall oak tree in front of their house was seen as an augury of death by the superstitious old woman.
26. The child's prophetic dreams as an infant were seen as auguries of spiritual gifts to come.
27. The unexpected upswing in sales seemed an auspicious augury for the future of the fledgling company.
28. The bird's ominous cries in the night elicited ominous auguries from the villagers huddled inside.
29. The historian discountenanced the common belief that auspices and auguries could foretell the fortunes of state.

30. According to ancient tradition, certain omens and auguries were thought to foretell the king's destiny.

31. The sudden breakdown of his car on the way to the important interview was an ominous augury.
32. The successful launch of the Mars probe augured well for future space exploration endeavors.
33. The gypsy fortune teller claimed that the pattern in the chicken entrails was an augury of future prosperity.

34. The minister did not give any credence to the priest's auguries of calamity if the temple was demolished.
35. The magician's auguries often foretold dire events for the ruling house.
36. The discovery of ancient artifacts on the construction site was taken as an augury for future archaeological finds.

37. The favorable auguries bolstered his optimism for the upcoming campaign.
38. The druid's augury from the smoke patterns suggested impending danger from unknown foes.
39. The priest performed the augury rituals to determine if the gods favored the king's planned invasion.

40. Fortune tellers rely on auguries and omens rather than logical reasoning.
41. The unexpected snowstorm in May was seen by some as an augury of hard times to come.
42. His refusal to heed the auguries led to his ultimate downfall, as foretold.
43. Some see omens and auguries in everyday events while others view them with skepticism.

44. The discovery of a dead raven outside the hut door was seen by the tribesmen as an augury of death.

45. The king disregarded the unfavorable auguries prior to launching his ill-fated invasion.
46. The appearance of strange lights in the sky led the villagers to make various ominous auguries.

47. The auguries were not in his favor so he abandoned the quest.
48. The sudden death of his horse was an ominous augury that portended the end of his journey.
49. The auguries cast by the priests prior to the battle were unfavorable, though the king pressed on regardless.
50. The wise man cautioned against putting too much stock in auguries and omens.

51. Scientists do not lend credence to auguries and omens as predictors of future events.
52. The first day of summer augured well for a long, hot season ahead.
53. The auguries and omens revealed by the astrologer did not bode well for the pending acquisition deal.
54. Many auguries and omens heralded the coming of the Dark Lord to the kingdom.
55. The old man paid close heed to auguries that he saw in everyday events.
56. The appearance of a rare bird was taken by some as an augury of peace and prosperity.
57. The druids performed auguries to determine if the gods favored the planned invasion.
58. The crops failing augured hard times ahead for the village during the coming winter.
59. The philosopher argued that auguries and omens could not form the basis of sound decision making.
60. Many ancient cultures relied on auguries as a means of predicting and influencing future events.

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