Awakenedness example sentences

Related (5): mindfulness, spirituality, enlightenment, consciousness, awareness

"Awakenedness" Example Sentences

1. His spiritual practice brought him to a state of awakenedness.
2. The sudden noise disturbed my awakenedness.
3. Her awakenedness to social injustice led her to become an activist.
4. Meditating daily helps me maintain my awakenedness.
5. His poetry reflects his awakenedness to the beauty of nature.
6. I strive to cultivate awakenedness in my daily life.
7. She attributes her awakenedness to a profound experience of loss.
8. The teacher encouraged her students to cultivate awakenedness through mindfulness.
9. His teachings are focused on awakening the inner awakedness in people.
10. She seeks out mentors who embody awakenedness and wisdom.
11. Her awakenedness to the impact of climate change inspires her environmental advocacy.
12. The guru shared insights on how to develop awakenedness through self-inquiry.
13. His artworks express his awakenedness to the interconnectedness of all things.
14. Her experience with illness led to an awakenedness of the fragility of life.
15. The practice of yoga and meditation fosters a state of awakenedness.
16. He had a sudden moment of awakenedness while watching the sunset.
17. Her awakenedness to the power of community led her to run for office.
18. The novel explores themes of existential awakenedness and finding meaning in life.
19. The therapist helped her clients develop a deeper awakenedness through introspection.
20. His teachings on awakenedness emphasize the importance of compassion and empathy.
21. She found a sense of awakenedness through her connection with nature.
22. The documentary highlighted the awakenedness of a global movement for social justice.
23. The workshop focused on helping participants cultivate a state of awakenedness through mindfulness and conscious living.
24. His awakenedness to the suffering of others inspired him to volunteer at a homeless shelter.
25. The retreat provided an opportunity for participants to deepen their sense of awakenedness and spiritual connection.
26. She used her awakenedness to the challenges facing her community to drive her political activism.
27. The book explores the transformative potential of awakenedness in personal and societal change.
28. Listening to music helps him cultivate a state of awakenedness and emotional connection.
29. His practice of gratitude enhances his sense of awakenedness and appreciation for life.
30. She reflects on her experiences with awakenedness and how they have shaped her values and beliefs.

Common Phases

1. I am feeling a sense of awakenedness; everything seems more vibrant and alive.
2. Since I started practicing meditation, my awakenedness has increased tenfold.
3. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and suddenly I was overcome with a wave of awakenedness.
4. I can't imagine going back to my old way of living now that I've experienced the clarity and awakenedness that comes with mindfulness.
5. This book completely changed my perception of reality and brought about a newfound awakenedness within me.
6. I've been noticing small miracles and synchronicities in my life ever since I reached a state of awakenedness.
7. The path to true spiritual awakenedness is not an easy one, but it is undoubtedly worth it.

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