Awakeningness example sentences
awakening (noun) · awakenings (plural noun)
- an act of waking from sleep:
- an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something:
- the beginning or rousing of something:
- coming into existence or awareness:
awakening (present participle)
- rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping:
- stop sleeping:
- rouse (a feeling):
- make someone aware of (something) for the first time:
understanding, insight, education, learning, knowledge, awareness, information, erudition, wisdom, instruction, teaching, illumination, light, edification, culture, refinement, cultivation, civilization, sophistication, advancement, development, liberalism, ignorance, benightedness, arousal, rousing, kindling, stimulation, inspiration, birth, revival, awake, waken, rouse, arouse, awake, waken, stir, arouse, rouse, engender, generate, evoke, trigger, inspire, stimulate, excite, kindle, fire, revive, enkindle, allay"Awakeningness" Example Sentences
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