Enkindle example sentences

Related (11): ignite, inflame, kindle, provoke, stimulate, arouse, agitate, excite, electrify, evoke, trigger.

"Enkindle" Example Sentences

1. The firewood in the fireplace began to enkindle and soon the whole room was filled with warmth.
2. His passionate speech enkindled a spark in the hearts of the audience.
3. The lover's tender touch enkindled the desire in her heart.
4. She enkindled the stove to prepare a hot meal for her family.
5. The bright sun enkindled the hope of a better tomorrow in the farmer's heart.
6. The sight of the majestic mountains enkindled a sense of awe in the hiker's heart.
7. The fiery red sunset enkindled her passion for photography.
8. The warm embrace of a loved one has the power to enkindle the soul.
9. The contagious laughter of the children enkindled the joy of the whole household.
10. The aroma of the simmering spices enkindled the anticipation for the delicious curry.
11. The holy scripture enkindled a sense of devotion in the believer's heart.
12. The eloquent words of the poet enkindled the imagination of the reader.
13. The rhythmic beats of the music enkindled the spirit of dance in the crowd.
14. The gentle breeze enkindled the romance in the couple's heart.
15. The sparkling eyes of a child enkindled the innocence and purity in the observer's heart.
16. The colorful street art enkindled the creativity in the artist's heart.
17. The starry night sky enkindled the wonder in the stargazer's heart.
18. The movie's gripping plot enkindled the emotion of fear in the viewer's heart.
19. The artist's brush strokes enkindled the beauty of the landscape on the canvas.
20. The compassionate words of the mentor enkindled the self-esteem in the student's heart.
21. The breathtaking view of the sunrise enkindled the inspiration in the writer's heart.
22. The act of kindness enkindled the gratitude in the recipient's heart.
23. The motivational speaker's words enkindled the hope of success in the audience.
24. The thrilling adventure enkindled the spirit of exploration in the traveler's heart.
25. The soothing melody enkindled the peace in the meditation practitioner's heart.
26. The competitor's fierce determination enkindled the fighting spirit of the athlete.
27. The colorful balloons enkindled the joy of the child's birthday party.
28. The delicious aroma of the freshly baked bread enkindled the hunger in the family's stomach.
29. The stunning landscape enkindled the yearning for nature in the city dweller's heart.
30. The playful puppies enkindled the love of animals in the children's hearts.
31. The mesmerizing dance performance enkindled the admiration in the audience's heart.
32. The powerful sermon enkindled the faith in the congregant's heart.
33. The warm hug enkindled the sense of security in the friend's heart.
34. The jaw-dropping fashion show enkindled the awe in the viewer's heart.
35. The heartwarming tales of an old couple enkindled the belief in lasting love in the youth's heart.
36. The energizing workout enkindled the determination to fitness in the gym-goer's heart.
37. The exquisite cuisine enkindled the appreciation for fine dining in the foodie's heart.
38. The fairytale-like romance enkindled the hope of finding true love in the reader's heart.
39. The spine-tingling adventures enkindled the thrill-seeker's sense of adventure.
40. The divine meditation experience enkindled the yearning for spiritual enlightenment in the seeker's heart.

Common Phases

1. The sparks from the fire enkindled the dry leaves;
2. His passionate speech enkindled a fire within the hearts of his audience;
3. The sight of her smile enkindled a sense of hope within him;
4. The warm sun rays enkindled a feeling of comfort on a cold day;
5. The book's inspiring ending enkindled a desire in her to pursue her dreams.

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