Axé example sentences

Related (12): chop, hatchet, tomahawk, guillotine, cleave, axeman, felling, adze, halberd, pikeax, firewood, lumberjack.

"Axé" Example Sentences

1. The lumberjack swung his axe swiftly.
2. After a long day of work, he put down his axe and rested.
3. The ancient tool known as the axe was used for many purposes.
4. He tried chopping wood with a dull axe, but it took much longer than usual.
5. The villain raised his axe, ready to strike the hero.
6. The fireman used the axe to break down the door.
7. The old man reminisced about the days when he would go out into the woods and chop down trees with his trusty axe.
8. The weightlifter competed in an event where he had to lift a heavy axe above his head.
9. The axe was passed down from generation to generation in his family.
10. The axe was a vital tool for survival in the wild.
11. The criminal used an axe to break into the store.
12. The carpenter used the axe to shape the wood for the project.
13. The shiny new axe gleamed in the sunlight.
14. The Viking warriors carried axes into battle.
15. The murderer left an axe at the scene of the crime.
16. The farmer used the axe to clear the fields.
17. The singer swung her axe back and forth in time with the music.
18. The archaeologist discovered a stone age axe on the dig.
19. The knight held his axe firmly as he rode into battle.
20. The woodcutter sharpened his axe before beginning to chop down trees.
21. The ancient Egyptians used bronze axes for their daily tasks.
22. The executioner raised his axe high above his head before the fatal blow.
23. The blacksmith forged a new axe for the lumberjack.
24. The carpenter used his axe to create intricate designs on the wood.
25. The adventurer used his trusty axe to fight off giant beasts in the jungle.
26. The mountain climber used an ice axe to ascend the steep slope.
27. The miner used his pickaxe and axe to extract precious minerals from the earth.
28. The cowboy used his trusty axe to build a fence around his property.
29. The soldier swung his axe at the enemy's shield, hoping to break through.
30. The skilled carpenter was able to split a narrow log in two with a single swing of his axe.

Common Phases

1. He swung the axe with all his might;
2. The lumberjack skillfully chopped down the tree with his axe;
3. The axe was blunt and needed sharpening;
4. She held the axe nervously, unsure of how to use it;
5. They used the axe to split the wood for the fire;
6. The thief broke into the house using an axe to break down the door;
7. The metal of the axe glinted in the sunlight as it swung through the air;
8. He carefully placed the axe back in its holder after finishing the job.

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