Hyenas example sentences

Related (16): cackle, scavengers, Africa, laughing, pack, carnivores, spotted, striped, bone-crushers, wild, predators, clan, territorial, opportunistic, howling, laughing.

"Hyenas" Example Sentences

1. The pack of hyenas chased the wildebeest herd across the savannah.
2. The cackling laughter of hyenas echoed through the night.
3. Hyenas have a reputation as scavengers, but they are also skilled hunters.
4. The hyenas' powerful jaws enable them to crush bones and devour tough meat.
5. If a hyena feels threatened, it will emit a loud, eerie growl to warn its attackers.
6. The hyenas' striped coats help them blend into the surrounding environment.
7. A group of hyenas is called a clan or a cackle.
8. A hyena's sense of smell is so acute that it can detect a carcass from miles away.
9. In some cultures, hyenas are believed to possess magical powers or serve as spirit guides.
10. Hyenas are feared and often despised by farmers because they sometimes kill livestock.
11. Hyenas are highly sociable animals that live in large groups.
12. The skin and bones of hyenas have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.
13. Hyenas are known for their grisly feeding habits, often consuming the entire carcass of their prey.
14. Lionesses and hyenas are known to engage in fierce territorial battles over hunting grounds.
15. Hyenas have a complex hierarchy, with dominant females often leading the group.
16. Hyenas are expert scavengers and can consume almost any material, including rotten flesh and even bones.
17. The hyenas' unique vocalizations are often used to communicate with one another during hunts or territorial disputes.
18. Hyenas have a reputation for being cowardly, but they are actually intelligent and cunning animals.
19. In ancient Egypt, the god Anubis was often depicted as a man with the head of a hyena.
20. Hyenas are capable of running at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.
21. The spotted hyena is the largest and most powerful species of hyena, while the striped hyena is the smallest.
22. Despite being feared and reviled in many cultures, hyenas play an important role in shaping ecosystems and controlling populations.
23. Hyenas are sometimes kept as exotic pets, but this practice is highly controversial and generally discouraged.
24. Hyenas have been featured prominently in African folklore and mythology, often serving as symbols of cunning or treachery.
25. The hyenas' distinctive hyenalike laugh is actually a form of communication that signals dominance or aggression.
26. In some cultures, hyenas are considered to be sacred animals that possess mystical or spiritual powers.
27. Hyenas are known for their powerful jaws, which are capable of crushing bones and tearing tough meat.
28. The hyenas' powerful senses of smell and hearing make them highly effective hunters and scavengers.
29. Hyenas are notoriously difficult to hunt and kill, as they are fast and agile and often hunt in packs.
30. Despite their reputation as fearsome predators, hyenas also have a playful and curious side, often engaging in games and social interactions with one another.

Common Phases

1. The hyenas were howling at the moon; their eerie cries echoing through the night.
2. Running through the savannah, we saw a pack of hyenas; their fur matted and their eyes gleaming.
3. The hyenas scavenged the carcass; tearing off chunks of meat with their powerful jaws.
4. Just like the hyenas in the Lion King; these creatures were cunning and scavenging.
5. We heard the cackle of hyenas; their laughter filling the air with an unsettling sound.
6. The hyenas slunk away into the shadows; leaving behind a bone-chilling silence.
7. As we approached the watering hole, we saw the hyenas lurking; waiting for their next meal.
8. The hyenas were relentless in their pursuit; chasing down their prey with ferocious speed.
9. The hyenas' distinctive markings were visible in the moonlight; making them stand out amongst the other predators.
10. The hyenas formed a tight-knit pack; working together to hunt and survive.

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