Backfires example sentences

Related (6): backfire, misfire, fail, flop, rebound, boomerang

"Backfires" Example Sentences

1. His attempt to impress her with his driving skills backfires when he crashes the car.
2. The company's decision to increase prices backfires as customers switch to cheaper brands.
3. His plan to keep the surprise party a secret backfires when he accidentally tells the guest of honor.
4. The politician's attempt to win over voters with controversial statements backfires and he loses the election.
5. Her attempt to impress her boss with an elaborate presentation backfires when it is riddled with errors.
6. His attempt to make a joke to lighten the mood backfires and offends his friend.
7. The athlete's decision to play through an injury backfires and causes long-term damage.
8. Her plan to bribe the judge backfires when the judge takes offense and throws the case.
9. The parent's attempt to punish their child severely backfires and causes resentment.
10. The coach's decision to bench his star player backfires as the team loses the game.
11. The company's decision to lay off employees to cut costs backfires when productivity decreases.
12. His attempt to flirt with her backfires and she ends up feeling uncomfortable.
13. The scientist's experiment backfires and causes an explosion in the lab.
14. Her attempt to make a grand romantic gesture backfires and he ends up feeling overwhelmed.
15. His decision to take shortcuts to save time backfires as he makes mistakes and has to redo the work.
16. The prank backfires and instead of being funny, it causes damage and upset.
17. The team's decision to play aggressively backfires and they accumulate multiple fouls.
18. The gambler's decision to bet big backfires when they lose all their money.
19. His attempt to keep up with the trend backfires and he ends up looking ridiculous.
20. The group's decision to skip the planning phase backfires when deadlines are missed.
21. The prankster's joke backfires and instead of getting a laugh, they face disciplinary action.
22. His decision to skip his work responsibilities backfires when he gets fired.
23. The chef's attempt to add a new ingredient to a signature dish backfires and it ruins the recipe.
24. The friend's attempt to scare another friend backfires and causes them to trip and fall.
25. Her attempt to manipulate the situation to her advantage backfires and she loses the trust of her colleagues.
26. The salesperson's attempt to use aggressive tactics with a customer backfires and they lose the sale.
27. His attempt to be a hero backfires and he ends up causing more harm than good.
28. The musician's attempt to be edgy and controversial backfires when it causes outrage and backlash.
29. The employee's attempt to slack off at work backfires when their boss catches them and reprimands them.
30. The athlete's attempt to cheat backfires when they get caught and banned from competition.

Common Phases

1. I tried to get revenge on him, but it backfired; now he's more popular than ever.
2. I thought I could save time by taking a shortcut, but it backfired; I got lost and ended up being late.
3. I wanted to impress my crush with my cooking skills, but it backfired; I burned the dinner and set off the smoke alarm.
4. I tried to scare my little sister, but it backfired; she ended up scaring me instead.
5. I thought I could handle the hot sauce, but it backfired; my mouth was on fire for hours.
6. I tried to bluff my way through the exam, but it backfired; I failed miserably.
7. I wanted to show off my dance moves, but it backfired; I tripped and fell on the dance floor.
8. I hoped to get a good deal by haggling with the vendor, but it backfired; he raised the price instead.
9. I tried to make a joke, but it backfired; nobody laughed and it was awkward.
10. I thought I could win the argument, but it backfired; I ended up losing a friend instead.

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