Balder example sentences

Related (9): Odin, Thor, Asgard, mythology, Norse, Valhalla, Loki, Valkyrie, Ragnarok

"Balder" Example Sentences

1. The man's head was starting to get balder each day.
2. The doctor attributed the patient's hair loss to a balder gene.
3. As he aged, his forehead became even balder.
4. The hair around the surgical incision became balder after the procedure.
5. The barber suggested a new haircut to disguise the man's balder spot.
6. The male pattern baldness caused him to become balder and balder over time.
7. The woman's stress levels caused her hair to become balder before she turned 30.
8. His hair was so damaged from the sun that he had balder patches than usual.
9. He was turning into his dad with a balder hairstyle.
10. Her hair follicles were so damaged, her scalp was much balder than it should be.
11. The chemo caused her to go almost completely bald, leaving her much balder than she expected.
12. He was starting to see balder spots in his beard as he aged.
13. He could see the balder spot in the center of his head growing larger every day.
14. He shaved his head completely bald, rather than dealing with a balder spot.
15. The balder spots on his scalp made him very self-conscious.
16. The radiation caused his scalp to become much balder than it was in the past.
17. His eyebrow was becoming balder due to a growth inside it.
18. The woman's hair was balder after a medical condition caused her to lose it.
19. The treatment caused his hairline to recede and become balder than before.
20. His hair was balder on one side than the other.
21. Dandruff and scalp oil caused his hair to become balder in certain areas.
22. The child's infected head caused balder spots in her hair.
23. The sunburn made his face balder than usual.
24. He became a recluse due to his balder appearance.
25. The man's hair went from balding to completely bald, giving him a balder look.
26. He often forgot to wear a hat, causing his bald spots to become even balder.
27. The hair tonic didn't work, leaving him even balder than before.
28. As his hair fell out during chemotherapy, his scalp became balder and balder each day.
29. The disease caused the woman to become much balder than before.
30. Despite trying numerous products, he couldn't avoid becoming balder.
31. His balder appearance made him look much older.
32. The weather caused his hair to become balder, with the sun and wind drying it out.
33. Baldness runs in his family, leading to his own balder look.
34. The teenager was teased in school for her balder spots.
35. He needed to wear a hat outside to protect his head from becoming any balder.
36. The medication caused her to become much balder than was predicted.
37. The chemotherapy caused the man to become completely bald and much balder than he thought was possible.
38. He watched his hairline disappear as he became increasingly balder.
39. The radiation therapy caused his balder patches to become scaly and dry.
40. The man's head was completely bald, but there were a few patches that were actually much balder than the rest.

Common Phases

1. The appearance of the bald eagle balder throughout North America is a sign of its recovery from near extinction.
2. My grandfather's hair grew balder as he aged, but he always maintained his sharp wit.
3. The trees were getting balder as winter approached, shedding their leaves in a flurry of color.
4. The debate among the politicians grew balder and more heated as they argued over the best course of action.
5. The sun beat down upon us, growing balder and more intense as we trekked across the desert.
6. The comedian's jokes grew balder and more outrageous as the night wore on, causing the audience to roar with laughter.
7. The detective's investigation grew balder as he uncovered more and more evidence against the suspect.
8. The children's game of tag grew balder and more frenzied as they chased each other around the playground.
9. The old building stood balder and more weathered than ever, a testament to the passage of time.
10. The singer's performance grew balder and more dramatic as she belted out the emotional ballad.

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