Balkline example sentences

Related (10): carom, billiards, game, cue, table, cushion, balk, shot, pocket, snooker

"Balkline" Example Sentences

1. The balkline game is a bit more complex than the standard pool game.
2. He struggled during the balkline tournament, but still managed to pull off a few impressive shots.
3. The balkline game requires precision and strategy.
4. Many professional pool players prefer the balkline game due to its added challenge.
5. The balkline should be clearly marked on the pool table for accurate gameplay.
6. The balkline game is often played with a larger pool table than the standard game.
7. The balkline game was first developed in the early 1900s.
8. The rules for the balkline game can vary slightly depending on the region.
9. The balkline game is popular in Europe and Asia.
10. The player accidentally hit the ball outside of the balkline, resulting in a foul.
11. The professional player was known for his exceptional skills in the balkline game.
12. The balkline is a line on the pool table used for scoring purposes.
13. The balkline game requires a great deal of patience and focus.
14. The player earned a high score in the balkline game due to their precision.
15. The balkline game can be played with one or multiple players.
16. The player failed to hit the ball within the balkline, resulting in a loss of points.
17. The balkline game is often considered the most challenging form of pool.
18. The player used an impressive trick shot in the balkline game, which impressed the crowd.
19. The rules for the balkline game can be found online or in pool rule books.
20. The player took the lead in the balkline game with a well-executed shot.
21. The balkline can be used as a guide for where to place the balls at the start of the game.
22. The player struggled with their aim in the balkline game, resulting in a lower score.
23. The balkline game requires a great deal of practice to master.
24. The player carefully lined up their shot within the balkline for maximum accuracy.
25. The balkline game is often used in professional pool tournaments.
26. The player used their knowledge of geometry to excel at the balkline game.
27. The balkline game is enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels.
28. The player earned the highest score of the night in the balkline game.
29. The balkline game tests a player's ability to think ahead and plan out their shots.
30. The player celebrated their victory in the intense balkline game with a fist pump.

Common Phases

1. The balkline game requires precision and strategy;
2. Players must keep their balls within the designated lines;
3. The break shot is crucial in setting up a successful game;
4. A foul is called if a player's cue ball crosses the balkline;
5. Skilled players can use the balklines to their advantage;
6. The 18.1 balkline game has strict rules and regulations;
7. Balkline billiards is a variation of the original game;
8. Different balkline games have varying lengths and rules;
9. Professional players compete in international balkline tournaments;
10. Practicing balkline shots can greatly improve a player's game.

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