Barrelled example sentences

Related (15): barrelled, barrel, shotgun, rifle, distillery, aged, whiskey, pistol, brewery, cider, crude, oil, petroleum, gunpowder, bomb

"Barrelled" Example Sentences

1. The truck barrelled down the highway with a full load of barrels.
2. The horse barrelled through the gates of the racetrack.
3. She barrelled through the crowd to get to the front of the stage.
4. The storm barrelled through the town, leaving destruction in its path.
5. The waves barrelled towards the shore, crashing with incredible force.
6. The train barrelled along the tracks at breakneck speed.
7. The car barrelled towards the intersection, ignoring the red light.
8. The footballer barrelled past defenders to score the winning goal.
9. The truck barrelled through the intersection, narrowly avoiding a collision.
10. The bull barrelled into the matador, knocking him to the ground.
11. The golf ball barrelled down the green, coming to rest just inches from the hole.
12. The avalanche barrelled down the mountain, taking everything in its path.
13. The airplane barrelled down the runway before taking off into the sky.
14. The boulder barrelled down the hillside, causing significant damage.
15. The motorcycle barrelled through the winding mountain roads.
16. She barrelled into the store, searching frantically for her lost phone.
17. The cannonball barrelled towards the enemy ship, causing significant damage.
18. The sled barrelled down the snowy hill, causing the passengers to scream with excitement.
19. The rollercoaster barrelled through the twists and turns, leaving riders exhilarated.
20. The truck barrelled over the speed bump, causing a loud bang.
21. The racing car barrelled towards the finish line, leaving the competitors in the dust.
22. The baseball player barrelled towards home plate, sliding in just before the catcher could make the tag.
23. The skateboarder barrelled down the ramp, soaring through the air and landing perfectly.
24. The kitesurfer barrelled through the waves, feeling the rush of adrenaline.
25. The ship barrelled through the stormy seas, with the crew desperately trying to keep the vessel afloat.
26. The rugby player barrelled through the opposing team's defense, scoring a try.
27. The truck barrelled into the gas station, causing an explosion.
28. The speedboat barrelled across the lake, leaving a wake behind it.
29. The snowmobile barrelled through the snowdrifts, leaving a trail of powder in its wake.
30. The bulldozer barrelled through the construction site, tearing down everything in its path.

Common Phases

1. The wine was barrelled for two years; it had a rich and complex taste.
2. The oil was barrelled and labeled with the date of extraction; it was ready for shipping.
3. The beer was barrelled in oak to give it a unique flavour; it was a hit among beer enthusiasts.
4. The whiskey was barrelled for over a decade; it was smooth and full-bodied.
5. The rum was barrelled and left to age in the Caribbean heat; it had a distinct flavour profile.
6. The coffee beans were barrelled to infuse them with the aroma of oak; it added a depth of flavour.
7. The fish was barrelled in salt and preserved for the winter months; it was a traditional practice.
8. The maple syrup was barrelled and aged in the Canadian forests; it had a sweet and rich flavour.
9. The vinegar was barrelled to enhance its tangy taste; it was a gourmet product.
10. The pickles were barrelled with dill and garlic; they had a savoury and crunchy texture.

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