Barriers example sentences

Related (18): walls, fences, gates, obstacles, hurdles, impediments, barricades, blockades, partitions, screens, dams, levees, dikes, embankments, borders, boundaries, limits, frontiers

"Barriers" Example Sentences

1. The biggest barriers to peace are ignorance and intolerance.
2. The language barrier can hinder communication between people from different countries.
3. Financial barriers prevent many people from accessing quality healthcare.
4. The Great Wall of China was built as a physical barrier to protect Chinese territories from invasion.
5. Mental health stigma can create barriers to seeking treatment.
6. Language barriers can make it difficult for immigrants to integrate into a new culture.
7. The construction of barriers along coastlines can help prevent erosion and flooding.
8. The Berlin Wall was a barrier between East and West Germany during the Cold War.
9. Physical disabilities can create barriers to accessing public spaces.
10. Discrimination based on race, gender, or sexuality can be a barrier to achieving success.
11. The Pyrenees Mountains act as a natural barrier between France and Spain.
12. The digital divide creates barriers to accessing technology and the internet.
13. The English Channel acts as a major barrier between the UK and mainland Europe.
14. Lack of funding can create barriers to educational opportunities for disadvantaged youth.
15. Social class barriers can prevent people from achieving upward mobility.
16. The use of encryption technology can be a barrier to intercepting sensitive information.
17. The Iron Curtain was a political and ideological barrier between communist and capitalist countries during the Cold War.
18. Infrastructure barriers can prevent small businesses from flourishing in certain areas.
19. Personal biases or prejudices can create barriers to meaningful relationships.
20. Language barriers can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
21. The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that prevents many women from advancing in their careers.
22. Street barriers can be used to prevent vehicular traffic in certain areas.
23. Fear of failure can be a barrier to taking risks and achieving success.
24. The Alps act as a physical barrier between Italy and northern European countries.
25. Lack of representation in media can create barriers to social and political change.
26. Mental barriers like anxiety and depression can hinder personal growth and development.
27. Barriers to entry in certain markets can limit competition and innovation.
28. Literary barriers can prevent people from accessing and understanding important works of literature.
29. The use of language barriers in politics can be a tool for promoting nationalist or exclusionary agendas.
30. Unconscious biases can create barriers to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Common Phases

1. Breaking down barriers; overcoming obstacles
2. Removing barriers; finding solutions
3. Facing barriers; conquering challenges
4. Building barriers; ensuring safety
5. Lowering barriers; increasing accessibility
6. Recognizing barriers; implementing changes
7. Breaking through barriers; achieving success
8. Building up barriers; establishing boundaries
9. Climbing over barriers; reaching new heights
10. Tearing down barriers; creating opportunities

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