Basilectal example sentences

Related (7): creole, vernacular, pidgin, substandard, dialect, colloquial, non-standard

"Basilectal" Example Sentences

1. The basilectal language of the indigenous tribe is difficult for outsiders to comprehend.
2. Due to limited exposure to education, many people in the rural areas speak a basilectal form of the national language.
3. The English spoken in some Caribbean countries is considered basilectal due to its unique blend of African and European influences.
4. In linguistics, creole languages are often analyzed and categorized based on their level of basilectal or acrolectal features.
5. The basilectal dialect of the village was almost completely different from the standard language spoken in the city.
6. The teacher had a hard time understanding the basilectal slang used by the students from the inner city.
7. The field researcher collected data on the basilectal variations of the indigenous language over several months.
8. The language barrier between the visitors and the locals was compounded by the use of a basilectal language.
9. The colonizers often devalued and discouraged the use of basilectal languages in favor of the dominant language.
10. The linguist identified several factors that contributed to the development of the basilectal language in the region.
11. The creole spoken in Louisiana has many basilectal qualities that are not found in other varieties of French or English.
12. The company had difficulty communicating with the workers who spoke a basilectal dialect of the language.
13. In some regions, the basilectal form of the language is considered more authentic and expressive than the standard dialect.
14. Due to the influence of other languages, the basilectal language of the area is constantly evolving and changing.
15. The linguist noticed that the basilectal language of the community had a distinct rhythm and intonation.
16. The use of basilectal slang can sometimes signal social status or group membership among peers.
17. The researchers were surprised to discover a basilectal form of sign language used by the deaf community in the area.
18. The basilectal language of the refugees was a mixture of their native tongue and the dominant language of the host country.
19. In some cases, the adoption of a basilectal language may reflect a desire to resist assimilation and maintain cultural identity.
20. The basilectal dialect of the coastal region had many loanwords borrowed from neighboring countries.
21. The linguist conducted a study on the attitudes towards the basilectal form of the language among different social classes.
22. The historical oppression and marginalization of certain communities have contributed to the preservation of basilectal languages.
23. The use of basilectal codeswitching can create a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among speakers.
24. The basilectal language of the neighborhood had a distinct vernacular and slang not found in other parts of the city.
25. The researcher observed how the basilectal language of the children evolved as they grew up and interacted with different social groups.
26. The colonial policies of the past often sought to eradicate the use of basilectal languages in favor of the dominant language.
27. The hip-hop scene of the city was known for its use of basilectal slang and rhyming patterns.
28. The consultant helped the organization navigate the cultural and linguistic differences, including the use of basilectal language.
29. The basilectal form of the language is often associated with lower socioeconomic status and lack of education.
30. The sociolinguist analyzed the use of basilectal language in different genres of music and found distinct patterns.

Common Phases

1. The language in their community is basilectal; it tends to be quite simplistic and often contains non-standard grammar and vocabulary.
2. He struggled to understand the basilectal Creole spoken by the locals; it was very different from the standard French he had learned in school.
3. She found herself adapting to the basilectal dialect spoken in the region; it was important for her to be able to communicate effectively with the people she was working with.
4. The linguist was fascinated by the nuances of the basilectal language spoken by the indigenous people; it offered unique insights into the history and culture of the community.
5. The use of basilectal language can sometimes lead to misunderstandings with people from other regions; it is important to be aware of these differences to avoid miscommunications.

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