Bcds example sentences

Related (4): bits, characters, decimal, system

"Bcds" Example Sentences

1. The alphabet has 26 letters, including bcds.
2. Can you please tell me the specific order of the bcds?
3. I was trying to spell the word but realized I had mistakenly interchanged b and d in the bcds.
4. Learning the bcds is one of the first things you need to do when you start learning a new language.
5. She scrambled the bcds of the password to make it more secure.
6. As I was tidying up the room, I found an old notebook with the bcds written on it.
7. The doctor wrote his notes in a medical jargon that contained lots of unfamiliar bcds.
8. He asked me to read out the bcds of the chart in the eye clinic.
9. The computer program had a bug that caused it to scramble the bcds of the output.
10. I got confused when he used a different set of bcds in his presentation.
11. The automated teller machine (ATM) requested me to input the correct bcds for my bank account.
12. To answer the question, you need to understand the bcds of the equation.
13. The teacher covered the bcds of grammar during the first few classes.
14. She's an expert in cryptography, which involves complex systems of bcds to secure data.
15. The team had to decode the bcds on the old manuscript to uncover the hidden message.
16. As an air traffic controller, he had to memorize the bcds used to direct planes.
17. The technician said that the problem was with the bcds of the computer system.
18. He wrote the phone number down but missed one of the bcds, so he had to ask again.
19. There were so many bcds in the instructions that I had to read them twice to understand.
20. In chemistry, you need to be familiar with the bcds of the periodic table.
21. The code of conduct for employees contained several important bcds about confidentiality.
22. I tried to guess the password by using various combinations of the bcds.
23. Deciphering the ancient code required knowledge of the bcds used in that time period.
24. She transposed two bcds in the address, so the package ended up at the wrong location.
25. The military uses a specific set of bcds for communication that civilians are not familiar with.
26. I had trouble remembering the bcds of the recipe, so I had to keep checking my notes.
27. In math, the bcds used for trigonometry can be tricky to learn at first.
28. The salesperson recited the bcds of the product specifications without hesitation.
29. She pointed out that the bcds of hospitality in different cultures can differ greatly.
30. The machinery malfunctioned due to a faulty connection in the bcds.

Common Phases

1. "BCDS, let's get this project started!"
2. "We need to implement BCDS for this feature."
3. "We've completed the project phases of BCD; now it's time for S."
4. "BCDS is a reliable methodology for software development."
5. "Let's ensure we follow BCDS to avoid mistakes."

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