Befuddled example sentences

Related (10): confused, perplexed, bewildered, mystified, puzzled, flummoxed, disoriented, addled, muddled, fuddled

"Befuddled" Example Sentences

1. After reading the complicated instructions, I was completely befuddled.
2. The math problem befuddled me, and I couldn't solve it.
3. The new software on my computer has befuddled me, and I can't figure it out.
4. His strange behavior befuddled me, and I couldn't understand why he was acting that way.
5. The foreign language completely befuddled me, and I couldn't communicate with anyone.
6. The complicated legal jargon befuddled me, and I couldn't understand the documents.
7. The complex plot of the movie left me completely befuddled.
8. The advanced level of the class befuddled me, and I couldn't keep up.
9. The confusing map befuddled me, and I ended up getting lost.
10. The intricate design of the puzzle befuddled me, and I couldn't complete it.
11. The numerous options on the menu befuddled me, and I couldn't decide what to order.
12. The technical language in the manual befuddled me, and I couldn't fix the machine.
13. The intricate dance routine befuddled me, and I couldn't perform it properly.
14. The complexity of the project befuddled me, and I didn't know where to start.
15. The convoluted storyline of the book left me befuddled.
16. The unexpected turn of events befuddled me, and I couldn't predict what would happen next.
17. The complex rules of the game befuddled me, and I couldn't play it properly.
18. The long list of tasks befuddled me, and I didn't know which one to start with.
19. The advanced technology befuddled me, and I couldn't use it properly.
20. The unfamiliar cultural customs befuddled me, and I didn't know how to behave.
21. The challenging crossword puzzle befuddled me, and I couldn't solve it.
22. The complex system of government befuddled me, and I couldn't understand how it worked.
23. The unusual weather patterns befuddled meteorologists, and they struggled to make predictions.
24. The inconsistent behavior of the suspect befuddled the detectives, and they couldn't determine the motive.
25. The intricate system of hieroglyphics befuddled archaeologists, and they struggled to decipher the meaning.
26. The complex formulas befuddled the scientists, and they couldn't understand the results.
27. The elaborate plan befuddled the criminals, and they were caught by the police.
28. The confusing directions befuddled the hikers, and they got lost in the woods.
29. The complex musical score befuddled the orchestra, and they struggled to play it correctly.
30. The complex network of relationships befuddled the sociologists, and they couldn't map it out.

Common Phases

1. I am completely befuddled; I have no idea what to do next.
2. The instructions were so convoluted that I became befuddled; I couldn't make heads or tails of them.
3. His explanation left me befuddled; I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.
4. I was so tired that I became befuddled; I couldn't think straight.
5. The sudden turn of events left everyone befuddled; we were all confused and uncertain.
6. The complex language used in the contract left me befuddled; I had to ask a lawyer for help.
7. The unexpected news left me befuddled; I didn't know what to say or do.

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