Befuddlement example sentences

Related (5): confusion, perplexity, disorientation, befuddlement, bewilderment

"Befuddlement" Example Sentences

1. The complicated rules left me in complete befuddlement.
2. The unclear instructions caused confusion and befuddlement among the students.
3. I read the manual several times, but it still left me in a state of befuddlement.
4. The math problem was too difficult and caused befuddlement for many of the students.
5. His explanation only added to my befuddlement, rather than clearing things up.
6. The dense fog caused beffudlement for the drivers on the road.
7. The complex legal language in the contract caused befuddlement for the average person.
8. The abstract painting on the wall left some viewers in a state of befuddlement.
9. The sudden plot twist in the movie caused befuddlement among the audience.
10. The difficult crossword puzzle led to befuddlement for many of the players.
11. The technological jargon in the presentation caused befuddlement for some of the listeners.
12. The strange customs of the foreign country caused beffudlement for the tourists.
13. The complicated recipe caused befuddlement for the inexperienced cook.
14. His sudden change of mind left his friends in a state of befuddlement.
15. The intricate maze caused befuddlement for the participants in the competition.
16. The thick accent of the speaker caused beffudlement for some of the listeners.
17. The complicated game rules caused befuddlement for the new players.
18. The complex philosophical ideas discussed in the book caused befuddlement for some readers.
19. The unfamiliar language on the signs caused befuddlement for the travelers.
20. The complicated knitting pattern caused befuddlement for the beginner.
21. The intricate dance sequence left the performers in a state of beffudlement.
22. The complex instructions for building the model airplane caused befuddlement for the hobbyists.
23. The difficult maze of streets in the city caused befuddlement for the visitors.
24. The confusing list of ingredients in the recipe caused befuddlement for the chef.
25. The complicated legal jargon in the court proceedings caused beffudlement for the jury.
26. The difficult math equation caused befuddlement for the math teacher.
27. The complex plot of the movie left some viewers in a state of befuddlement.
28. The unfamiliar technology in the presentation caused befuddlement for some of the audience.
29. The unknown language in the book caused beffudlement for the reader.
30. The confusing array of options on the menu caused befuddlement for the customers.

Common Phases

1. I was in a state of befuddlement when I received the news;
2. The complicated instructions left me in complete befuddlement;
3. His explanation only added to my befuddlement;
4. The sudden change of plans caused a momentary befuddlement;
5. The professor's lecture left many students in a state of befuddlement;
6. The technical jargon used in the presentation caused befuddlement among the audience;
7. I tried to follow the plot of the movie, but my befuddlement only increased.

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