Beheaders example sentences

Related (7): executioners, assassins, slaughterers, decapitators, axe-wielders, swordsmen, killers

"Beheaders" Example Sentences

1. The beheaders were notorious for their brutal execution methods.
2. Fear of becoming a victim of the beheaders was ever-present in the kingdom.
3. The beheaders were known for their efficiency and precision in carrying out executions.
4. Many brave knights had fallen at the hands of the beheaders.
5. The beheaders were feared even by the most hardened criminals.
6. The king knew that he could rely on the beheaders to carry out justice swiftly and impartially.
7. The beheaders were the most feared and respected members of the royal court.
8. The beheaders were given strict orders to execute only those who had been convicted of the most serious crimes.
9. The beheaders were trained to remain calm and composed even in the face of the most violent criminals.
10. The beheaders took great pride in their ability to carry out their duties with precision and professionalism.
11. The beheaders were often called upon to carry out public executions in front of large crowds.
12. The beheaders were known to be completely impartial when it came to carrying out executions, regardless of the social status of the condemned.
13. The beheaders were the ultimate enforcers of the law in the kingdom.
14. The beheaders were revered for their unwavering dedication to their duty.
15. The beheaders were well-respected members of the royal court, despite the gruesome nature of their work.
16. The beheaders were trained to show no mercy to those who had committed heinous crimes.
17. Many prisoners begged for mercy when they were brought before the beheaders, but it was rarely granted.
18. The beheaders were not easily swayed by bribery or flattery, and would carry out their duties without fear or favor.
19. The beheaders were the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner in the kingdom.
20. The beheaders were the guardians of justice, ensuring that no one was above the law.
21. Many criminals were captured and brought before the beheaders, who were notorious for their ability to extract confessions.
22. The beheaders were the most feared and respected members of the royal army.
23. The beheaders were often called upon to carry out executions in times of war.
24. The beheaders were an essential part of the kingdom's justice system, performing their duties with the utmost professionalism and dignity.
25. Many people feared the beheaders more than they feared death itself.
26. The beheaders were the embodiment of fear, striking terror into the hearts of all who saw them.
27. The beheaders were often the last thing that prisoners saw before their heads were separated from their bodies.
28. The beheaders were the most skilled and experienced executioners in the kingdom.
29. The beheaders were known for their stone-cold demeanor and their ability to carry out executions without any hint of emotion.
30. The beheaders were the guardians of the kingdom, ensuring that justice was served at all times.

Common Phases

1. The beheaders executed their plan flawlessly; heads rolled as they tore through the enemy's camp.
2. The infamous beheaders held no mercy for their victims; their reputation preceded them wherever they went.
3. The crowd gathered to witness the beheaders carry out their gruesome task; some watched with fascination while others looked away in horror.
4. The beheaders were known for their precision; they could decapitate a person with a single strike of their sword.
5. The beheaders showed no emotion as they carried out their duty; it was just another day's work for them.
6. The beheaders were feared by many, but respected by all; their strength and ferocity in battle was unmatched.
7. The beheaders stood tall and proud, their weapons at the ready; they were ready to face any challenge that came their way.
8. The village lived in constant fear of the beheaders; they prayed that they would never be on the receiving end of their deadly blades.
9. The beheaders moved swiftly and silently, like shadows in the night; their mission to eliminate the target was always accomplished.
10. The beheaders never showed any remorse for their actions; they considered themselves to be doing the work of the gods.

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