Belated example sentences
Related (4): late, delayed, overdue, tardy
belated (adjective)
- coming or happening later than should have been the case:
late, overdue, behindhand, delayed, tardy, unpunctual, early"Belated" Example Sentences
1. I offer my belated congratulations on your recent promotion.
2. He received many belated birthday cards after returning from his long trip.
3. I apologize for the belated reply to your email.
4. She gave him a belated Christmas present in January.
5. He sent a belated thank you note for the wedding gift.
6. They held a belated graduation party for their son when he got home from college.
7. The recognition came belatedly after many years of hard work.
8. Thanks for the belated birthday wishes!
9. The apology came belatedly, long after the damage had been done.
10. His belated realization filled him with regret.
11. The climax arrived belatedly in the third act of the play.
12. The discoveries, though belated, were nonetheless thrilling.
13. The belated news caused us much disappointment.
14. The belated payment incurred an expensive late fee.
15. After a belated start, I finally got caught up to schedule.
16. The belated holiday cards finally arrived in the new year.
17. She gave him a belated Christmas gift in January.
18. My belated birthday gift was warmly received.
19. The belated revelation came as quite a shock.
20. Despite its belated arrival, the package was still appreciated.
21. The belatedwakeup call nearly made me late for my appointment.
22. The long-awaited discovery finally came but belatedly.
23. The conclusion came belatedly after years of fruitless searching.
24. His belated entrance disrupted the ceremony.
25. Thanks for the belated but no less meaningful expression of sympathy.
26. Her belated insight unfortunately came too late to prevent disaster.
27. The reporter vowed to break the belated story as soon as possible.
28. I made a belated realization about the danger I had been in.
29. The belated response upset me deeply.
30. I offered my condolences in a belated but heartfelt message.
31. The pay raise came belatedly after years of good work.
32. The storm caused a belated cancellation of the sporting event.
33. Despite the belated delivery, the gift was still appreciated.
34. The trick-or-treaters came belatedly on November 1.
35. The movie had a belated but happy ending.
36. The praise arrived belatedly but was nonetheless gratifying.
37. The decision came belatedly after much discussion and debate.
38. I made a belated apology for my thoughtless remarks.
39. My belated reaction to the danger nearly proved disastrous.
40. The student submitted her paper after the belated due date.
41. The belated warning barely allowed us time to escape.
42. The belated call came after the office had already closed.
43. The belatedfunding finally allowed the project to move forward.
44. The belated payment avoided incurring a late fee.
45. I offered my belated thanks for your timely rescue.
46. The belated blooms of spring surprised us with their beauty.
47. His belated reply meant missing the important meeting.
48. After a belated start, I finally caught up to where I needed to be.
49. I received a belated Happy Birthday phone call from an old friend.
50. The belated fashion trend finally caught on after a slow start.
51. The belated Christmas decorations went up in early January.
52. The belated flowers failed to arrive in time for the celebration.
53. His belated completion of the project earned him a reprimand.
54. She came belatedly to the realization of her mistakes.
55. They served the belated meal long after everyone was starved.
56. The unjust punishment came belatedly after the facts had finally come to light.
57. The belated rupture of the volcano caused widespread destruction and loss of life.
58. Despite her belated understanding, she was unable to make amends.
59. Her belated submission of the assignment earned her a failing grade.
60. The belated revelation changed everything but came far too late.
Common Phases
1. Please accept my belated congratulations on your wedding.
2. I offer you my belated condolences on the loss of your father.
3. He gave her a belated birthday gift.
4. I sent him a belated thank you note for the Christmas present.
5. She received a belated apology for the misunderstanding.
6. I gave him a belated welcome to the company.
7. I gave her a belated happy birthday call.
8. She opened her belated birthday present with joy.
9. I wish you a belated happy new year.
10. My belated retirement party was still a happy occasion.
11. The belated results were still anxiously awaited.
12. The belated package finally arrived in the mail.
13. His belated reply came as a disappointment.
14. Her heartfelt but belated lament finally brought her peace.
15. I finally gave her the belated raise she deserved.
16. The belated payment finally arrived in the mail.
17. His belated attempts to fix things only made it worse.
18. Her belated admission of guilt brought some closure.
19. The belated notification left her unprepared.
20. The belated explanation still didn't make much sense.
21. I offered my belated sympathies to the grieving family.
22. Her belated understanding finally brought her peace.
23. His belated realization came too little, too late.
24. Her belated dissatisfaction with the job threatened her progress.
25. Despite being belated, the gesture was still received with gratitude.
26. The belated celebration still had an air of joyfulness.
27. The belated praise meant more coming so long after the fact.
28. We finally received the belated refund for our wasted time.
29. His belated recall of the event brought her closure.
30. I gave her a belated farewell gift upon her departure.
31. The belated flowers brightened her day.
32. The belated announcement threw a wrench in our plans.
33. Her belated recognition finally arrived.
34. His belated action felt half-hearted and insincere.
35. The belated invitation came too late.
36. The belated news was still disruptive.
37. The belated rain damaged the crops.
38. The belated apology did little to ease tensions.
39. His belated regrets changed nothing.
40. Her belated reaction left her behind.
41. Their belated response made the offer void.
42. She gave them her belated blessing.
43. The belated verdict was still emotionally charged.
44. The belated memo caused confusion.
45. The belated discovery could no longer be of use.
46. The belated e-mail missed its intended impact.
47. The belated essay received a lower grade.
48. The belated promise fell flat.
49. His belated entry disrupted the performance.
50. Their belated homework earned them detention.
51. Her belated refusal caused logistical issues.
52. The belated letter brought her joy nonetheless.
53. The belated delivery delayed our plans.
54. She sent her belated reply via urgent post.
55. The belated preparation left them disorganized.
56. Her belated understanding came with peace.
57. The belated wish fell short.
58. The belated gift brought a smile to her face.
59. His belated celebration rang hollow.
60. The belated revelation changed everything.
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