Belayed example sentences

Related (5): carabiners, harnesses, anchors, climbers, knots

"Belayed" Example Sentences

1. The climber belayed his partner as she made her way up the steep rock face.
2. I have never belayed before, so it will take me some time to learn the ropes.
3. The experienced mountain guide belayed both climbers safely to the top of the peak.
4. You must always belay your partner when rock climbing to prevent accidents.
5. He belayed the rope with precision, keeping his partner safe from harm.
6. The belayed rope provided a strong anchor for the climbers to hold onto.
7. By belaying the rope, the guide helped the climbers make their way up the cliff.
8. Belaying requires skill and practice, but it's an essential part of rock climbing.
9. She belayed the rope through a carabiner to ensure her partner's safety during the climb.
10. The climber trusted her partner to belay her as she ascended the difficult route.
11. The belayed rope kept the climbers from falling off the steep face of the mountain.
12. Belaying is an important technique for anyone who wants to climb mountains.
13. The instructor demonstrated the proper way to belay the rope for the novice climbers.
14. The belayed line held firm even as the climbers pulled themselves up the rocky wall.
15. He belayed the rope carefully, double-checking every knot before they began the ascent.
16. The belayed line allowed the climbers to rest and catch their breath before continuing upward.
17. Belaying can be challenging, but it's crucial for the safety of everyone on the climb.
18. She belayed the rope tightly, her hands perspiring with the effort of holding onto it.
19. The experienced belayers kept the climbers safe and secure during the ascent.
20. Belaying is not a skill to be taken lightly—it can mean the difference between life and death.
21. The novice climber struggled to learn the proper technique for belaying the rope.
22. The guide belayed the rope expertly, and soon both climbers were safely at the top.
23. Belaying is a critical part of the climbing process, requiring focus and attention to detail.
24. She belayed her partner cautiously, inching the rope forward one step at a time.
25. The belayed rope provided a lifeline for the climbers as they worked their way to the summit.
26. He carefully belayed the rope, knowing that his partner's life depended on it.
27. Without proper belaying, the climbers would have been in danger of falling off the cliff.
28. The belayed rope was the only thing keeping them from plummeting down the sheer rock face.
29. Belaying requires strength and stamina, but it's worth it to keep everyone safe.
30. The climbers trusted their belayer completely, knowing that he would keep them safe no matter what.

Common Phases

"Off belay!"; "Take!"; "Belay on!"; "Climbing!"; "Watch me!"; "Lowering!"; "I'm safe!"; "Slack!"; "Tension!"; "Clip in!"; "On belay!"; "I'm up!"; "Anchor's set!"; "Rope free!"; "Locked off!"; "Good catch!"; "I'm down!"; "Hold tight!"; "Climb when ready!"; "Ready to lower!"; "Rappelling!"; "Anchor's clean!"; "Tension me!"; "Off rappel!"; "Anchor's equalized!"; "Climb on!"; "I'm at the bolt!"; "Lower away!"; "I'm off the wall!"; "Secure!"; "I'm at the anchor!"; "Take me off belay!"; "Anchor's solid!"; "I'm on the ground!"; "Got me!"; "Clip and go!"; "Good job belaying!"; "I'm at the top!"; "Belaying as needed!"; "Off safety!"; "Ready to climb!"; "Controlled fall!"; "Going for the send!"; "Ready to clean!"; "On the move!"; "Ready for the traverse!"; "Beta please!"; "Anchor's unsafe, take me off belay!"; "I'm in position!"; "Going for a dyno!"; "Anchor's backed up!"; "That was a close one!"; "I'm topping out!"; "Belay off!"

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