Believing example sentences
Related (10): faith, trust, conviction, acceptance, confidence, credence, reliance, assurance, certitude, certainty
believing (present participle)
- accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of:
- accept the statement of (someone) as true:
- have faith, especially religious faith:
- feel sure that someone is capable of doing something:
- hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose:
trust, accept, credit, swallow, buy, disbelieve, devout, pious, reverent, believing, godly, dutiful, saintly, holy, prayerful, churchgoing, practicing, faithful, devoted, committed, atheistic, irreverent, think, imagine, feel, hold, maintain, suspect, suppose, assume, presume, conjecture, surmise, conclude, deduce, understand, gather, fancy, guess, figure, reckon, ween, doubt, Legal"Believing" Example Sentences
1. I had a hard time believing his story.
2. Despite believing in her abilities, she struggled with self-confidence.
3. Believing in yourself is the first step to achieving your goals.
4. The boy kept believing in Santa Claus even after his friends stopped.
5. The scientific data convinced him, changing his mind from disbelieving to believing.
6. His proclamation was so bold it required believing without seeing.
7. She left the relationship, no longer believing they had a future together.
8. The witness testimony, though believable, was not sufficient for him to start believing.
9. People across the country were believing and spreading the false rumor.
10. Sally stopped believing in the tooth fairy when she found the money in her mother's purse.
11. He refused to give up believing that one day luck would change his fortune.
12. Despite the evidence, a large portion of the population still refuses to believe in climate change.
13. Their religious faith required believing in things unseen.
14. After years of therapy, she started believing she was worthy of love.
15. The police officer had difficulty believing the young boy's fantastical story.
16. By believing in yourself, you tap into your own natural resources of talent, strength and wisdom.
17. He stopped believing in the inherently good nature of humanity after witnessing so much evil.
18. Having an open mind requires suspending judgment and believing possibilities rather than facts.
19. She spent her life believing in and doing good for others.
20. Believing the lie caused him to make a grave error in judgment.
21. The theory required believing that things invisible to the eye determined our destiny.
22. While everyone else believed the theory, he refused to accept it without proof.
23. The coach started believing in his players' ability to win after their recent victory.
24. After years of believing her lies, he learned not to take her at her word.
25. The jurors found the witness testimony believable enough to start believing the defendant's story.
26. Without believing in yourself, you're bound to fail.
27. Though she tried believing him, she knew deep down he was not being honest.
28. Believing herself a failure, she did not even attempt the difficult task.
29. The faulty data convinced him for a time, but he eventually stopped believing its conclusions.
30. Their religious faith required believing in an unseen creator.
31. His passionate argument was so convincing that before long everyone started believing his theory.
32. Believing they were unimportant, she overlooked many of life's simple pleasures.
33. The circumstantial evidence was not enough to make him start believing her story.
34. Instead of believing gossip, she waited for facts before passing judgment.
35. Despite barely believing in himself, others saw great potential within him.
36. The philosophy required believing in a higher power guiding the universe.
37. The doctor initially had a hard time believing the patient's strange symptoms.
38. It took a long time and therapy before she started believing she was worthy of love.
39. Though he tried his best to make her believe, she refused to start believing his lies.
40. The idea that some people still believe the Earth is flat is difficult to believe.
41. Realizing his mistake caused him to start disbelieving everything else he had been told.
42. She started believing she was worth caring for only after someone showed her unconditional love.
43. Without believing any promise is true, we should demand evidence before believing.
44. The detective had a hard time believing the defendant's seemingly innocent act was coincidental.
45. Believing he had nothing to lose, the gambler risked it all on one final bet.
46. Despite the scientific evidence, many still refused to start believing in evolution.
47. Believing that everything happens for a reason brought her comfort during hard times.
48. As a kid, she loved believing in the magic and mystery of the world.
49. Once you start believing in yourself, there will be no stopping you.
50. Believing everyone has good within them allows us to see the humanity in others.
51. The child believed whatever his parents told him without question.
52. Believing she didn't have enough talent, she didn't bother auditioning for the play.
53. Though the evidence seemed compelling, he remained skeptical, not quite ready to start believing.
54. Without first believing you are enough, no amount of praise or validation from others will satisfy you.
55. After a long life of believing he would amount to nothing, success came as a surprise.
56. The best way to start believing in yourself is to act as if you already do.
57. Believing he was too old to achieve his dream, he gave up before even trying.
58. I decided to stop believing everything I was told and think critically for myself.
59. When you believe in yourself, you'll become unstoppable.
60. Believing he had messed up for good this time, he prepared for the worst.
Common Phases
1. Believe in yourself.
2. Actions speak louder than words.
3. As you sow, so shall you reap.
4. The truth shall set you free.
5. Where there's a will, there's a way.
6. Don't judge a book by its cover.
7. Practice makes perfect.
8. Good things come to those who wait.
9. Knowledge is power.
10. Better safe than sorry.
11. No pain, no gain.
12. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
13. It's never too late.
14. Easier said than done.
15. Life is short.
16. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
17. Rome wasn't built in a day.
18. Look before you leap.
19. What goes around comes around.
20. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
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