Credit example sentences

Related (5): loan, debit, interest, balance, creditworthiness

"Credit" Example Sentences

1. They received credit for their work.
2. He bought the appliances on credit.
3. Her creative ideas were given little credit.
4. Please give me some credit, I'm not an idiot!
5. The bank issued him a credit card.
6. They extended him a line of credit.
7. The credit bureaus track your payment history.
8. His credit score was good enough to get the loan.
9. She built up a lot of credit card debt.
10. She maxed out her line of credit.
11. He finally managed to pay off all his credit card balances.
12. I gave him full credit for the idea.
13. She has good credit which allows her to get loans easily.
14. I don't want any credit, just enjoy the cookies I baked!
15. Be sure to put me down as a credit on your paper.
16. Her jewelry store offered in-store credit plans.
17. I used my credit card rewards points to buy a new phone.
18. They received a tax credit for adopting a child.
19. The credit union offered competitive loan rates.
20. Please credit my account at once.
21. Her good credit score allowed her to rent the apartment.
22. I need more time to pay off my credit card bill.
23. My credit report shows no negative marks.
24. They get credit for saving money by using coupons.
25. She paid the bill in full to maintain a good credit score.
26. She couldn't rent the car due to poor credit.
27. He had excellent credit which made getting loans easy.
28. I gave her full credit for coming up with the idea.
29. He built up a lot of credit card debt paying for college.
30. Their credit limit was too low to cover the purchase.
31. They extended my line of credit to cover the purchase.
32. The business took out a line of credit to cover expenses.
33. Bad credit makes it difficult to get loans or credit cards.
34. He had to take out a personal loan due to poor credit.
35. The advertisement claimed to help improve your credit score.
36. Their credit allowed them to buy the house they wanted.
37. Their credit score was too low for mortgage approval.
38. She applied for a lower interest credit card.
39. Their credit union offered affordable rates on loans.
40. They received a cashback credit for returning the item.
41. He couldn't rent an apartment due to bad credit.
42. I transferred the balance to a zero% interest credit card.
43. His credit history showed he always paid his bills on time.
44. She built up credit card debt paying for medical expenses.
45. They extended her the courtesy of more time to pay.
46. I credited the success of the project to the whole team.
47. I paid my credit card bill in full and on time.
48. My credit report contained several errors that needed correcting.
49. They received an education tax credit for their college costs.
50. He applied for a higher credit limit on his credit card.
51. Their credit allowed them to buy a bigger house.
52. Bad credit prevented them from renting an apartment.
53. The actor deserved credit for the movie's success.
54. They credited the safety invention for saving lives.
55. Her credit score wasn't high enough to rent the car.
56. The credit union offered competitive rates on loans and savings.
57. His glowing credit report allowed him to get a good mortgage.
58. She owed credit card debt to several different companies.
59. I fully credited her for coming up with the amazing idea.
60. Bad credit prevented him from qualifying for the loan.

Common Phases

1. I paid for the dinner with my credit card.
2. Business owners often rely on credit to buy supplies and equipment.
3. The bank issued me a credit line of $10,000.
4. Credit allows consumers to buy now and pay later.
5. She built up excellent credit over the years.
6. They gave her full credit for the idea.
7. His grades improved after his parents gave him credit for trying his best.
8. I had to apply for a credit increase on my account.
9. They offered me 0% interest for 12 months on credit card purchases.
10. Interest rates on credit cards are typically higher than other forms of financing.
11. He has over $20,000 in credit card debt that he struggles to pay off.
12. I received a credit for that purchase since it arrived damaged.
13. The bank denied me a loan due to poor credit history.
14. Her credit score dropped after she missed a payment.
15. They extended her an additional $1,000 in credit.
16. Everyone said they contribute to the project's success but I gave him all the credit.
17. She needs to build up her credit rating before qualifying for a mortgage loan.
18. She did most of the work but didn't want any credit for it.
19. Paying your credit card bills on time helps improve your score over time.
20. The credit reporting agencies collect data from lenders to determine your credit score.
21. Their credit score improved after they paid off some of their debt.
22. I charged the airline ticket to my credit card and paid it off immediately.
23. He fell behind on his credit card payments and his account got canceled.
24. The company gave me a salary advance against my future commissions as a line of credit.
25. She quickly maxed out the credit limit on her new credit card.
26. I needed a cosigner to get more credit.
27. They applied for a mortgage but were turned down due to insufficient credit history.
28. Credit repair companies claim they can fix your credit report but often charge a lot of money for limited results.
29. I used most of my available credit each month on my credit card.
30. Her credit history suffered when she defaulted on a student loan.
31. Extending a line of credit to someone is a risk for a lender.
32. I had to pay a credit card finance charge for carrying a balance.
33. He took credit for all my ideas in the meeting.
34. She wanted to establish some credit before applying for her first credit card.
35. The credit reporting agencies publish credit scores based on your credit history.
36. The credit card company charged me an interest rate of 18% annually on unpaid balances.
37. Using a credit card responsibly can help build credit over time.
38. I'm trying to pay down my credit card debt and save more money.
39. She received a credit notification that her limit had been raised.
40. They gave her full credit in the acknowledgements section of the paper.
41. I paid the bill in full to avoid incurring any credit card interest.
42. They put a credit hold on my account after I missed a payment.
43. I had to open a secured credit card to establish some credit history.
44. She got a credit line increase after proving she could handle the higher limit responsibly.
45. Credit scores factor in the amount of existing debt relative to available credit limits.
46. He receives credit for coming up with the original research idea.
47. She built her credit history from scratch after immigrating to the country.
48. I credited my manager for mentoring me and giving good advice.
49. They earn loyalty rewards and cash back based on the credit card spending.
50. Interest rates on credit cards are often double digit percentages.
51. We awarded her full credit for her contributions to the project.
52. Factors that influence your credit score include payment history and account balances.
53. They took out a credit line from the bank to purchase new equipment.
54. I used most of my available credit each month when I was younger and had trouble paying it off.
55. She improved her credit by paying off collection accounts listed on her credit report.
56. I credited them with much of the success of the business venture.
57. He maxed out his credit cards and then declared bankruptcy.
58. Checking your credit report regularly helps catch any errors that negatively impact your credit score.
59. She built up a positive credit history by always paying off credit balances in full each month for years.
60. The credit score is an important factor lenders consider when evaluating loan applications.

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