Bema example sentences

Related (5): stage, platform, pulpit, podium, dais

"Bema" Example Sentences

1. She walked to the bema to receive her award.
2. The honored guests were seated on the bema.
3. The speaker stood on the bema and addressed the congregation.
4. The rabbi stood at the bema to give his sermon.
5. The graduates processed up to the bema to receive their diplomas.
6. The winner strode triumphantly to the bema to accept the trophy.
7. He mounted the bema to deliver his powerful speech.
8. They gathered around the bema to hear the announcement.
9. The president walked up the steps to the bema at the State of the Union address.
10. She came forward to the bema to recite her poem.
11. The student climbed the steps of the bema to give their valedictorian speech.
12. The professor stood on the bema to lecture the class.
13. The graduates lined up behind the bema, waiting to receive their degrees.
14. The jury sat in the sectioned-off bema during the trial.
15. The choirmaster led the group from the bema.
16. He approached the bema to give his Nobel acceptance speech.
17. They gathered around the bema as the winner was announced.
18. She took her place on the bema to address the crowd.
19. The judge sat on the bema in the courtroom.
20. The nominees waited behind the bema for the announcement.
21. The witness was sworn in from the bema.
22. The minister delivered the sermon from the bema.
23. The actors took their places on the bema to perform the play.
24. The jury filed into their seats in the bema.
25. They crowded around the bema at the town meeting.
26. The rabbi delivered an invocation from the bema in the synagogue.
27. The bema was reserved for those in positions of honor or authority.
28. The bishop presided over communion from the bema in the cathedral.
29. The players lined up behind the bema, waiting to collect their medals.
30. The contestants gathered behind the bema for the award ceremony.
31. Members of the congregation sat facing the bema in the sanctuary.
32. The bema provided an elevated platform from which to address the room.
33. The orator boomed out his speech from the bema to the assembled crowd.
34. The elders sat on the bema in the village meeting hall.
35. The candidates for ordination knelt before the bema.
36. He strode purposefully to the bema to deliver his inaugural address.
37. Some of the disciples sat with Jesus on the bema during the Last Supper.
38. The bema marked a ceremonial or honored place in an ancient arena or church.
39. The victors ascended the bema to receive their crowns of laurel leaves.
40. The preacher climbed the steps of the bema to deliver the Sunday sermon.
41. The honor guard stood at attention beside the bema.
42. The prisoner was led up to the bema to hear the verdict and sentence.
43. The elder statesman stepped up to the bema to give his farewell speech.
44. The runners gathered behind the bema, awaiting the start of the race.
45. The novelist accepted her prize from the bema at the award ceremony.
46. He took his place on the bema and delivered an impassioned speech.
47. The ancient Romans staged gladiatorial combat in arenas with a central bema.
48. People gathered in the aisles facing the bema during an important announcement.
49. The winners were called up to the bema one by one.
50. The council elders sat in a semi-circle on the bema.
51. The judge descended from the bema after delivering the verdict.
52. The bema was a platform from which authority figures could be seen by all.
53. Candidates were called before the bema for examination and testing.
54. The actor took a bow from the bema after the final curtain.
55. The leaders met on the bema to discuss important community matters.
56. The old oak bema had weathered many a fierce speech and sermon.
57. The victorious general ascended the bema in his triumphal procession.
58. The enthusiastic crowd cheered the winners on the bema.
59. The retired diplomat stepped up onto the bema to give a farewell address.
60. The jury came down from the bema with their verdict.

Common Phases

1. He stood upon the bema and addressed the crowd.
2. The bema was an elevated platform from where politicians and orators spoke.
3. The judge ascended the bema to deliver his verdict.
4. In ancient Greek theaters, the bema was where actors performed.
5. The bema of ancient churches was a raised platform from where the scriptures were read and sermons preached.
6. The apostle Paul stood upon the bema and preached to the people of Athens.
7. The Roman Forum had a bema from where politicians gave speeches.
8. The high bema of the synagogue allowed the rabbi to preach God's word.
9. The Greek athletes received their crowns of laurel upon the sacred bema.
10. The tribune's bema in the marketplace gave him a position of authority above the Roman citizens.
11. She nervously ascended the bema to receive her diploma in front of the gathered crowd.
12. The professor was seated at a small bema at the front of the lecture hall.
13. The candidates stood side by side upon the bema awaiting the announcement of the election results.
14. The pulpit acted as a bema for preaching the gospel message.
15. Spectators gathered in the theater to watch the athletes receive their rewards upon the bema.
16. The jury filed into the courtroom and took their seats below the judge's bema.
17. The school principal stood upon the bema and addressed the students at assembly.
18. The bema of the ancient basilica church was a platform from which the scriptures were chanted and sermons preached.
19. The old wooden pulpit in the church acted as a bema, elevating the preacher above the congregation.
20. The gladiators fought beneath Caesar's bema in the colosseum for his entertainment.
21. The town criers spoke from the bema in the market square to announce important news.
22. The university chancellor was seated upon a bema at the front of the hall for the graduation ceremony.
23. The plaintiffs and defendants stood before the judge on the bema to state their cases.
24. The actors performed in front of the bema in the Greek theater.
25. Gifts were distributed to the people from the magistrates' bema in Roman times.
26. The mayor addressed the crowd from the bema in the town square.
27. The raised dais or platform functioned as a bema in medieval churches.
28. Victors in the athletic games received their prizes upon the sacred bema.
29. The bishop sat enthroned upon the bema during church services.
30. The general addressed his troops from the bema overlooking the parade ground.
31. The local clergyman preached his weekly sermon from the small wooden bema in the village chapel.
32. The Roman emperor watched the gladiators fight from his bema in the colosseum.
33. The magistrates made proclamations and handed out judgments from their bema.
34. The litigants faced the judge and addressed the court from below the judicial bema.
35. The students watched in awe as the professor ascended the bema to begin the lecture.
36. The bema formed a visual and hierarchical separation between speaker and audience.
37. Early Christians modeled the bema of their churches after the bema in ancient synagogues.
38. In the Roman basilica, the bema was used as a judgment seat for magistrates.
39. Actors performed in the orchesta in front of the bema in ancient Greek theaters.
40. The teacher stood on the bema to gain the attention of her students in the classroom.
41. Convicts stood chained before the judge's bema, awaiting their punishment.
42. The town crier addressed the townsfolk from the bema in the market square.
43. Jesus preached from bemas in synagogues throughout Judea.
44. The ceremonial throne acted as a bema for the king in medieval times.
45. The bishop's cathedra in early churches functioned as a bema.
46. The president delivered an important speech from the bema of the Senate chamber.
47. The bard spoke stirring verses from the bema in the great hall.
48. The priest blessed the congregation from the bema in the apse of the church.
49. The elevated reading desk acted as a bema for the cantor in the synagogue.
50. The raised platform in the center of the hall functioned as a bema for speakers.
51. The gladiators fought beneath Caesar's bema in the coliseum.
52. The litigants faced the judge from below the lofty bema.
53. The prophets and psalmists spoke from the bema in the Temple at Jerusalem.
54. The trophies of athletic victory were displayed upon the sacred bema.
55. The academic dean read the rolls of honor from the bema at commencement.
56. The elevated pulpit in the mosque acted as a bema for the imam.
57. The choir directed the congregation from the bema in the apse.
58. The podium served as a modern equivalent of an ancient bema.
59. The bema allowed orators to address large crowds gathered in marketplace or forum.
60. The politicians vied for favor from the bema in the Roman basilica.

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