Better example sentences

Related (5): improved, superior, enhanced, advanced, finer

"Better" Example Sentences

1. You need to eat better to improve your health.
2. I feel much better after a good night's sleep.
3. I did better on the test than I expected.
4. With practice, you'll get better at playing the guitar.
5. The economy is getting better but slowly.
6. I think Romeo would be a better match for her.
7. Kids nowadays have better access to education.
8. Life is better when you have good friends.
9. Things always seem better in hindsight.
10. You look better with shorter hair.
11. The second attempt at the project turned out better.
12. The teacher was hoping for better grades from the class.
13. The patients are better but still need monitoring.
14. Exercise and a healthy diet will make you feel better.
15. The new medication is working better for him.
16. We did much better on the final exam.
17. The performance was better than expected.
18. He handles difficult situations much better now.
19. You'll sleep better if you avoid screens before bed.
20. Apples keep better in the fridge.
21. She sang the song better than I could have.
22. I understand the concept much better now.
23. Your attitude will make you feel better or worse.
24. She deals with stress and anxiety much better now.
25. We have a better chance of winning if we try harder.
26. The teacher hopes the students can do better next time.
27. Practice will make you better at anything.
28. Better late than never, as they say.
29. Your odds of surviving are much better with treatment.
30. An early nights sleep always makes me feel better.
31. I wish we could get along better.
32. None of the options seem particularly better.
33. The pain has gotten a little better today.
34. I need to focus better in order to improve.
35. A positive attitude always makes things better.
36. The second attempt turned out much better.
37. The new flu medicine seems to work better.
38. I handle stressful situations much better now.
39. He sounded better on the phone today.
40. A good night's rest should make you feel better.
41. Things are looking up and getting better each day.
42. The medicine is starting to work a little better.
43. The revised proposal was much better received.
44. In time, things will get better, you'll see.
45. Getting enough sleep helps you cope better.
46. Hopefully I'll test better next time.
47. The flowers keep better in water, not plastic.
48. I understand the concepts much better now.
49. None of the options seem particularly better.
50. Hopefully things will start looking up and getting better.
51. We need to communicate better if we're going to solve this.
52. I'm sure you'll do better next time, with practice.
53. An apple a day keeps the doctor away and fruit keeps better.
54. The new manager handles stress and conflicts much better.
55. The revised report was received much better.
56. With time and practice, you'll perform the job better.
57. Hopefully the medication starts working a bit better soon.
58. Exercise and a good diet will make you feel so much better.
59. I handled that situation much better than I thought I would.
60. A good night's rest will help you perform tasks better tomorrow.

Common Phases

1. I feel much better after taking some medicine.
2. He has a better chance of winning the race than I do.
3. Do you think this coat would look better in blue or black?
4. You have to study hard if you want to do better on the test.
5. Exercise and a healthy diet will make you feel better.
6. Better late than never.
7. I have to try better next time.
8. I think the park has gotten better after the recent renovations.
9. I need a better paying job to support my family.
10. His writing has gotten much better lately.
11. We should plan things out better for our next trip.
12. You can't do any worse, so you might as well try to do better.
13. It would be better if we leave earlier to avoid traffic.
14. Why don't you sleep in tomorrow and feel better?
15. She had a better attitude after taking some time for herself.
16. Practice makes perfect, so with time your skills will get better.
17. Without traffic, the drive would have been better.
18. She performed much better under pressure than I thought she would.
19. The weather is supposed to get better later this week.
20. Let's think of a better solution that works for everyone.
21. I played better when I wasn't so nervous.
22. Things will get better with time.
23. It's better to be safe than sorry.
24. For better or for worse, I will always be there for you.
25. Things could always be better.
26. I'll feel better once this project is finished.
27. Many hands make light work, so the more help we get, the better.
28. You have to take better care of yourself.
29. I enjoyed the movie, but the book was even better.
30. Life will go on and things will get better.
31. Talk to someone, it will make you feel better.
32. I need to find a job that pays better.
33. Tom is better than Dick at playing the guitar.
34. Better safe than sorry!
35. Better late than never.
36. All's well that ends better.
37. Knowing is better than wondering.
38. A stitch in time saves nine, so we need to plan things better next time.
39. She did much better on the second test after studying harder.
40. It would be better if you called before coming over.
41. I think red would look better on you.
42. That plan sounds much better than the first one we had.
43. I'm feeling a little better after getting some rest.
44. Make good decisions, they will lead to a better life.
45. Everything happens for a reason, and in time things will get better.
46. I have to do better if I want to pass the class.
47. It would be better if you stayed home from work today and rested.
48. The exercise made me feel so much better.
49. You deserve better than how you're being treated.
50. There are always things that could be better, but don't lose sight of what's good.
51. No news is better than bad news.
52. I did better on the test than I thought I would.
53. That was a better choice than the one I originally made.
54. A fall to earth is a rise to Heaven from a soul awake. (Emerson quote)
55. Haste makes waste, so we need to plan things out better next time.
56. I wish I had handled that situation better.
57. The kids will behave better if we set clear expectations.
58. Practice makes progress; progress leads to better performance.
59. It's always better to be kind than right.
60. Experience teaches you that what seems better usually is not.

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